【Aiden in English】
Dolphins are substantial and intellectual animals. They act as the masters of the seas, and their ability to move in water so quickly and gracefully makes me intrigued by these intelligent beings. After saying all, today was the day that I could finally interact with dolphins up close at Anthony's Key Resort of Sandy Bay, Roátan. Not just swim, but snorkel. The experience was beyond amazing. The dolphins zoomed around their artificial home. Mom and I jumped into the resort lagoon, which looked huge! Swimming to the center took us a few minutes, and the scenery was incredible. There was a beach and coral on the bottom. The best part was that the water came from the Caribbean! That also became the only disadvantage. If we took a swallow, it wouldn't taste too good. The dolphins were friendly. They always came to us and allowed the group of snorkelers to rap them. Occasionally, a dolphin would give me a friendly peck of the nudge. And even sweeter, they made noises. That's how you knew where they were underwater. I noticed that it sounded complicated to travel through the water, but the dolphins used sonar waves. No worries if you weren't fast enough to touch dolphins while snorkeling! There was another session where we lined up and touched the dolphins. They were cooperative, and their skin was slippery. The dolphins weren't bothered a bit. They seemed to be happy because of their social skills. Dolphins are a lot smarter than I thought. They are incredible friends; hopefully, I'll have more dolphin encounters in my future journeys. 【红霞译】
海豚健壮聪明,俨然是海洋的主人;它们如鱼得水,不仅动作敏捷,而且姿态优美,叫我内心充满好奇。 话说回来,直至今天在洪都拉斯女人岛沙湾珍宝岬度假村里,我才有机会近距离接触海豚,与它们一起游泳潜水共度良辰美景。 经历难得,收获连连。海豚们自由穿梭人工建造的家园,见此情形,我和妈妈毫无迟疑地扎进浩瀚广袤的度假村泻湖,花了几分钟时间,好不容易才游到泻湖中央。放眼望去,碧水荡漾青山环绕,风光秀丽的女人岛自然天成;泻湖岸边设有海滨浴场,湖底均为珊瑚组成的堡礁世界,最值得夸耀的地方是湖水来自加勒比海﹗不过正因如此而成为问题所在,如果稍有不慎被海水呛到嗓子,那滋味可真令人大倒胃口。 海豚确实温和友善,总是凑到我们跟前戏水,而且特别喜欢各路潜水伙伴送来的喝彩声,间或也主动碰我一下略表亲昵;令人欢欣的是海豚阵阵发声,让你不难察觉它们的存在,我知道声音在水中传播存有阻力,但海豚却可以充分利用声纳辨别方向探知距离。假如你潜水时偶失机会接近海豚,千万不必担心﹗因为我们按计划列成方队依次抚摸海豚全身,海豚配合默契,光溜溜的肌肤任你摸来摸去,实际上它们好像非常享受,看来它们不是生性自来熟,就是早已被驯养得人格化了。 海豚比我想像的要聪明得多,更何况相貌酷帅,但愿今后旅程中能再有机会与它们亲密接触。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2011: Drama-Sports Camp-4(文体营之四)
French Harbor of Roatán (女人岛法国港)
Shipwreck @ French Harbor (法国港·沉船)
Anthony's Key Resort (珍宝岬度假村)
Barrier Reefs, Seagrass Beds, Mangroves, and Shoreline @ Anthony's Key Resort (珍宝岬度假村·堡礁、海草床、红树林和海岸线 08-06-2014)
Roatán Bungalows @ Anthony's Key Resort (珍宝岬度假村·女人岛海上平房 08-06-2014) Dolphin Swim @ Anthony's Key Resort (珍宝岬度假村·与海豚游泳 08-06-2014)
Dolphin Encounter @ Anthony's Key Resort (安东尼角度假村·海豚奇遇 08-06-2014)
Dolphin w/ Conical Teeth (海豚牙齿呈圆锥形)
Dolphin Show @ Anthony's Key Resort (珍宝岬度假村·海豚秀)
Dolphin Performance @ Anthony's Key Resort (珍宝岬度假村·海豚表演)
Dolphin Cuddling @ Anthony's Key Resort (珍宝岬度假村·海豚拥抱 08-06-2014) Elevator @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—电梯 08-06-2014)
Platinum Dining @ Carnival Glory (嘉年华·荣耀号游轮—白金餐厅)
Honduras Punta Dance (洪都拉斯黑加勒比人舞) Crosslink(相关博文): 航游加勒比海(Caribbean) |