2014-10-29 【Aiden in English】
Many significant events during Mr. Itzhak Perlman’s life had huge impacts. Probably the most paramount was when his father gave him a violin. This event began his path to becoming a fantastic violinist that the entire musical world would know. When Virtuoso Perlman was three years old, his father bought him a used violin for six dollars. I believe this had the most significant impact on his life because this began his musical career. In the story, the author states that he had an extraordinary ability to play the violin before age ten. He performed first in Israel and attracted the attention of a popular television show host, Ed Sullivan. Mr. Perlman was invited to the United States with other young, talented musicians. He went to Julliard in New York, the best musical institution in America. This could not have happened if he hadn’t received his violin from his father. Virtuoso Perlman had many turning points in his life that changed his destiny. This was one of them because Mr. Perlman’s life as a musician began when his father bought that violin. That event made him what he is today. 【红霞译】
伊扎克“笑声”·帕尔曼“珍珠商”先生有生之年想必经历过许多重大事件并深受其影响,我觉得最为首要的也许当属父亲送他小提琴一事,打那以后,一颗璀璨的小提琴巨星在整个音乐世界冉冉升起。 当帕尔曼大师刚满三岁的时候,爸爸花了六块钱给他买来一把二手小提琴,我坚信这对他影响极大,因为从此便打开了他的音乐生涯。在有关生平介绍中,作者强调不到十岁的他已经展露出非凡的才华。帕尔曼先生首度出现在以色列艺术舞台上,引起当时深受民众喜爱的节目主持人埃德·苏利文的关注,随后与其他音乐骄子一起获邀来到美国,并进入美国最好的音乐殿堂──纽约茱莉亚学院深造,要不是当年父亲送的那把小提琴,肯定不会发生后面一系列奇迹。 帕尔曼大师一生有过不少足以改变自身命运的转折点,首当其冲的无疑便是成为音乐家那一时刻,没有从父亲手中接过小提琴,恐怕就没有他的今天。 Virtuoso Perlman (珍珠商大师) Crosslink(相关博文): 6th Grade(初中一年级) |