【Aiden in English】
What better way to finish a summer trip to the Everglades NP of Florida? So when our bags got packed, we left our Glory Carnival to revisit some world-famous Everglade Alligators. Please remember that alligators eat humans, but only for a reason. 1. They're hungry. Very, very hungry. 2. You're threatening them. 3. They're immensely pissed off at you. The third one doesn't happen often since alligators tolerate many pokes, slaps, and punches. Do not test that theory on wild alligators; their personalities could differ. There is one giant question floating around. What's the difference between alligators and crocodiles? It is Simple. First of all, alligators have larger tongues and round snouts, while crocs have smaller and sharp ones. Secondly, alligators only live in freshwater, while crocs stay in both fresh and saltwater habitats. Last, alligators don't consider human beings’ food, while Crocs don't mind eating people. Alligators are amazing lizards/reptiles/cold-blooded animals. They are not the monsters you think they are, although you should be careful around them. Now that I know the truth, I'll be back to see them again. 【红霞译】
务必记住湿地鳄鱼吃人,其原因不外乎: 第一,它们饿得要死,饥不择食; 第二,你没事找事威胁到它们生死存亡; 第三,它们看你不顺眼。 第三种情况并不多见,因为湿地鳄鱼气量宽宏,经常打不还手骂不还口,顶多朝你横眉冷对翻个白眼。千万不要跟野生鳄鱼较真显摆你的本事,它们个性迥异,脾气各有不同。 对我们而言,天大的困惑莫过于湿地鳄鱼跟普通鳄鱼有什么根本区别?答案很简单。首先,湿地鳄鱼舌头大鼻子圆,而普通鳄鱼舌头小鼻子尖;其次,湿地鳄鱼仅生活在淡水环境里,而普通鳄鱼则足迹遍布江河湖海;末了,湿地鳄鱼尚未把人类列入日常食谱之内,但普通鳄鱼却来者不拒。 湿地鳄鱼纯属那种了不起的蜥蜴/爬行动物/冷血动物,绝不是通常你所认为的魔怪,尽管如此,对它们切不可掉以轻心。既然对湿地鳄鱼有了初步认识,来日方长,咱们必定后会有期。
Peat of Decomposing Plant Matter & Marl of Dried Periphyton or Algae & Microorganisms (分解的植物性泥炭与浮游生物或藻菌和微生物类泥灰)
3D Photography (三维立体成像 08-09-2014)
Alligator Demo (美国短吻鳄介绍 08-09-2014) Park Ranger (园林官)
Alligator Thrived in Freshwater Sloughs & Marl Prairies (美国短吻鳄·淡水沼泽和泥炭草原中繁衍生息)
Alligator (美国短吻鳄)
Brickell Avenue Bridge, Miami (大水·小桥大道吊桥)
Marlin Park, Miami (大水·马林鱼棒球场)
Venetian Causeway, Miami (大水·威尼斯铜锣湾)
MIA-PHL (大水——兄弟友爱城飞机上 08-09-2014)
Marcus Hook Industrial Complex, Philadelphia (战神谷工业园区) Crosslinks(相关博文):
5th Grade(小学五年级)