【Single Heart】
Qi AN (1969—) Single heart aches to be double, so it adds self to the purity of a river and the dawn of a garden. It learns Tao, round PAST for three, round NOW for three, and round FUTURE for three, along with the hour hand, heart on the palm Eyes closed as many years ago. It murmured It wrote until came the God named Happiness. Single heart made double Then back to single: Destiny turned around for one. Many years later it continues its Tao, Heart on palm, Eyes closed. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《单数的心》】 翟永明(1969生—) 单数的心渴望变成双数,于是它加入一条河的纯净 一个花园的曙光 它学会修炼 绕着过去走三圈 绕着现在走三圈 绕着未来走三圈,必须顺时针,手放在心上 眼睛闭上多年前它曾经这样 念过 写过直到一个叫做幸福的神来临 单数的心变成双数 再变成单数:命运走了一个轮回! 多年以后它继续修炼 手放在心上 眼睛闭上。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2019: Hangzhou—Road to Paradise, China(杭州—天堂之路) 2018: Marseille the Phocean City, France(法国马赛─太阳城)
2014: Two Summer Camps(两种夏令营)
2013: 水上派对(Pool Party @ Maplewood) 2012: Camp Report(夏令营简讯)
Bamboo-over-River Pavilion (水竹居 07-21-2019)
Pavilion where President Xi & Obama Tasted Chinese Green Tea together (习奥会品茶处 07-21-2019)
Guest House Bldg 1 (国宾馆一号楼) Guest House Bldg 3 (国宾馆三号楼 07-22-2019)
Guest House Building 5 (国宾馆·五号楼)
Guest House Building 6 for 2016 G20 Hangzhou Summit (国宾馆六号楼G20集团杭峰会所在地)
Chairman Mao's English Corner (毛泽东主席学英语处)
Constitution of the People's Republic of China (毛泽东赏雪处第一部《中华人民共和国宪法》在此起草)
Water Embroidery w/ Brocade in Cloud (水绣云锦 07-21-2019)
South Fishing Pavilion & Dawn Harbor Bridge (钓鱼台与晓港桥)
Dawn Harbor Bridge (晓港桥)
Zigzag Veranda w/ Tall Bamboo (南钓鱼台·曲廊修竹)
Small Bridge over the Running Water (小桥流水)
Dingjia Hill Cottage (丁家山农舍)
Unknown Pavillon @ Dingjia Hill (丁家山无名亭)
Whistle Pavilion @ Dingjia Hill (丁家山舒啸亭)
Joyful Pavilion (旷怡亭)
Thunder Peak Pagoda Viewed from Guest House (从国宾馆远眺雷峰塔)
Armed Policemen @ Lakeside (湖边武警)
Finest Garden Under Heaven (沙孟海“天下第一名园”)
Signing Place for China-US Joint Communique in 1972 (1972年《中美联合公报》在此签署)
Guest House Veranda (国宾馆长廊)
Courtyard of Bldg 8 (八号主楼·庭院)
Courtyard of Bldg 8 (八号主楼·庭院)
Courtyard of Bldg 8 (八号主楼·庭院)
Lotus Pond of Bldg 8 (八号主楼·莲花池)
Back Pool of Bldg 8 (八号主楼·后花池)
The Concourse of Bldg 8 (八号主楼·大厅) Fitness of Bldg 8 (八号主楼·健身房) Sunna of Bldg 8 (八号主楼·桑拿) Dining Hall of Bldg 8 (八号主楼·餐厅)
Lotus Pond (荷花池) Sacred Lotus Seed (莲籽)
Sacred Lotus (荷花)
Pickerelweed (梭鱼草)
Beach Spider Lily (水鬼蕉)
Sacred Lotus & Seed Head (荷花与莲蓬)
Pygmy Water-Lily (睡莲)
Powdery Alligator-Flag (再力花)
Lotus Seed Head & Cape Gooseberry (藕篷与菇娘)
Slogans @ Dingjia Hill (丁家山标语)
Crosslinks(相关博文): China(出游中国) 10th Grade(高中二年级) |