2014-07-15 【Aiden in English】
The body parts of a boy are not the best topic during a conversation. That wasn't the case today. While the campers were peacefully drawing in the art session, I drew my name in a fancy version with a huge "D." When I finished my name, my friend walked over and said: "Wow, that's a big D." It caused a chain reaction throughout 4 to 5 kids. Naturally, if kids talk about a "D," they think of a penis. Since my friend said it was big, everyone thought it was better not to say it. The biggest problem was that everyone near me bought it. So, I spent the next 30 minutes trying to tell others that it was a joke. That's why the body parts of a boy are left alone during conversations. It is awkward and leads to weird moments. 【红霞译】 聊天时,男生的身体部位最好避而不谈,可今天却非如此。
当营员们正安静地涂鸦作画,我别出心裁以奇特的表现手法勾勒出本人名字,其中字母“D”结构突出。画完之后,一位哥们走了过来,见状随声说道:“哇,好大的一个D。”顷刻间,一下子在四、五位同伴中引起了连锁反应。通常男生之间,每当提及“D”,大家都会浮想联翩,下意识地聚焦到人体私隐处,因为这位哥们又强调过“大”字,所以个个偏听偏信,误以为他指的就是我那个特殊部位(不必直说)。关键问题在于,我身边几位同伴居然人云亦云,害得我不得不花掉卅分钟美好光景,费尽口舌跟这帮人解释,刚才所发生的一切不过是个玩笑而已。 这就是为什么在侃大山吹牛皮的时候,轻易不要把男生的生理器官当作玩笑,否则借题发挥个人臆想,会造成尴尬下不来台的局面。
Drawing (绘画 07-15-2014)
Plate Art (盘子艺术画)
Trap (控球 07-15-2014)
Chinese Chess (中国象棋 07-15-2014)
Outdoor Activity (户外活动 07-15-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |