【Aiden in English】
During the night, Nautica Oceania sailed to Fujairah across the chokepoint—the Strait of Hormuz—from the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Oman. Fujairah represents one of the seven emirates in the UAE and is the only Trucial State with a coastline solely on the Gulf of Oman and none on the Persian Gulf like six others. I was so excited today because Mom and I were going on the Rub Al Khali Desert safari. The desert is also well known as the Arabian "Empty Quarter" and the largest sand desert in the world. As I stepped out of the 4WD SUV and looked around, I saw nothing but red sand for miles with a glint at the end of the desert under the sunlight. The sea of sand had forever-going dunes as far as the eye could see. The texture of the color changed from orange to red as the sun moved due to iron. The iron was exposed in the air, and the sand turned into various colors with a reddish hue. Only then did I notice a considerable rock jetting out of the ground? When I looked closely, the rock appeared to be a camel that looked lean with a single hump popped out of its back. It would be 100 percent natural and organic. You were correct if you said this was the middle of nowhere! Engines roared, sandstorms sprayed, and tire tracks sank in wild dunes. I went zooming into the Arabian territory and wanted to throw up the whole time. The red sand didn't help at all. Like a roller coaster or bumper car, the SUV always seemed to be moving at a high speed and had to drift in every turn at a steep angle. It threw me around like a rag doll. Thankfully, I had my seat belt on, or else I would have broken a bone. After the stop for fresh air and photos, Mom and I embarked on another bumpy ride up to the summit of a tall hill that overlooked a town. Now, we took a break for refreshments and a fantastic panoramic view. Shops and cottages were displayed in front of us, and the skyline of Fujairah was in the distance. When Mom finished snapping her camera, we drove down the hillside toward the city and back to the cruise ship. After today, I shall never look at a desert the same way as before. 【红霞译文】
当我迈出四轮驱动越野车放眼环视周围,只见沙粒浓烈火辣,沙丘随光线强度变化而闪烁着不同色彩,沙浪由近及远横亘起伏,自然勾勒出纤细圆润的线条。“形不常在,色不常存”,沙漠上所有一切看上去那么瞬息骤变。由于空旷沙漠铁含量丰富,暴露在空气中即产生氧化反应,所以常常被红色主宰,蓝天白云之下桔红色愈发活泼灿烂,火红色更加热情奔放。正在这个时候我看到一块岩石状的庞然大物拔地而起,仔细一看,原来是一匹单峰骆驼,它浑身枯瘦如柴,肯定是纯天然无激素的产物。 如果说空旷沙漠前不靠村后不着店,还真有点抬举它的意思,因为它本身确实就是一片蛮荒绝地!引擎咆哮沙暴滚滚,轮胎深陷在质地松软的碎砾旷野之中,我穿越阿拉伯领地疯狂得胆汁都要倾吐出来,此时红砂更是助桀为虐。越野车像过山车或碰碰车一样,不停地加足马力爬上冲下,使性较劲急速转弯,结果我像个布娃娃被扔来抛去,多亏系好安全带,不然早已被摔得粉身碎骨。
停下来透透气稍事休息并赶紧抓拍几张风景,我和妈妈继续沿着忽高忽低野味十足的沙漠颠簸前行,直至登上山包顶峰。我们先补给小吃犒劳自己,然后再全方位鸟瞰山下茅屋村舍,远处春泉城依稀可见。 等妈妈按完相机快门,我们顺山路一溜烟飞速而下,径直奔向城区返回游轮。经历过今天之后,我对沙漠有了崭新认识。
Al Hajar Mountains (石山)
Sheikh Zayed Mosque (酋长·积德清真寺)
Fujairah Fort (春泉城城堡)
Rub Al Khali Desert Safari (空旷沙漠飙车)
Rub Al Khali, the Empty Quarter (空旷沙漠 12-10-2013)
The sand dunes don't drift due to the moisture leaching up into the base of the dunes from the surrounding sabkhas. (基于水分从萨布哈斯河周围渗入沙丘底部,致使沙丘不会漂移) Hyper-Arid Area (高干旱地区 12-10-2013)
Power Tower Silhouette (电塔剪影)
A Reddish-Orange Color due to the Presence of Feldspar (因含有长石而使沙子呈红橙色)
The Ecoregion within the Arabian Desert and East Sahara-Arabian Xeric Shrublands (生态区归于阿拉伯沙漠和东撒哈拉—阿拉伯干湿灌木丛)
Once the Site of Shallow Lakes (曾是浅湖所在地)
Camel (骆驼)
Toscana Dining @ Nautica Oceania (“大洋·航海”号游轮——托斯卡纳餐厅 12-10-2013) Crosslinks(相关博文): United Arabic Emirates(出游阿联酋)
Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) 5th Grade(小学五年级)