2013-12-11 【Aiden in English】
From Fujairah, UAE, we sailed to Muscat, the capital of Oman. I'd never heard of this well-known "falling place" in the Arabian monarchy kingdom before, and I started to understand why when I stepped into the largest natural harbor in the world. Muscat is a small city with a few skyscrapers. But that wasn't the main attraction for us. Today's excursion would take Mom and me on an hour-and-a-half bus ride to see an ancient fortress built during the pre-Islamic period. Prince Charles paid his visit in 2003, which made the Omani people very proud. When we arrived, my first impression of Nakhal Fort was that it was gigantic. It was designed in the architectural style of the Sultanate of Oman. The fort had four tall towers, and each had a cannon. Walking inside, I was amazed at its interior construction to fit around an irregularly shaped rock. The fort looked like a vast maze. No matter where you went, you always seemed to be going in circles. Luckily, the tour guide knew where he meant to go, so we should be okay. We climbed up a flight of stairs that kept spiraling forever. As we finally reached the top, my legs were about to collapse. However, the view made up for the long bus ride. Below us were Nakhal Springs, a creek, a river, and a small rainforest. A tiny village lay peacefully next to the springs. The Hajar Mountains rose like giants behind, covering the springs and the town with their vast dark shadow. The spring water tumbled down the mountains into the village, which nurtured local people in the desert. It was important in the Five Aflaj Irrigation Systems listed on the UNESCO Heritage Sites. Talk about a change in such environments. Next, we visited the prison, which I was waiting to see. But when my eyes landed on what was exhibited inside, disappointment flooded through me. The prison merely looked like a room with a wooden log for a seat. I expected something like handcuffs. However, the log was all it had. I want to explore differently from jail. Seeing the fort made me think there was more to Omanis than it met the eye.
我们沿旋梯拾阶而上,旋梯长得一眼望不到头,待好不容易爬到顶端我的腿快要不听使唤,当然喽,能够领略到大好风光,我们为之而付出的苦劳都是心甘情愿。 登高眺望,远处醒目山脉巍然屹立,将眼前的种植侯温泉、溪流河水以及规模不大的热带雨林全部收罗到自己的怀抱之中,近处小村庄静静地躺在温泉旁边,山泉哗啦啦顺势而下,流经田间房舍,为旱地居民提供宝贵水源,大自然鬼斧神工,把荒山野岭造化成《世界遗产名录‧五支分流水渠灌溉系统》。
接下来的目标是监狱,它让我浑身直起鸡皮疙瘩,不过等看到现场摆设的道具时我却大失所望,监狱仅一间屋子而已,里面只靠一个木墩应景,可是监狱向来用于羁押犯人,怎么也得有手铐之类的刑械玩意才算说得过去,随便拿个木墩来充数岂不太过敷衍,我倒情愿看到像模像样的囚禁场所。 透过种植侯古堡,其实我了解最多的还是阿曼民族。
Old Town (老城)
Al Jalali & Al Mirani Forts (荣耀堡与美女堡)
Muttrah Harbour (坠落港)
Omani Dhow (阿曼单桅帆船)
Defense Tower (防御塔 12-11-2013)
Al Riyam Roundabout w/ Water Pots & Incense Burner (强壮转盘·水罐和香炉)
Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque (美王大清真寺) Al Zawawi Mosque (英俊清真寺 12-11-2013)
Al Zulfa Mosque (高级清真寺)
Mohammed Al Ameen Mosque (真诚主爱清真寺)
Masjid Al Saldiya (信仰清真寺) Minaret (宣礼塔)
Mosque of the Great Prophet @ Muttrah Corniche (坠落滨海大道上先知清真寺)
Muscat Gate Museum (隐城城门博物馆)
Al Alam Palace (智慧皇宫 12-11-2013)
Al Bustan Palace, A Ritz Carlton Hotel (农园宫——豪华农舍酒店 12-11-2013)
Tea Lounge @ Al Bustan Palace (农园宫·茶坊 12-11-2013)
Lunch @ Al Bustan Palace (农园宫·午餐 12-11-2013)
Muttrah Souk (坠落集市 12-11-2013)
Domed Ceiling @ Muttrah Souk (坠落集市·穹顶)
Muscat New Development (隐城新开发区)
Fresco on the Façade of the Omani Building (阿曼建筑物正面浮雕装饰)
Al Hajar Mountains (醒目山)
Omanis Capped in Kumma (身着阿曼服饰的当地人 12-11-2013)
Omani Guides Wearing Kumma Uniforms (身着阿曼服饰的阿曼导游)
Nakhl Fort, Prince Charles Visited in 2003 (种植侯古堡·2003年英国查尔斯王子到此一游) Nakhl Fort Styled in the Sultanate of Oman (种植侯古堡·阿曼苏丹国建筑风格 12-11-2013)
Battlements of Nakhl Fort (种植侯古堡·城垛)
Nakhl Fort Built to Fit around An Irregularly-shaped Rock (种植侯古堡·围绕不规则岩石建筑而成 12-11-2013)
The Cannon @ Nakhl Fort (种植侯古堡·大炮 12-11-2013)
Nakhl Fort Museum (种植侯古堡博物馆 12-11-2013)
Battery Archway @ Nakhl Fort (种植侯古堡·炮台拱道)
Nakhl Springs (种植侯温泉)
Foot Spa @ Nakhl Springs (种植侯温泉·足浴)
Air-Dried Clothing (晒衣服)
Plaque of Chicken Murdered (肉店招牌·宰鸡) Crosslink(相关博文): Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) |