2017-02-04 【Aiden in English】
Here’s the simple truth about life. Everyone grows old. What’s intriguing is that the younger you are, the less you care about time. Yet as you grow old and time grows short, you begin to realize the precious gold sliding away every second. The funny thing is when all the adults tell kids not to put things to tomorrow, but they are the ones who are ultimately procrastinating. They always, at some time in life, suddenly think that there are so many things that they have yet to accomplish. Finally, when they grow old, life somewhat dulls, and they complain about everything they haven’t done yet. At the beginning of the Year of Rooster, my school, Guanghua Chinese School, decided to give older people in our community a slight spark in their lives. So, a few groups from the Chinese New Year’s Gala were sent to Park Creek Place, an elderly residence home, to perform. Being one of the hottest shows on the list, our Yo-Yo group was welcome to start on the job. The first problem upon entering was the extreme lack of space. If one were to wave a Yo-Yo in front of your face, you would not feel comfortable. We were performing in the lobby, which was about the size of a large classroom. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough by far. We discussed the action plans upon meeting up with the rest of the group. Instead of having the beginners and the advanced groups forming two separate lines, we combined them into a large group. The second major issue was mobility problems for the elderly audience. It is not a good idea to swing and fly Yo-Yo around the lobby with the aging people. If a single windmill or toss went wrong, severe damage could occur. Furthermore, the lack of space constricts our breathing room, which increases our chances of mess-up even more. While the experienced group sweated over the problems, the others primarily practiced their tricks and messed around. In addition, two veterans did not arrive, leaving us with a gap in the show. Luckily, we could cover their tracks with ease. Because of the significant changes, however, no one felt confident. After the show, we left without talking. It was well delivered and much better than we hoped for. There wasn’t much to speak of, which is excellent. I’m not sure the audience was entertained because not many of them applauded. But this time was probably the smoothest performance we have ever done, which feels highly satisfying. Hopefully, next time on a bigger stage, we can produce one even better than this show. I know we can. 【红霞译】
演出结束后,我们默默地离开老年护理院。全套动作完成得不错,甚至比预期想象的还棒,确实无啥好说,到此总算画上一个圆满句号。至于观众满意与否,我心里没谱,毕竟没有太多人拍手鼓掌,不过以我个人之见,这场演出或许可以算作我们空竹生涯里最为顺利的一次经历,让人非常有成就感。但愿下次舞台给力,这样我们能更好地发挥水平。 我知道肯定没问题。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2014: Descriptive—Eragon @ School Day(记小说人物一天学校生活)
Blue Sky (空竹·《天蓝蓝》 02-04-2017) Yo-Yo (抖空竹 02-04-2017)
Yo-Yo Volunteer Performers (空竹义务表演者 02-04-2017)
Park Creek Place, the Assisted Living Facility (园溪中心老人护理院 02-04-2017)
The Lobby of Park Creek Place ((园溪中心·门厅) Crosslinks(相关博文): 2016 Yo-Yo @ Lansdale Intl Fest(2016年兰斯代尔春季国际节抖空竹) Yo-Yo Performance @ Travel & Adventure(旅游探险展表演空竹) 2015 Yo-Yo @ Lansdale Intl Fest(2015年兰斯代尔春季国际节抖空竹) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |