【Aiden in English】 〖Preface〗
Glada Hurt was a boy who always loved nature. Unfortunately, he died in a car accident at a very young age. All his peers from the 5th grade are writing essays about environmental protection in memory of Glada Hurt. 〖Essay〗 Earth is a beautiful place. It has excellent, snow-capped mountains of wonder to lush, dense jungles of mystery. This is why we humans must protect it; we can also destroy it in more ways than one. That is precisely what we are doing today. Factories are creating carbon dioxide, causing global warming. Humans are deforesting acres at a time. It is time to act. But instead of trying to save the environment overnight, we should start by doing small things. Too much carbon dioxide is like poison to the Earth, so we should limit the amount we put into the atmosphere by simple things like carpooling. Why should we produce twice the carbon dioxide when we can use half of it by carpooling? But even better still, if your destination is close, why not ride your bike to your destination? It's entirely carbon dioxide-free, so it's great for nature. Another fantastic way to help save the environment is to conserve power, and it's a lot simpler than it seems. Don't turn on the lights when there is still sunlight; try not to use lights when you're not in the room. Shut down computers when not in use, and if possible, don't use lights that need more electricity. This can help us conserve energy, which means factories producing electricity will put less pollution into the sky. We all know plants and trees eat carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Planting a garden will not only consume carbon dioxide but also give visitors a good first impression of your house. It also helps other plants because insects can pollinate them. But don't use pesticides because they can quickly get into bugs from pollination, and anything that eats those bugs would die from the pesticide, ruining the food chain. The Earth looks like a fragile rose. It can die, just like the environment can, but it is our home, and because it is our home, we must protect it. 【红霞译】 〖前言〗
哥兰达‧赫特“玉石·栅栏”是一位热爱大自然的男孩,因车祸不幸身亡。今年五年级全体学生要求撰稿发表评论,借助呼吁加强环保意识的方式来纪念这位曾经有过同样梦想追求的年轻朋友。 〖正文〗 地球是个美丽的地方,既涵括气势磅礴的雪山之奇异,又蕴藏郁郁葱葱的密林之奥秘,我们人类一定要好好保护它,不然它难以摆脱灭顶之灾。当今大自然正处在这样的紧要关头,工厂排泄二氧化碳,引发全球变暖;人类乱砍滥伐,导致森林面积减少,现在真正到了该采取行动的时候。治理环境谈何容易,绝非靠一夜光景即能实现,我们应该先从小事入手。 过多的二氧化碳对地球有毒,因此我们应该限制进入大气层的二氧化碳含量。合伙搭车简便易行,如果它能帮助降低一半汽车尾气,我们何乐而不为?还有一种更有效的方法就是,倘若你离目的地不远,为什么不骑自行车去呢?骑自行车完全排除产生二氧化碳的可能性,对大自然有百利而无一害。
除此之外,节约用电对环保至关重要, 乍一听上去好像比较复杂,其实做起来非常容易。尽量利用光线照明,天黑之前或者只要出门在外都不要开灯;不用计算机时,索性把它关掉;如果可能,最好使用节能灯。电用的少了,也就意味着电厂不必发那么多电,从而进一步降低空气污染。
我们都知道,植物进行光合作用时,吸进二氧化碳,吐出氧气。既然如此,大家应该种植花草,一来能减少二氧化碳,二来会给首次前来拜访您家的客人留下良好印象。昆虫在花草之间传粉授粉,有助于植物生长,但千万不要使用农药,农药一旦毒死昆虫,整个食物链必将遭受破坏。 地球如同一支脆弱的玫瑰,会从宇宙中消亡,环境也是一样,既然地球是我们的家园,我们必须保护它。 Let the World Filled w/ Love (让世界充满爱 04-26-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |