2022-07-04 Independence Day
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【Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction—It Must Be Abstract·II (1942)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) It is the celestial ennui of apartments That sends us back to the first idea, the quick Of this invention; and yet so poisonous
Are the ravishments of truth, so fatal to The truth itself, the first idea becomes The hermit in a poet’s metaphors,
Who comes and goes and comes and goes all day. May there be an ennui of the first idea? What else, prodigious scholar, should there be?
The monastic man is an artist. The philosopher Appoints man’s place in music, say, today. But the priest desires. The philosopher desires.
And not to have is the beginning of desire. To have what is not is its ancient cycle. It is desire at the end of winter, when
It observes the effortless weather turning blue And sees the myosotis on its bush. Being virile, it hears the calendar hymn.
It knows that what it has is what is not And throws it away like a thing of another time, As morning throws off stale moonlight and shabby sleep. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《最高虚构笔记——它必定抽象·之二》(1942年)】 异乡人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 公寓的极度无聊 唤起我们最初的观念,快捷 构思,毒害的东西竟来自
真理的诱惑,如此殃及 真理本身,最初的观念一下子变成 诗人暗喻中的隐士,
整天来无影去无踪。 会不会腻烦最初的观念? 还有别的,了不起的学者,其它什么?
修道者是艺人。睿智者 调控人声,比如说,当下音乐中。 但神学家祈盼。哲学家憧憬。
而空无是欲望的开始。 追求不存在的东西千古不变。 恰似告别冬季时的期待,每当
发觉天气好不费力变成蓝色 并在灌木丛里看到毋忘我草。 保持雄浑魄力,聆听星历赞歌。
与其拥有不存在的东西 不如全然置之度外, 随着晨曦驱散暗淡的月光以及糟糕的睡意。 【注】北方人城地处大费城地区,是巨人山郡(Montgomery County)的首府。追溯到二战以前鼎盛时期,这里曾是工业、零售、银行和政府中心;啤酒、雪茄、纺织、制冰、铸造、轧钢和木材等工业一度兴旺发达。除此而外,市中心坐拥两家百货公司、几家剧院以及一应俱有的商品供应和全方位服务机构,居民不必出城就可以找到他们所需要的任何东西。如今风光不再,不仅人口格局发生了翻天覆地的变化(非裔美国人约占37%、白人和西班牙裔各有27%),而且接近20%的人口处于贫困线($12,880/人——$44,660/八口之家)以下,有关毒品、抢劫、卖淫和枪支等犯罪率日益攀升,过去廿年来振兴和重塑社区的努力收效甚微。 犹如近邻费城魅影再现,北方人城仍不失一座气韵犹存的历史重镇,以下绝大多数建筑已载入《国家史迹名录》(Natl. Register of Historic Places)。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2019: Tick Tock(时钟) 2017: Salzburg—Red Bull Hangar-7, AUT(奥地利萨尔茨堡—红牛公司第七机库) 2017: Hohenwerfen the Adventure Fort, Austria(奥地利霍亨维尔芬—探险城堡) 2017: Eisriesenwelt—King of Ice Caves, AUT(奥地利世界冰洞之王)
2017: Salzburg—Mirabell Gardens, AUT(奥地利萨尔茨堡—《音乐之声》花园) 2017: Salzburg—Rome of the North, AUT(奥地利萨尔茨堡—北方的罗马) 2017: Salzburg the City of Mozart, AUT(奥地利萨尔茨堡—莫扎特城) 2016: Stockholm—Beauty on the Water, SWE(瑞典斯德哥尔摩—水上仙境) 2016: Stockholm—Venice of the North, SWE(瑞典斯德哥尔摩—北方的威尼斯)
2016: Stockholm Palace, Sweden(瑞典斯德哥尔摩皇宫) 2016: Capital Stockholm, Sweden(瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩) 2015: St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican(梵蒂冈圣彼得大教堂) 2015: World's Smallest Country, Holy See(梵蒂冈─世界最小的国家) 2015: Roma―the Eternal City, Italy(意大利罗马―永恒之城) 2015: All Roads Lead to Rome, Italy(意大利―条条道路通罗马) 2015: Roman Colosseum, Italy(意大利罗马角斗场) 2014: July 4th Party(独立节聚会) 2013: 四年级独立节(Fourth Grade Patriots) 2012: 三年级独立节(Third Grade Patriots) 2009: 天生的节拍(Natural Beats) Barley Sheaf Inn (before 1784) in a Plastered Stone & the 1st Montgomery County Courthouse Housed from 1784 to about 1787 @ East Norriton
(东北方镇1784年之前建造的大麦捆旅馆·曾为巨人山郡第一座法院大楼,建于1784 年—1787年左右,采用抹灰石材)
Montgomery County Courthouse (巨人山郡法院)
Montgomery County Courthouse (巨人山郡法院)
One Montgomery Plaza (巨人山一号广场)
Entrance to One Montgomery Plaza
(巨人山一号广场·大门) Norristown Borough Hall (1972)
(建于1972年的北方人城市政厅) US Post Office (美国邮政局)
![1657232306562010.jpg 2022-07-04_Ctr Theater (1851)_ Key to Norristown’s Arts Scene0001.JPG](/upfile/image/20220707/1657232306562010.jpg)
Ctr Theater (1851), Key to Norristown's Arts Scene (1851年建造的中央剧院·巨人山城文化重要场所) David Rittenhouse Junior High School (1928) in the Colonial Revival Style w/ Limestone Trim & Detailing
(1928年建造的钟爱·芦苇农舍初中,殖民复兴风格石灰石边饰建筑) ![1657232306505425.jpg 2022-07-04_David Rittenhouse Junior High School _Limestone Clad Tower0001.JPG](/upfile/image/20220707/1657232306505425.jpg)
Limestone Clad Tower of David Rittenhouse Junior High School (钟爱·芦苇农舍初中——石灰石复合塔) DeKalb St @ E Lafayette St (牛犊路与东山毛榉林路交道口)
![1657232307998824.jpg 2022-07-04_First Presbyterian Church0001.JPG](/upfile/image/20220707/1657232307998824.jpg)
First Presbyterian Church (第一长老会教堂) Old Montgomery County Jail (1854) Practiced in the Grim “Pennsylvania System” of Solitary Confinement
(1854年建造的巨人山郡老监狱·严格实施“宾州体系”单独监禁制度) St. John's Episcopal Church & Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania
(神慈圣徒主教教堂及宾州圣公会教区) ![1658060462464307.jpg 2022-07-16_23 E Airy St_St John's Episcopal Church-10001.JPG](/upfile/image/20220717/1658060462464307.jpg)
St. John's Episcopal Church (神慈圣徒主教教堂)
Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania (宾州圣公会教区)
Altar of St. John's Episcopal Church
(神慈圣徒主教教堂·祭坛) Scheidt Brewery (1870-1975)
(1870兴建—1975倒闭的河边啤酒厂) Scheidt Brewery, Famous for Valley Forge Beer, Prior Double Dark, and Rams Head Ale
(河边啤酒厂·尤以锻造谷啤酒、主僧侣双黑啤酒和山羊头麦芽啤酒等闻名) Stony Creek by Scheidt Brewery
(河边啤酒厂旁石溪) Philadelphia & Western Railroad Station (1931)
(1931年建成通车的费城与西宾州铁路站) Norristown Transportation Ctr (北方人城交通中心)
Old Rambo & Regar Globe Knitting Mills (1898) in Red Brick w/ Heavy Timber Framing & Italianate Style Design Elements & Reinvented as Office Space
(1898年建造的乌鸦巢—苍鹭·球体老针织厂,采用红砖与重型木质结构的意大利建筑风格,现已改造成办公楼) Positron Manufacturing Inc., a Full-Service Electronic Contract Manufacturing Firm
(正电子制造公司·提供全方位服务的电子合同制造公司) Tudor Row Houses @ Powell St. (名子路联栋屋)
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