2016-07-18 【Aiden in English】
Finally, we're going into a brand-new country. Not to offend any Englishmen, but you're getting old. Therefore, out with the old and in with the latest. Paris is the face of modern Europe. Although the UK runs every atom of the continent, France still has its symbol hammered into each century of the Common Era. Sure, the English had the popular idea of dramatic wars and conquering other countries, but unfortunately, Napoleon was French. Nowadays, he lies dead, of course, in a museum in Paris. He was quite a guy and a favorite of mine—just not the death in exile part. People often say the English beat the French in many wars, including the battle for North America. Then again, the colonialists allied with the French and beat the English. The unique architecture is continually a win for France, particularly Paris. Sorry, England, but Paris has pretty much left London in the dust regarding architecture. Try matching the Tower of London with Notre Dame or the Big Ben with the Eiffel Tower. Big Ben wasn't even the architect’s name! It was his middle name since it was either that or Big Richard, which I guess you can see why that didn't come to fruition. I'm thankful for this selection. While the Tower of London may be just as famous, I find it quite... dull. There isn't any color, and even if the Crown Jewels of previous successors are on display, the overall view does not change. Looking at the interior of Notre Dame, the stained-glass windows, and the colorful decorations, it all seems grand. And finally, to bundle it all together with a red velvet tie, the gothic dome was raised high up, giving a sense of grandness. It might just have been the rain of that day in the London Tower that made my perspective so negative. Speaking of the weather, I must comment on the beauty of this day in Paris. Probably the most significant difference between France and Britain is the color 'yellow.' The 'yellow' I'm describing is the kind that comes on television on the weather channel. You know, the yellow circle with the yellow rings around it. Yeah, the U.K. doesn't seem to grasp that concept well. France, on the one day we were here, treated us nicely, having an eighty-degree day with scattered, fluffy clouds that weren't selfish and shared with the sun. Looking out from the bridges over the Seine was terrific, and the beautiful yellow made the waters turquoise. The yellow became a golden blaze afternoon, rebounding off roads, walls, and windows. Of course, the city was quite golden even before the sunbathed it in its brightness. The Eiffel Tower, with its spider web design, although dulled from the years, stood firm in the spotlight. Thanks, Paris, for lighting up our English Isles cruise. That comes in more ways than one. 【红霞译文】
最后,我们好不容易要出游另外一个国家,这里丝毫无意得罪英国佬,不过你们确实快成了古董,现在正是吐故纳新的时候。 巴黎反映现代欧洲风貌,尽管原则上大英帝国无处不在,但进入公元纪年,每个世纪人们都能感受到法兰西的影响。没错,英国佬气盛好战,擅长统治它国,可半路杀出个程咬金,拿破仑竟是法国鬼,如今尽管他早已魂归故里,不过其身后打造的巴黎如同博物馆一般灿烂辉煌,我承认拿破仑功不可没,除被放逐外,我对他佩服得五体投地。有人常谈英国多次打败法国,即使远在北美领土同样如此,话又说了回来,在殖民者名单上,法国可比英国遥遥领先,别出心裁的建筑不断让它独放异彩,巴黎更是首当其冲。 对不起英国,在建筑上巴黎把伦敦甩得远远的,不信就拿象征北方权势的伦敦塔与充满爱意的巴黎圣母院对比,或者让大本钟与埃菲尔铁塔对决,实际上大本钟并非源于建筑师的真姓大名!充其量够得上中间名字,当初若不叫大本钟兴许就叫大斗士,由此可见它甘拜下风。我很乐意选择这两个建筑物进行比较,伦敦塔可能与埃菲尔铁塔齐名,其实我倒觉得相当……一般,它没有什么色彩,即使展出以往各代帝王将相皇冠上所配戴的珍稀宝石仍然无法为它增辉添艳;纵观巴黎圣母院内景,富丽堂皇的彩色玻璃窗与五颜六色的装饰图案,将庄重肃穆的天主教堂点缀得尽善尽美;最后还有通向天国的哥特式圆顶气势雄伟,巧妙地把整个圣殿推向极致。也许因为参观伦敦塔的当天正赶上下雨,总之我对它印象不佳。 提起天气,我必须对巴黎美言几句。英法两地之间的最大差异可能在于“黄色”,这里所谓的“黄色” 指的是电视气象台惯用的颜色。如你所知,屏幕上假如阳光普照就会涂满一道一道黄圈,呃,英国似乎没法享受这种福分。别看我们只在法国逗留一天,可巴黎却让我们感到宾至如归,80oF/27oC风和日丽,闲舒飘逸的云朵毫无唯我独尊之意,在这里慷慨地与太阳共享欢乐;穿过塞纳河上座座小桥,映入眼帘的是风景如画的都市风情,金灿灿的火焰照耀在河面,河水泛起兰绿色余光。过了晌午,黄色挥洒到马路墙壁窗沿之后再被折射成金色,整个巴黎宛如披上华丽的盛装;蜘蛛网状结构的埃菲尔铁塔虽然先前并不受人待见,如今早已成为游客必经之地。感谢巴黎将此次英伦诸岛之行笼罩在我们头顶上的乌云一扫而光,让我们的生活变得丰富多彩。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2016: Seine Estuary, France(法国塞纳“拖网”河口) 2016: Le Havre, the Rebuilt City of France(法国避风港市·重建之城) 2016: The Seine in Paris, France(法国巴黎·塞纳“拖网”河畔) 2016: Paris, Public Arts in France(法国巴黎·公共艺术)
2016: Paris, the City of Lights in France(法国巴黎·光明之城) 2014: GHCS Camp—Chinese Chess(光华营中国像棋)
Arc de Triomphe (凯旋门)
Arc de Triomphe from Avenue Foch (面朝福煦大街的凯旋门)
Base of Eiffel Tower Viewed from Pont d'Iéna (从小鸟桥近观埃菲尔铁塔底座)
Eiffel Tower (埃菲尔铁塔 07-18-2016)
Museum du Louvre (卢浮宫 06-13-1996)
Notre-Dame de Paris Seen from Southern Facade from the Seine (巴黎圣母院·塞纳河南侧)
Western Facade of Notre-Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院·西侧 07-18-2016) Portal of St-Anne, Notre-Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院·高雅门) Portal of the Virgin, Notre-Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院·圣母门)
Portal of the Virgin—Emperor Constantine & Saint-Denis Holding His Head, Flanked by Angels
Tympanum of the Last Judgment (龛楣《最后的审判》 07-18-2016)
Notre-Dame's Facade Showing the Portal of the Virgin, Portal of the Last Judgment & Portal of St-Anne, Gallery of Kings (巴黎圣母院正门展示了圣母门、最后审判门和高雅门以及国王画廊)
Nave, Notre-Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院·中殿)
Rayonnant Rose Window, Notre-Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院· 辐射状玫瑰花窗)
Rayonnant Rose Window, Notre-Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院· 辐射状玫瑰花窗) Organ, Notre-Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院·管风琴)
The Life of Jesus from Childhood to Agony (耶稣由童年走向痛苦的一生)
Altar of Virgin of Guadalupe Chapel, Notre-Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院·圣母祭坛 07-18-2016)
Chai D'adrien (水神酒馆 07-18-2016)
Chez Jenny Brasserie Alsacienne (公平人的外域啤酒餐厅 07-18-2016)
Signpost (路标)
One More Day in Paradise (还有一天在天堂的时光)
Street Artist (街头艺人)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 2015: Bucharest—Balkan Paris, Romania(罗马尼亚布加勒斯特—巴尔干的巴黎) 2013: Buenos Aires—S. American Paris, ARG(阿根廷首都—南美洲巴黎) France(出游法国)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |