【Aiden in English】
The debate is entertaining. I love it a lot. But the complete and utter depressing thought of learning is around every corner. Today, I had little excitement. The stark truth is that this camp is essential to a specific class in school, learning about the debate system and the spirit. Today was a school day. I went to a classroom, took tons of notes, and asked tons of questions. The debate was this intricate, unfathomable world of unknown competition, much like sports. The idea is to be able to counter every opposing argument while simultaneously attacking the opposite view. Our central debate of the entire camp was whether the United States government should fully fund universal health care, or UHC, which is a hot topic in America currently, to say the least. The resolution itself sounds intimidating; however, once I got deeper into the topic, I realized that it was much more than just a bunch of fancy words. Today was more of a simple, explanation-filled class. Universal hints at how everyone should receive health care, but to what extent? Do non-citizens receive universal health care equally to citizens? How high would taxes have to be raised to implement viable health care? In which ways would the economy be affected by the drastic change in health care? I can’t solve many of these questions, and I believe no one else at this camp can fathom a relatively close answer. However, the entire point of the debate is not to project a future society with UHC. It is more about convincing one judge that the government should begin a UHC program. With the definitions come a lot of annoying notes to keep track of. I must say, the amount of notes taken is much more significant than in school. Most of the day involves staring at a screen, researching information years beyond our education, and talking in a specific debate jargon that would explode in a typical student’s head. In many of the long talks, we, the students, and the teacher discussed the central theme on both sides: What are the pros and cons of side values? So far, we have determined the fundamental values and arguments of the two sides: morals versus economy. This argument is nothing new, but recently, the UHC debate has taken it to a higher level. I don’t know much about how healthcare works other than its insurance aspect and the complaints about its imbalance. A side goal of winning for me would be to learn a bit more about the world. It’s ironic how people say the internet lies, yet it is the best way to discover the real world. 【红霞译】
我们学生与老师之间谈论最多的话题应首推辩论双方的中心思想,究竟正方与反方价值观是什么?到目前为止,我们已对基本价值观和双方论据达到共识:道德与经济,这种辩论并不是破天荒头一回,但近来国民对全民医疗保健的争议已上升到新的高度。 坦率地说,除了保险公司及抱怨收支失调而外,我对医保如何运作不太了解,希望能立足夏令营放眼全世界,搞笑的是人们常说互联网瞎话连篇,但它却不失为揭示真实世界最佳手段。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2014: YMCA Camp─Play B-Ball w/ Fever(基督教青年会营─带病上阵) Campmates (营员) Crosslinks(相关博文): 2017: Capitol Debate Camp Day-2(国会辩论夏令营第二天)
2017: Capitol Debate Camp Day-1(国会辩论夏令营第一天) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |