2015-09-03 【Aiden in English】
It is the 3rd day of school. The class in the students is settling, drama is declining, and everyone is getting into their grove and place for the school year. Well, not me. Somehow, Mom seemed to miss the day my flight was booked to come home from Beijing, the 2nd day of school. Plus, I missed the orientation on August 31st, so it put me in the “Screwed” area. As bad as it looked, the situation had a bright side. I didn’t have to do on the 1st day, “Hey, let’s go around the circle to introduce ourselves” bullcrap. That was great, but the middle school has eight periods, which indicates eight different teachers. That also means eight times of “hey, uh, my name is Aiden and, uh, I sort of, uh… etc.” You got the point. For some reason, this year, I felt left out. For example, the table/group of friends was already set up at lunch, and I wasn’t there. You see, this summer I was too busy. I had to terminate all contact with my friends. Also, there were about a billion papers to sign. Hey, Aiden, here’s a physical form to fill out. Here’s a permission slip for Heath. Here’s a grading policy and a rule policy. Somewhere along the day, I stopped listening to the form and took it. Speaking of annoying, I wasn’t here for the past two days of school, which left me very behind on the supply topic. I needed five binders by the end of the week, and hey! Guess what?! That’s tomorrow. So, I had to get all the stuff here by tomorrow morning, but that was only the first issue. The real punch was thrown when I saw what I had to carry home. Each student had two textbooks: one at home and one at school. Today, my backpack was budging with 2 two-inch binders: my reading and geometry textbook, lunch box, instrument binder, and book. News flash, school board, it is not okay to torture kids. And my physical-ed teachers don’t say it’s good for upper body strength. Please wait until the days I have the band. That’s another considerable saxophone case to carry. To top this spectacular first day back, I have the worst issue with my locker. My combination is confusing. I’m not saying it, but let’s conclude that it has too many “three,” like four. I’ll survive the school year. At least, that’s what the teacher does all day. So, the middle school officially started, and nothing was too “official” about the matter. It’s tough, to say the least, but everyone else seems to do okay. Even though my schedule sucks, and I’m always late for lunch. Because of this, my backpack was too heavy, and I was at one of the last stops on the bus home. I’m forced to take the newspaper club and feel okay with it. 【红霞译】 今天是初二(即北宾州学区初中学校生涯头一年)开学第三天,教室里学生座位已安排妥当,突发状况日趋减少,每个人都为新学年做好了充分准备,显然我被排除在外。不知怎么搞的,妈妈误把我从北京返程机票订在开学第二天,害得我缺席八月卅一号开学典礼,基本上陷入“被冷落”的局面。
返校头一天最难缠特折腾人的事情要算开保险柜,密码数字组合复杂,这里暂且不便公开,这么说吧,中间有太多“三”,也许四个。一年过后,但愿我幸存无损,至少老师们一直安慰自己。 就这样,新学年初中学习生涯正式开启,不过迄今尚未真正接触任何“正式”的东西。简而言之,这一天过得非常不易,其它事项看起来马马虎虎。我的时间表被排得不可理喻,结果连吃午饭都要迟到;由于书包负荷过重,以至于放学回家我成了最后一位赶坐校车的学生。另外,我被强行拉入校报俱乐部,不过已经没有心思计较太多。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2014: Soccer Practice(足球训练) 2009: 算术─孩子的花销(Math on Raising Kids) 7th Grade Homeroom (初二点卯教室)
Posters of 7th Grade Homeroom (初二点卯教室·壁报)
Lockers (有锁存物柜) Crosslinks(相关博文): First Day of Sixth Grade(初一第一天) 小学第一天(First Day of Elementary School) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |