【Aiden in English】
Mom has recently switched her job from Merck to GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), both in the research and development division of top-notch pharmaceutical companies. Today, she took my little sis and me to have a peek inside the building. At first, the building seemed like Merck, with glass windows and flat roofs. But soon, I discovered that GSK looked much better on the display. The campus had beautiful gardens, natural landscaping, open fields for outdoor sports (basketball, volleyball, tennis, softball, jogging trail, etc.), and fancier architecture. It felt as if you didn't only come to work but also enjoyed your life simultaneously. Inside, GSK also looked far shinier and more modern in design. Unlike Merck, the AC system kept calm in summer and warm in winter. However, the place was a maze. Everything looked the same, so getting lost became extremely easy. Even though she worked there, Mom found it frustrating to navigate the halls. When we saw the exit, I couldn't help but smile. At least now I know that the place Mom works is nice and cool. 【红霞译文】
乍看上去,两家公司外观并无多大区别,落地玻璃窗配上平式房顶,但不久你会发现,葛兰素史克布局讲究,不仅花园漂亮、景观自然、场地空旷,不仅为你提供篮球、排球、垒球、散步等健身强体的户外运动空间,而且建筑时髦,让你在工作之余尽可能享受生活。 葛兰素史克公司内部敞亮设计入时,有一点与默克公司明显不同,夏天需要凉爽的时候空调制冷,冬天需要保温的时候暖气加热。然而,葛兰素史克布局犹如迷宫,什么东西都像一个模子复制出来的,很容易走失。妈妈虽在此工作,但至今尚未弄清东南西北,等我们走出大楼,我忍不住大笑起来。不管怎样,我非常欣慰妈妈上班的地方惬意舒适。
Visit GSK(参观葛兰素史克制药公司 06-29-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |