【Faust Dedication】 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749—1832) Again ye come, ye hovering Forms! I find ye, As early to my clouded sight ye shone! Shall I attempt, this once, to seize and bind ye? Still o'er my heart is that illusion thrown? Ye crowd more near! Then, be the reign assigned ye, And sway me from your misty, shadowy zone! My bosom thrills, with youthful passion shaken, From magic airs that round your march awaken.
Of joyous days ye bring the blissful vision; The dear, familiar phantoms rise again, And, like an old and half-extinct tradition, First Love returns, with Friendship in his train. Renewed is Pain: with mournful repetition Life tracks his devious, labyrinthine chain, And names the Good, whose cheating fortune tore them From happy hours, and left me to deplore them.
They hear no longer these succeeding measures, The souls, to whom my earliest songs I sang: Dispersed the friendly troop, with all its pleasures, And still, alas! the echoes first that rang! I bring the unknown multitude my treasures; Their very plaudits give my heart a pang, And those beside, whose joy my Song so flattered, If still they live, wide through the world are scattered.
And grasps me now a long-unwonted yearning For that serene and solemn Spirit-Land: My song, to faint Aeolian murmurs, turning, Sways like a harp-string by the breezes fanned. I thrill and tremble; tear on a tear is burning, And the stern heart is tenderly unmanned. What I possess, I see far distant lying, And what I lost, grows real and undying. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《浮士德》献词】 鸽子先知•游狼•歌德(1749生—1832卒) 你们又来临了吗,飘忽的幻影 早年曾显现于我朦胧的眼前 今番,我可要把你们凝定? 难道我还不忘情于那些梦幻 你们蜂拥前来,好!随你们高兴 尽管在烟雾间从我四周涌现 给那簇拥你们的灵氛所鼓荡 我的胸怀又闪着青春的怅望
你们带来欢乐的年光的影子 多少亲挚的音容偕你们呈现 象漫溢了一半的古旧传奇 最初的爱和友谊纷纷地莅临 痛苦又更新了,他的呜咽重提 我那漂泊的生涯羊肠的旅程 并细数那些良朋,他们在韶年 被命运挫折,已先我永别人间 我为他们唱出我最初的感叹 他们却听不见我后来的歌吟 知心话儿即早已风流云散 那最初的应和,唉,也永远消沉 我的歌声把陌生的听众摇撼
他们的赞扬徒使我心急如焚 而少数知音,如果他们还活着 也已四散飘零于天涯和海角 可是一缕久以生疏的乡思 又曳我向那静谧庄严的灵都 我凄婉的歌儿,象伊阿俄琴丝 带着迷离的音调娓娓地低述
一阵颤栗抓住我,眼泪接眼泪 硬心肠化作一团温软的模糊 我眼前有的,霎时消逝的远远, 那消逝了的,重新矗立在眼前。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2017: Salzburg, the Stage of the World AUT(奥地利盐堡·世界舞台) 2016: Capital Helsinki, Finland(芬兰首都赫尔辛基) 2016: Porvoo, the Medieval Town of Finland(芬兰波尔沃·中世纪古镇) 2015: Naples, City of the Sun in Italy(意大利那不勒斯·太阳之城)
2015: Neapolitan Authentic Pizza, Italy(意大利那不勒斯·正宗披萨) 2014: YMCA Camp—Sports Injuries(基督教青年会营运动受伤)
Mercedes-Benz Gallery in Munich (慕尼黑“僧侣”城·奔驰意指“仁慈—光明力量”展览馆)
Mercedes-Benz Gallery (奔驰展览馆)
Mercedes-Benz Gallery (奔驰展览馆) BMW Headquarters (宝马总部 07-03-2017)
BMW Welt (宝马世界 07-03-2017)
BMW Museum (宝马博物馆)
BMW M6 Convertible from $126000 (宝马M6敞篷版起价126,000美元 07-03-2017)
BMW i8 from $143,400 (宝马i8起价143,400美元 07-03-2017)
BMW R1200RT from $181,450 (宝马R1200RT起价18,145美元 07-03-2017)
Elaborate Ceiling @ Hofbräuhaus am Platzl (宫廷啤酒馆·精致天花板 07-03-2017)
Beer Barrel @ Hofbraeuhaus (宫廷啤酒馆·啤酒桶 07-03-2017)
Patron's Mugs Stored under Lock & Key @ Hofbraeuhaus (宫廷啤酒馆·储存常客啤酒杯的带锁柜子 07-03-2017)
Lunch @ Schneider Bräuhaus (裁缝啤酒屋·午餐 07-03-2017)
Schneider Weisse TAP7 Mein Original Wheat Beer @ Schneider Bräuhaus (裁缝啤酒屋·裁缝原味小麦啤酒7号 07-03-2017)
2017: Strasbourg, FRA/Mercedes-Benz, DEU(法国斯特拉斯堡与德国奔驰厂) Germany(出游德国)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |