【Aiden in English】
If you are reading this, you’re probably researching the life of the king of the world. It’s me, the only one, the immortal Sir Marco the first. I’ve decided to keep a journal on the events of my life leading up to my kingship to remind me of the distance I have come. To start, I want to say that I am not a traitor. I’m just a man searching for his purpose in life, and my road has brought me to the Massa, the secret organization that suits me perfectly. I’ve had enough of the Karai Institute and sided with its enemy. Many people will think I’m a backstabbing traitor, but bro, if all I had to do was lie to become the king of the world, then I would do it. I also believe I wouldn’t be the only one. So, if you wish to hear my point of view, grab some popcorn or something and enjoy the story. June 3, 2014 Euphrates River Dear Diary, Now, this is where it begins with the betrayal. I’ve already sided with the Massa, a secret organization that is content on using seven magical orbs to rule the world, with me leading the front charge. These orbs are called Loculi, giving kids the G7W powers like flight and invisibility. At the same time, they also are the only known cure for the G7W, a rare disease kids are born with. This disease overrides the body at 14, and nothing can stop it. Theoretically, if all seven Loculus powers are combined, the energy would reverse the G7W. The Loculi are hidden in the world's seven ancient wonders, and only one remains intact. I am buried under some sand for protection from the sun's rays on the banks of the Euphrates River, the site for the second Loculus. Jack and his Karai Institute buds are about to arrive. Currently, they don’t know I’m here. They don’t even know I’ve sided with the genuine good guys yet, a.k.a. the Massa. Soon, I heard screaming, followed by a thumping sound. I knew it had to be Jack. He’s the only one who braved enough to come down, although not in the most professional way. After a while, I heard Jack scrambling up, and I felt a tug on my shoes. I got pulled out of my little dune and met with my former colleague. He looked as surprised as if he was staring at a zombie. By the looks of it, he was about to give me CPR. Professor Bhegad, the head of the Karai Institute, saw me and shouted something. Whatever it was, I waved back. Then, here’s the part that hurt most. The part was when I lied and apologized because I wasn’t sorry inside. This was just a big scheme that would put the Massa ahead by a step. So after I was done pretending to be sad and making up a story and Jack forgiving me, I told him the sweet part. The part where I found the second Loculus. He’s shocked; the other Karai G7W kids had arrived by then. There’s Cass or Cassius, Aly, and Jack. They were the three musketeers. The three kids in the Karai Institute seemed to have been tricked. If only they knew about the ways of the Massa; they were the true saviors. I stood up and showed them where I discovered the location of the Loculi. The others began asking questions, but I told them to see for their selves. I asked them to jump in, and before they could answer, I grabbed their hands and jumped. The journey was still weird, even though I had already gone through it a few times. I swam to the bottom, lugging Jack, Aly, and Cass’s bodies. We went into the darkness; a glow illuminated the murky water, and I felt my insides turned outwards. Then, my face broke the surface, and I gasped. 300 B.C.E. Ancient Babylon Dear Diary, I lugged everyone to a nearby bank, and they were all wheezing for air. There was a path here last time I came, and there it was. I told the others to get up and began walking down the path. After a while, Jack and the others caught up and saw what amazed me every time. There, in the middle of a desert, sat a city. Not a city of skyscrapers and cars but of walls of clay bricks and hard-packed dirt roads. A little boy strolled towards us, saw us, and started to scream like we were from the future. He turned and ran up to a guard patrolling the outer wall. Jack, Cass, and Aly turned and bolted to the river. All I could say was what a bunch of wusses they were at the time. I followed with no other choice. June 5, 2014 Euphrates River Dear Diary, The four of us washed up on the banks of the Euphrates again, gasping for air. Jack was unconscious but, with a bit of help, got up in a few minutes. Later, I heard a scream, followed by an “Oh. My Gandalf!” from someone on the upper banks. It was Nirvana, another Karai scientist who Professor Bhegad had brought. She escorted us to an area where the Karai Institute people set up camp. Everyone was worried, but I didn’t care. My head was spinning at impossible speeds, blurring images together like watercolors. The next thing I knew, I was on the ground, writhing in pain. I woke up to find myself in a tent with everyone watching. Professor Bhegad said I went through treatment, a secret process to delay G7W until the kid’s 14th birthday. Soon, the discussion took a quick turn to the other place where we went. All I could process was slower hours and minutes. Even though I had muscles, my brain couldn’t process much. That’s what Aly’s for. She was the Albert Einstein of the century. After a significant problem of long division, Aly stated that ancient Babylon traveled ninety times slower than the rest of the world. Professor Bhegad looked shocked and told everyone about something like a wormhole that did something I didn’t catch in time. 【红霞译】
既然你阅读到这里,那么你可能对所谓世界之王的生活有所研究,说得没错,那就是我,一位绝无仅有流芳百世的大马可爵士。我决定坚持记录有关王室生活的轶闻趣事,让它伴随我走遍天涯。首先,我声明本人不是叛徒,充其量算作绅士,殊不知在追求人生目标道路上与志趣相投的秘密组织马萨不约而同地走到一起,我已跟卡莱学院打够了交道,现在来到其敌对一方,难怪不少人认为我是卑鄙叛徒,但是老兄呀,即使普天下所有大众要我虚情假意去当所谓的世界之王,我宁愿到此来干我想干的事情,坚信自己绝非独一无二,假如你想了解我的所见所闻,那么就捧出爆米花之类的零食,好好听我细述详情。 二O一四年六月三日
幼发拉底河 亲爱的日记: 现在先从叛徒讲起,我已加入马萨,一个仅仅依赖七尊神奇天体统治世界的秘密组织,这些天体好像叫什么“小腔体”,他们既能把具有飞行隐身等特异功能的G7W基因遗传给下一代,同时还是唯一掌握如何治疗G7W遗传病的专家,带有G7W的孩子患有罕见的先天性疾病,只要长到十四岁,这种遗传病显现出来并周身性扩散,迄今尚无任何办法能够阻止病情发展。从理论上说,如果把七个小腔体的能量加在一起,那么总能量足以修复G7W所造成的功能缺陷。这些小腔体全部隐藏于世界七大古代奇迹内,他们当中只有一个完好无缺。现在我躲在幼发拉底河岸沙滩里面以求免受幼发拉底河两岸烈日折磨,该地盘属于第二号小腔体管辖范围,杰克及其卡莱学院的同事马上就要降临,但他们尚不清楚我在这里,甚至对我跟一帮英雄好汉即马萨组织拜把兄弟毫不知情。不大工夫,我先听到有人尖叫,接着出现一阵重击声响,立刻判断这是杰克,尽管以这种方式现身有失体统,但唯有他敢冒天下之大不韪。过了一会,我听到杰克在沙面上移动,并无意蹭到了我的鞋子。我从沙丘中挺身而出,直面对视从前的同伴,他如同具僵尸目似地满脸惊讶,从外表看,倒像把我吓出心脏病,卡莱学院的负责人博盖德教授见状大呼小叫,但无论嚷嚷什么,我仅以摆手作答。接下来所做的事情最叫人难堪,那就是我得违心向他们赔礼道歉,因为良心上我从未认为有何不妥,不过这么做只会提升马萨的地位。打完圆场之后,杰克总算原谅了我,之后我才把找到第二号小腔体的好消息告诉了他,他异常惊喜,正在这个时候,卡莱学院其他G7W孩子来到面前,他们分别为号称三剑客的卡斯即卡修斯、阿丽和杰克,在卡莱学院哥仨好像被洗过脑,要是听说过马萨的为人处事,他们找到了救星。我站起来指给他们看我个人找到的小腔体位置,他们开始提出问题,但我告诉他们亲自察看,并要求他们先跳下水去,还没等他们回应,我拉住他们的手跳进河里。尽管事先我来过多次,但对这次旅程还是心有余悸。我拖着杰克、阿里和卡斯游到最底部,水位越深,越觉得黑得不得了,这时光线射入黑黢黢的水底,好像肚子里的五脏六腑都要吐出来一样,我赶紧把脸露出水面,早已累得上气不接下气。 公元前300年 古巴比伦 亲爱的日记: 我拖着每一位孩子上了岸,他们个个呼哧带喘,上次来时曾有一条小路,这回也出现在眼前。我连忙叫大伙站起来,随即开始沿小路前行。走过一阵子,杰克和其他人也赶了上来,大家都见到了每次令我格外激动的城市,它前不着村后不着店,孤零零矗立于茫茫沙漠之中,里面既无高楼大厦,也没有车水马龙,惟有泥砖砌成的城墙和高低不平的土路。一个小男孩正对着我们行进的方向慢慢走来,一见到我们吓得尖叫起来,好像我们从遥远的未来下凡至此,他转身飞奔跑到外城墙巡逻人员面前,而杰克、卡斯和阿丽见状也掉头朝河边逃窜。叫我夸什么好呀,真是一帮胆小鬼,我别无选择,只好尾随他们而去。 二O一四年六月五日 幼发拉底河 亲爱的日记: 我们四人再度被冲上幼发拉底河畔,大口大口地喘着粗气。杰克失去知觉,但经人稍加帮忙,几分钟后便站了起来。过了一会,我听到有人狂喊,随之从上游传来声音“嗨,甘道夫!”是博盖德教授带来的卡莱学院科学家涅槃那,她护送我们来到卡莱学院支起的帐篷,大家心有余悸,但我毫不在乎。我头昏目眩晕得要命,看什么都像水彩画那样朦胧模糊,后面只记得躺在地上痛得打滚,待醒来后才发觉自己已在帐篷里,有很多人围观。博盖德教授说我正接受治疗,那是一种推迟G7W至十四岁生日发病的神秘疗程。很快地,话题转向其它地方出现的问题,我的疗效很慢,一个小时接着一个小时,一分钟接着一分钟。即使我肌肉功能完善,但大脑毫无思维能力,这下得看阿丽的本事了,她堪称本世纪的阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦。经过复杂的除法计算,阿丽指出古巴比伦的时间旅行要比世界其它地方慢上九十倍,博盖德教授听后非常吃惊,告诉大家这是由虫洞之类的时空隧道引起的,我立马坠入五里雾之中。 
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