【Aiden in English】 Finally, I returned to the sports camp at LCHS. Without hesitation, I left the learning, singing, and dancing behind. Now, sports are on the menu, and I don't have time for those things the girls love the most. At the Chinese school's summer camp, boys had fewer activities. Reading or learning was number one, and having fun always came second. In contrast, other than not dehydrating, fun became the most important thing here. And when we have fun, we play like there is a school tomorrow. Reading and learning are unheard of. In addition, the Chinese camp wasn't as rough as LCHS'. Here, a few bruises or cuts aren't anything significant. I was a little sore at Chinese summer camp and ended up sitting alone, so I don't think the Chinese summer camp would fit any boys. Boys are meant to get hurt—no pain, no gain. We should probably find courage and not get overprotected. If we don't grow as boys like LCHS, there is a problem. 【红霞译】
终于,我又回到了兰斯代尔天主教高中运动夏令营,立刻将学习、唱歌、跳舞统统置之脑后。如今运动主导一切,我根本没有时间顾及那些让女孩们欢呼雀跃的玩艺。 中文学校主办的夏令营供男生选择的娱乐项目有限,读书学习一向首当其冲,趣味性活动永远占据第二位。相反,在运动夏令营里,只要身体尚未出现失水虚脱,趣味性活动绝对成为头等大事,我们玩到乐不思蜀,不仅学校遥不可及,而且读书宛若天方夜谭,闻所未闻。 还有一点,中文学校不像兰斯代尔天主教高中那样在意阳刚之气。在运动夏令营,磕出点青划破点皮算不了什么﹔而中文夏令营则不同,只要稍感不适就要坐下来休息,这就是为什么我觉得男生不大适合如此娇气的氛围。 男孩应勇于面对碰壁,一分磨难,一分收获。我们要长大成人,因此不该过分受到呵护。如果不能像兰斯代尔天主教高中培养我们成为男子汉大丈夫,其中必有问题。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: 水上派对(Pool Party @ Maplewood) 2012: Camp Report(夏令营简讯) 
Gertrude Hawk Chocolates (矛鹰巧克力店 07-19-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |