2023-06-06 National Yo-Yo Day 【Sketch of the Ultimate Politician (1947)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) He is the final builder of the total building, The final dreamer of the total dream, Or will be. Building and dream are one.
There is a total building and there is A total dream. There are words of this, Words, in a storm, that beat around the shapes.
There is a storm much like the crying of the wind, Words that come out of us like words within, That have rankled for many lives and made no sound.
He can hear them, like people on the walls, Running in the rises of common speech, Crying as that speech falls as if to fail.
There is a building stands in a ruinous storm, A dream interrupted out of the past, From beside us, from where we have yet to live. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《最佳政治家素描》(1947)】 异乡人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 他是整栋大楼收尾的工匠, 终极理想最后的追梦者, 或将变成。建筑和心愿融为一体。
整栋大楼与 终极理想。描述同一事物, 措辞,在暴风雨中,变幻多样。
暴风雨酷似大风呼啸, 听起来心口如一的话语, 让人五味杂陈且悄无声息。
他会倾听,就像骑墙派, 拿捏公众演讲游刃有余, 哀泣失言好比天塌一般。
大楼矗立在毁灭性暴风雨之中, 过去搁浅的理想, 就在我们身边,还有亟待生活的地方。 【注】今年五月以来,加拿大森林山火已燎原了魁北克、卑诗、新苏格兰等三省,而这两天偏巧美国东北部海岸外出现低压系统,它将烟雾吸入包括纽约至大费城在内的地区,于是晌午过后,不祥的橙色阴霾便把太阳熏成了咸蛋黄。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Crystal Cave, PA(宾州水晶洞) 2010: 幸运兔游明信片(Felix the Rabbit Traveling Postcard) Marie's Octagon House @ Monticello, KY (草地州小山城·海之星八角屋 06-15-1991) My Old Kentucky Home @ Bardstown, KY (草地州吟游诗人城·《我的草地老家》06-06-1992) Play Poke 80 in 2 Sets @ Yan's House, SC (南自由者州雁儿家·打两副牌80分 06-05-1993) The Mayflower II @ Plymouth Harbor, a Faithful Replica of the Original Mayflower, MA (大山旁州停泊在李树农场海港的“五月花二号”·原始五月花的忠实复制品 06-02-1994) 17-Mile Drive on the Monterey Peninsula, CA (火炉州皇家山半岛·17英里路 06-02-1995) Anderson's Promenade in Copenhegen, Denmark (丹麦首都商港市·作家“狮子侠”滨海步行大道 06-11-1996) Pizza Hut @ Edison, NJ (新州富卫城·意大利饼店 06-07-1997) Get-together @ Yun-Lin's Apt, NYC (纽约云—林公寓聚会 06-26-1998) China vs. Australia for Women World Soccer Cup @ Giants Stadium, NJ (新州巨人体育场世界杯女子足球赛·中国队—澳大利亚队角逐 06-26-1999) Granville Island in Vancouver, Canada (加拿大奶牛涉河市·大城岛 06-15-2000) Central Jersey Farm @ Branchburg, NJ (新州支流堡镇·草岛州中部农场 06-07-2001) Misty Fjords in Pacific Ocean (太平洋雾罩峡湾 06-30-2002) 4-Mo-Old Baby Sitting @ Home, NJ (新州本家·四月大的婴儿学会坐立 06-24-2003) Toddler-I @ Tree House of Philly Zoo (费城动物园树屋·小幼儿生 06-20-2004) Toddler-II Adjustment @ Upper Gwynedd Child Learning Ctr (UGCLC), PA (宾州快乐上城幼儿园·大幼儿生适应新班环境 06-23-2005) Preschool-I @ Tye Dye Party of UGCLC, PA (宾州快乐上城幼儿园扎染聚会·小幼童生 06-14-2006) Preschool-II @ Yard Work, PA (宾州本家后院劳动·大幼童生 06-16-2007) Pre-Kindergartener of Habitat Studies @ Jordan Creek, PA (宾州下游溪生态学习·学前班预科生 06-23-2008) Kindergartener @ Riley's Pool Party, PA (宾州“勇敢”泳池聚会·学前班生 06-26-2009) 1st Grader @ Year End Hot Dog Party of Montgomery ES, PA (宾州巨人山小学年终热狗聚会·一年级生 06-18-2010)
2nd Grade @ Design Technology of Germantown Academy Summer Camp, PA (宾州德国城学校设计技术夏令营·小学二年级 06-21-2011) 3rd Grader @ Mei's Asian Diner, PA (宾州妹子亚洲餐厅·小学三年级生 06-24-2012) 4th Grader w/ Sister Trying on Brother's Shoes @ Backyard, PA (宾州本家后院·小学四年级生与试穿哥哥球鞋的妹妹 06-09-2013) 5th Grader w/ Antie & Sister @ CA Pizza Kitchen, PA (宾州火炉州式意大利饼厨房餐厅·小学五年级生与小姨和妹妹 06-22-2014) 6th Grader @ Arcades of the Courtyard of Rhodes, Greece (希腊玫瑰岛庭院拱廊·初一生 06-17-2015) 7th Grader @ Oslofjord, Norway (挪威山下草地峡湾·初二生 06-26-2016) 8th Grader Performed for 16th Season of Golden Key Piano Competition @ Weill Recital of Carnegie Hall, NYC (纽约卡内基音乐厅庄园演奏室第16届金键盘钢琴比赛汇报演出·初三生 06-03-2017) 9th Grader for Community Srv Recital @ Brittany Pointe Estates, PA (宾州英国岬角庄园老年社区义演·高一生 06-09-2018) 10th Grader @ Chinatown Friendship Arch, Philadelphia (费城中国城友谊拱门·高二生 06-12-2019) 11th Grader @ French Bulldog Starry Night Kiss (《法国斗牛犬星夜之吻》·高三生 06-04-2020) 12th Graders @ North Penn High School Commencement for Class 2021, PA (北宾州高中毕业典礼·高四生 06-12-2021) Freshman @ Squares w/ Concentric Circles by Wassily Kandinsky (君主·康定斯基《同心圆正方形》·大一生 06-12-2022) The Sophomore Carried w/ Mulberry Branches for Grandma @ Backyard, PA (宾州本家后院帮外婆收集桑葚·大二生 06-01-2023) Ominously Orange Sun like Salted Egg Yolk Devastated by Canadian Wildfires @ Frontyard, PA (宾州本家前院·被加拿大山火烟熏的咸蛋黄太阳 06-06-2023) Shrouded Sun as Risen in a Hazy, Smoky Sky behind the Empire State Bldg by New York Post (《纽约邮报》·帝国大厦后阴霾朦胧、烟雾弥漫的天空中升起了混沌太阳 06-06-2023) Crosslink(相关博文): 万花筒(Kaleidoscope) |