【Morning Bell】 Carl Spitteler (1845—1924) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature in 1919〗 It seemed as though the dawn would never come To save me from the night's delirium, Those hells of thought I wandered in - who schooled My brain at other times, and strictly ruled It's every motion. Fever now was king; My spirit groped, a shuddering helpless thing, Through labyrinths of dreams no pause, no rest, The Furies' prey, disarmed and dispossessed.
Hark! Through the lightless gloom, the black dismay, A distant bell-note throbs... Deliverance! Day! Young life, young faith breathes "I." And soft and clear Whispers the morning-dream of human cheer. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《女歌手》】 勇王•施皮特勒(1845生—1924卒) 〖1919年诺贝尔文学奖〗 梦幻中, 一群朝圣的善男信女, 甜美的歌儿齐声高唱, 手携着手, 在我家乡行走。 我虔诚地 跟随在他们的最后头。 合唱声委婉协调, 忽从望不见的尽头, 一阕清新活泼的歌, 在空中回荡。 响亮的歌声像黄金一般, 光彩夺目, 把远方的峰峦峡谷照耀。 只可惜, 矫揉造作,不合节拍不入调。 这奇异的歌声, 悦耳,虔诚, 又那样虚无缥缈。 我心戚戚, 恨意难消, 身带家乡的风尘, 决意和那歌声分道扬镳! Today in History(历史上的今天): 2017: Alpine Potpourri, Swiss(瑞士白山旅行见闻)
2015: Great Wall, Beijing(北京万里长城)
2014: Reunion w/ Old Friends(老友重逢)
Mt Pilatus above Lake Lucerne (卢塞恩“光晕”湖上云山)
Pilatus Station, Alpnach (高山城·云山站 08-24-2017)
Cogwheel Railway w/ the Slope @ 48 Degree (齿轮铁路与48度斜坡山路) First & Steepest Cogwheel Railway on Earth (世上第一个最陡的钝齿轮铁路)
Tunnel (隧道) Pilatus Aerial Cableway @ Kriens (基督城·云山空中索道)
Esel Summit 2,118-m/6,953-ft (驴峰海拔2,118米/6,953英尺)
Fräkmüntegg—Switzerland's Longest Summer Toboggan Run (吊索公园城·瑞士最长的夏季雪橇滑道)
Fräkmüntegg (吊索公园镇)
Rope Park, Fräkmüntegg (吊索公园镇·吊索公园)
Klimsen Chapel (攀登教堂)
Klimsenkapelle on Klimsenhorn (攀登山·攀登教堂)
Lake Lucerne Viewed from Mt Pilatus (从云山俯瞰光晕湖)
Cattle on Matthorn @ 2,041-m or 6,700-ft (海拔2,041米/6,700英尺的草甸山峰·牛群)
FLORAKO (瑞士军用民航雷达系统)
Dragon Path of Oberhaupt @ 2,106-m/7,087-ft (海拔2,106米/7,086英尺的头峰·龙径)
Obwaldner Mountain Trail (上林栖者登山步道)
Pilatus Summit Head w/ Radar (云山峰顶与雷达)
Hotel Pilatus Kulm (云山酒店) Alphorn (高山长号)
Schloss Schauensee, Kriens (基督城·表湖城堡) Boy & Bulldog (少年与斗牛犬)
Alpine Ibex (羱羊)
Cattle (牛圈)
Brown Swiss (瑞士褐牛)
Braunvieh (瑞士黄牛)
Rätisches Grauvieh (雷天灰牛)
Alpine Chough (黄嘴山鸦)
Signpost (路标)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |