【Aiden in English】
Ever play the Bullet Game? Well, if you wonder what in the world I am talking about, the Bullet Game is when you line up, and whoever can catch the pass thrown by the QB can stay in. If you drop it, you have to say goodbye. Once you catch the ball, you step back in line at the end. The final person standing wins. We played the Bullet Game in our flag football camp for a while. And the QB, our counselor was turning up the heat. For the 4th grade and above kids, the counselor really blasted the ball. As I caught the bullet, the force knocked me over. I became very cautious, considering that throw could give me a decent concussion. For the 3rd graders to the 1st graders, they got a little bullet. Obviously, they advanced, but slowly, the youngsters dropped it. Soon, it was just me and another 5th grader. We went back and forth for a little. Then finally, the ball came loose from my hands. At that very instant, I knew I could win. Despite the pain, I reached out and grabbed the ball. The other kid wasn't so lucky. He was finished too.
Today, my limit was tested. I was pushed as hard as I could at catching and I succeeded. Sometimes, you just need to push the limit, and you might be able to do what you desire.
玩过“子弹游戏”吗﹖假如你不明白我说的意思,还是让我来告诉你吧。先按照顺序依次列队站好,四分卫对准我们快速扔球发射“子弹”,能够接到球的人留下,而接不到球的人出列离队。一旦接到球后,你要移至队尾,站到最后的人才算赢家。 夺旗式美式足球夏令营里,我们先玩上一阵子这样的“子弹游戏”,担任四分卫的辅导员把大家的热情全部调动了起来。面对四年级以上的大营员,辅导员毫无客气可言,瞄准我们狠命出击。我不幸中弹,结果因冲力过猛,不慎把我打翻在地,之后我变得小心谨慎,生怕真被摔成脑振荡。对于一到三年级的小营员,辅导员手下留情,仅仅使用微型“子弹”对付他们。显然,低年级的孩子倍受照顾,但慢慢地,还是逐一被淘汰,最后只剩下我和另一位五年级同龄人。彼此展开拉锯战,我终于吃不住劲,手一软,球差点落地,眼见要与胜利擦肩而过,我咬紧牙关强忍伤痛,伸手把球抓住。对手运气欠佳,最终输给了我。 今天不仅考验了本人的极限,而且还历练了我的心智。有时只有挑战极限,你才可能去实现梦想。
Jackpot Football Game (积宝足球游戏 06-18-2010) Over & Under (上下传球 06-18-2010)
Space Pilot (太空飞行员 06-18-2010) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |