【Aiden in English】 Pearl Sydenstricker Buck was a West Virginia native. However, she went to China early due to her father’s occupation as a missionary. She spent her first forty years in Jiangsu and Anhui of China, excluding her education at Randolph-Macon Woman's College and Cornell Univ. for a few years, eventually returning to Green Hill Farm in PA. So, who is Pearl S. Buck? Pearl S. Buck, also known as John Sedges, was a writer who was quite famous from what I know. She was awarded a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938, a momentous feat. Her most famous book, The Good Earth, is internationally recognized about family stories in a Chinese village. However, her life was much more than just a writer. Pearl S. Buck founded Pearl Buck International, a child’s sponsorship program worldwide. Today, I visited her estate, which has been transformed into a national historic site. It used to be a mixed-race Asian orphanage called Welcome House, which is impressive. Pearl S. Buck only had one biological daughter and adopted many more. The house itself is nothing out of the ordinary barn to another late-19th century on the outside. The real surprise comes within. Pearl S. Buck was an American but essentially lived an Oriental life. She loved Chinese clothing, food, furniture, and literature. So, as far as her home went, she converted the house into a mash-up of American and Chinese cultures. From the china and the chopsticks to the oriental paintings and calligraphies on the walls, the roots of Pearl S. Buck were constantly reminded throughout the house. I find it remarkable how Pearl S. Buck integrated another culture into her home so well, especially when her husband and most children were not of Asian ethnicity. Technically speaking, neither was she. However, more than anything, it shows Pearl S. Buck's independence to represent what she is, continuing with her own culture and what she grew up with. Many of Pearl’s books were based on her own experiences. What she experienced in China inspired her novels and stories. Furthermore, her care for children passed on beyond the pages and into the real world. Pearl S. Buck International is a sponsorship system for children in which donors give money to support orphans. Pearl S. Buck House has now been converted into a public tourist attraction and a place to host events like a wedding ceremony. But she is still around, in the air, water, and house. She was buried along the driveway, with her Chinese name, 赛珍珠, inscribed on the grave. 【红霞译】
赛珍珠(全名为珍珠·赛登斯特里克“丝绸刺绣工”·巴克“公鹿”)是西维吉尼亚人,不过年幼时随传教士的父亲来到中国,除了分别前往伦道夫·梅康女子学院和康奈尔大学接受高等教育外,前半生差不多有四十年的光景生活于中国江苏安徽一带,最后才返回宾州绿山农场。 那么赛珍珠究竟何许人也?
赛珍珠很多作品源于个人亲身经历,正因为那段中国生活阅历,激发了她著书立说的热情。此外,赛珍珠关怀儿童,并让理想成为现实,赛珍珠国际是一个救济儿童的基金会,热心人可通过这个组织向孤儿捐款。 如今赛珍珠故居不但对外开放供游人参观,而且还提供婚庆喜筵特色服务,空气中、池塘边、庄园里,赛珍珠依然活在人间。她的遗体葬在离故居不远的路边,墓碑上刻着中文名字“赛珍珠”。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015 Olympic Day Part-III(初中一年级·奥林匹克节之三) 2015 Olympic Day Part-II(初中一年级·奥林匹克节之二) 2015 Olympic Day Part-I(初中一年级·奥林匹克节之一) 2015 Math24 Tournament(初中一年级·口算24点锦标赛)
2014 Band Spring Concert(小学五年级·春季管乐会) 2010: 写给光华中文学校家长的一封信(A Letter to GHCS Parents) 2009: 学前班·浪漫(Romance)
The Entrance of Green Hills Farm (绿山农场入口)
Pearl S. Buck House (赛珍珠故居 05-20-2017)
Barn & Milk House (粮仓与奶棚 05-20-2017)
Sculpture of Jumps for Joy (雕塑《雀跃》 05-20-2017)
Gravesite (墓地 05-20-2017)
Headstone (墓碑)
Sculpture of Jumps for Joy (雕塑《雀跃》) Sculpture of Uplift (雕塑《提携》)
Sculpture of Mother & Child (雕塑《母亲与孩子》)
Timeline @ Exhibition Hall (展览厅·大事记 05-20-2017)
Kitchen (厨房 05-20-2017)
Family Rm (家庭室 05-20-2017)
Chinese Screen @ Library (图书室·中式屏风 05-20-2017)
Library (图书室)
Korean Chess @ Library (图书室·韩国象棋)
Mahjong (麻将) Ediphone (听写机)
Organ (管风琴 05-20-2017)
Peace Valley Park (和平谷公园 05-20-2017) Crosslinks(相关博文): USA(出游美国)
8th Grade(初中三年级) |