【Aiden in English】
And there goes the third marking period. That went slow. It's prolonged. Not in a pleasant way, either. So here is, in a nutshell, an autopsy of the third marking period. Every single year, the third marking period is a slump for a student who used to perform well at school. After getting used to the new school year, everything seems fine past the halfway point. Then, it’s like the American economy: you know it will fall. Before you ask, the grades weren’t terrible. They consisted of A+/A and B, the standard for a typical student. However, Asians are always allergic to a specific type of grade, which is mediocrity. I understand that some people believe Asians are nearly required to achieve straight A's or even A+'s, but that is only partially true. Asians are not required to have stellar grades, and they need something to be exemplary at. Whether it is music, sports, or another talent, Asian parents present a demand to be better than others. In other words, don't be average. Being average is worse than being bad because even the bad can improve. Ordinary people can't. In fact, receiving a few Bs is more important than it may seem at first. Furthermore, the drought lasts longer and longer each year. In the beginning, it appeared insignificant. Only in the 8th grade did the drought blossom into something that lasted about a month. This year, it might last half a marking period. As usual, the end of these droughts saw an increase in test averages. I feel this time was because the third marking period was overwhelmingly stressful and full of events. In my school, for instance, the pit orchestra practiced every week and dictated three entire nights for performances. Chinese schools kicked up a notch to match the upcoming AP Chinese assessment. A lot of kids enjoyed playing brass instruments. Jazz season was in full swing, holding a variety of festivals every Friday. Eventually, we all were exhausted, and perhaps that is why the third marking period of depression occurred. At the same time, this stretch was the best time we’ve had at school all year. Each event, excluding Chinese, was enjoyable and challenging, which are qualities I have always wanted in our extracurricular activities. Now, if this is a pattern, we should’ve been able to stop or at least ease the flood from breaking the dam. It wouldn’t be as simple as it sounds, and we somewhat ignored the warning signs. I thought one or two B's weren’t a big deal. But when more than one class became a problem, we grew alarmed. Perhaps next time, we’ll be prepared. Then again, that’s what I said at the end of the 8th grade. So this time, I’m always going to be prepared. Next year, the slip could begin in the 2nd or 4th marking period. But as usual, I hope that it will never come. 【红霞译】 第三学制日子过得忒慢,犹如蜗行牛步,叫人着急上火好生憋屈,索性只言片语剖析一下。
每逢第三学制,即使之前成绩不错的学生往往陷于低迷状态,刚刚适应新学年生活之后,头半部分即前两个学制一切按部就班,接下来宛若美国经济:如你所知情况急转直下。 且慢,成绩倒没那么糟糕,拿下A+(优秀)/A(优良)考个B(良好)一般不成问题,对于正常学生而言已然相当正常,不过亚裔对分数档次一向过敏,传统意识仍旧根深蒂固,我完全理解这种看法,毕竟有人坚信亚裔学生几乎肩负横扫A乃至A+的使命,但只说中了一部分,这些同胞岂止追求成绩优异,各个分明身手不凡练就出过人本领,无论在音乐、体育或其它方面,亚裔父母鼓励子女超群越辈,换句话说,没人稀罕中不溜,“中等生”比“落后生”差,因为“落后生”能破釜沉舟,而“中等生”则悠哉游哉。
现在既然高中生活已成模式,我们应该力阻任何失误恶性蔓延。没错,说来容易做来难,何况难免粗心大意,我觉得间或得了个把B别当回事,一旦不止一门功课出现同样状况性质就变了,咱得警钟长鸣,也许下回我们将有备无患。 其实早在初三结束时我已谈及这个话题,因此这次我时刻做好准备,明年低迷状态或许从第二或第四学制开始,但如往常一样,我希望它永远不要露面。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2014: 光华六年级B班演讲比赛─我的理想(2014 G6B Speech Contest—My Dream)
The Curse of the Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean (《加勒比海盗·黑珍珠的诅咒》01-29-2018)
Rehearsal (预演 02-04-2018)
Knight of Jazz @ NPHS (北宾州高中·爵士骑士乐队 02-09-2018)
Peace Valley Christian Church (平安谷基督教堂 02-10-2018)
Wissahickon Valley Public Library Blue Bell Branch (维萨黑肯谷公共图书馆蓝铃分馆 02-22-2018)
GHCS Chinese New Year Gala (光华中文学校春晚 02-25-2018) Pit Band (伴奏乐队 03-10-2018)
Seussical @ PBMS (宾溪初中·音乐剧《苏斯狂想曲》 03-11-2018)
Pennbrook Jazz Band (宾溪初中爵士乐队 04-13-2018) Crosslinks(相关博文): 2017: Third Marking Period of Eighth Grade(初三第三学制) 2016: Third Marking Period of Seventh Grade(初二第三学制) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |