【Aiden in English】
MathCounts is probably one of the last places in school where being the know-it-all student is beneficial. Being smart no longer means being liked, so it’s good to feel free to blab out random bits of knowledge. Nevertheless, Pennbrook MS is not famous for having the smartest Mathletes. Although there was a rare case of holding one of the top ten at the Valley Forge Chapter Regional Competition last year, it was quite a surprise. This year, I believe I have a legitimate shot at something here because of the experience and the past year’s gained intelligence. MathCounts, if you don’t already know, is a math competition between the 6th and 8th graders. In other words, the people who sign up for MathCounts are agreeing to grueling tests to determine winners and losers. Math problems, to a typical student, are nothing fun. But for those who like a good challenge, MathCounts can certainly provide it. Granted, you should be good at math to try. Today was the regional competition. It means that the winners will move on to Pennsylvania State later. It is an enormous jump, but when you get older, the difficulty increases as well. To be the best, you must prove it to the audience. There is a countdown round after sprint and target testing sessions, which truly determines who advances to the next round. But the challenge comes before that. I know I’m fast at solving countdown problems. Yet, it gives me time and a complex issue, and I struggle greatly. Although I have speed, MathCounts always takes correctness over speed. Therefore, it is a slight disadvantage for me. The sprint, target, and team rounds were almost the same as last year, just easier. The difficulty of the test bounces around a bit, and the questions change every year, so this year, it was easy. Well, at least compared to the latter year. However, this means the best athletes will be grouped; the most complex problems will determine the only differences. Those are always at the back of the sprint rounds and end-of-team rounds. The target questions are just generally hard. It takes around two hours to complete the entire written competition. So, by the end, my brain is dead. And guess what? I didn’t make the countdown round. As a Chinese boy, it’s depressing that I am not brilliant, but I tried my best. However, there is always that nagging feeling that you could’ve gotten one more correct problem, one more to put you in the top ten. I immediately knew two issues I got wrong on the target round because of what my friends had. This feeling was the worst. However, I cannot be mad at the results. My teacher will reveal my final place later, and hopefully, I’ve improved. Last year’s score was terrible, so I should see significant progress. 【红霞译】
你猜怎么着?我无缘口试抢答比赛,着实让人失望,身为华人子弟,我算不上聪明之辈,好在自己已经付出最大努力,但事后人们难免会为考场误失一题甚感惋惜,而这道题恰好对你挤进前十名至关重要。其实在与朋友互对答案时,我骤然意识到思考题中有两道题出糗,心情一落千丈。 然而我没啥好抓狂的,老师很快就会公布个人名次,届时但愿结果有所改观。去年成绩惨不忍睹,想必今年进步相当显著。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Chinese New Year Eve @ Lai Lai Garden(来来花园春节年夜饭)
Chapter Competition (地区比赛)
Countdown Round (抢答)
Spring Round (春天来了)
Pennbrook MS (宾溪初中队 02-18-2017) Crosslinks(相关博文):
2016 MathCounts Regional Competition(2016年初中数学分区赛) Sixth Grade Reading Olympics(初一阅读奥林匹克赛) MontCo Sci Research Contest(蒙哥马利郡科研竞赛) Academic Challenge(学术知识竞赛) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |