【The Conflict】 Friedrich Schiller (1759—1805) No! I this conflict longer will not wage, The conflict duty claims--the giant task;-- Thy spells, O virtue, never can assuage The heart's wildfire--this offering does not ask
True, I have sworn--a solemn vow has sworn, That I myself will curb the self within; Yet take thy wreath, no more it shall be worn— Take back thy wreath, and leave me free to sin.
Rent be the contract I with thee once made; — She loves me, loves me--forfeit be the crown! Blessed he who, lulled in rapture's dreamy shade, Glides, as I glide, the deep fall gladly down.
She sees the worm that my youth's bloom decays, She sees my spring-time wasted as it flees; And, marveling at the rigor that gainsays The heart's sweet impulse, my reward decrees.
Distrust this angel purity, fair soul! It is to guilt thy pity armeth me; Could being lavish its unmeasured whole, It ne'er could give a gift to rival thee!
Thee--the dear guilt I ever seek to shun, O tyranny of fate, O wild desires! My virtue's only crown can but be won In that last breath--when virtue's self expires! —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《斗争》】 和平使者•席勒(1759生—1805卒) 不,我不愿再进行这种斗争, 义务的巨大斗争。 你如不能抑制内心的激情, 道德啊,别要求这种牺牲。
我发过誓,是的,我发过誓, 要我克制自己; 你的花环,就让我永远放弃, 收回去吧,免得我犯罪。
撕掉吧,我们曾经作过的约定! 她爱我——花环就算丢失了, 陶醉在喜悦中的人,真幸运, 能像我这样轻易忘记跌倒。
她看着蛆虫咬我的青春花朵, 我的春天已逃走, 暗暗佩服我英勇地放手摆脱, 宽宏大量地了结我的回报。
美丽的灵魂,别信任天使的善意, 你的同情给了我犯罪的武器, 在人生的无法估量的领域里, 可有比你更美的另一种赏赐?
超过我总想躲避的犯罪勾当? 专横暴虐的造化! 该赠给我的美德的惟一酬赏, 乃是我的美德的最后一刹那。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2016: Berlin, the Capital of Prussia DEU(德国柏林·普鲁士首府) 2016: Berlin Wall, Germany(德国柏林墙) 2015: Dardanelles Strait, Turkey(土耳其陶堡海峡·地狱之海) 2012: Third Grade Drama Camp(三年级戏剧夏令营)
Berliner Dom (柏林大教堂)
Berliner Dom (柏林大教堂 05-28-2001)
Kirche am Hohenzollernplatz (瞭望塔广场教堂)
Französischer Dom @ Gendarmenmarkt (御林广场·法国大教堂) New Church Neue Kirche @ Gendarmenmarkt (御林广场·德国大教堂 06-28-2016) Gedächtniskirche (威廉王纪念教堂)
St. Thomaskirche (双教堂) Max Planck Institute (不朽之光研究所)
Kreuzkirche (圣十字教堂)
Modern Bell Tower (现代钟楼)
Bellevue Palace (美景宫)
Berlin Fashion Week @ Kronprinzenpalais (太子宫·柏林时装周) BOSS Store @ Friedrichstraße (国王大街·在线购买送货到店)
Panorama of Reichstagsgebäude (国会大厦·全景)
Façade of Reichstagsgebäude (国会大厦·正面) Bundestag (联邦议院)
German Chancellery (德国总理府)
Konzerthaus Berlin @ Gendarmenmarkt (御林广场·柏林音乐厅 06-28-2016)
Staatsoper Unter den Linden (国家歌剧院)
Deutsches Historisches Museum (德国历史博物馆)
Façade of Deutsches Historisches Museum (德国历史博物馆·正面)
Façade of Zeughaus (军械库·正面)
Panorama of Zeughaus (军械库·全景)
Berlin State Library (柏林国家图书馆)
Humboldt University of Berlin (柏林洪堡大学)
Jakob-Kaiser-Haus (德国政治家故居) Kollhoff-Tower (蔬菜园塔) Bahntower @ Potsdamer Platz (橡树下广场·铁路塔)
Potsdamer Platz (橡树下广场)
Berlin Hauptbahnhof (柏林火车总站)
Checkpoint Charlie @ Friedrichstraße (国王大街·查理检查哨)
Former East Berlin (前东柏林居民区)
Kurfürstendamm, the Champs-Elysées of Berlin (裤裆大街·柏林的香榭丽舍大街)
Tauentzienstraße (陶恩茨大街) Neo-Classic Apt (新古典式公寓)
Droste-Hülshoff-Gymnasium (以德国女作家命名的体育馆) Terra Nullius (无主楼)
Zoologischer Garten (动物园)
Mansion (别墅)
Stately Home (豪宅)
Manor (庄园)
Bridges inside Government Quarter on Spree (散开河上政府区内桥梁)
Weidendammer Brücke (柳树桥)
Oberbaumbrücke (上游树桥)
Jannowitzbrücke (棉花商桥)
Schlossbrücke (宫殿桥)
Signpost (路标)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |