【The hope of even seeing you again abandons me】 Eugenio Montale (1896—1981) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature in 1975〗 The hope of even seeing you again abandons me: and I ask myself if that which closes off
every sense of you, a screen of images, bearing signs of death, or from the past is in essence, though distorted, slipping, a gleam of you
(at Modena, between the porticoes, a servant in livery was dragging two jackals on a leash) —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《重新见到你的希望》】 名门•蒙塔莱(1896生—1981卒) 〖1975年诺贝尔文学奖〗 重新见到你希望 荡然无存了;
我暗自寻问, 这影像的屏幕 生生拆散了你与我 可代表死亡, 或者永恒的回忆, 兴许竟是闪烁着你变换、扭曲的 倩影的微光。
(深红色城的回廊, 穿制服的奴役 牵来两条用皮带系着的狼犬)。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2018: Venice, La Dominante of Italy(意大利威尼斯·王者之城)
2017: Vienna, the Capital of Dreams AUT(奥地利维也纳·梦之都)
2016: Blarney Castle, the Stone of Eloquence(爱尔兰布拉尼城堡·雄辩之石)
2014 World Cup—ARG vs. NLD(阿根廷对荷兰世界杯足球赛)
Ca' Foscari University of Venice (威尼斯大学)
Ca' Foscari University of Venice & Palazzo Balbi (威尼斯大学与巴尔比家族宫殿)
Ca' Foscari University of Venice (威尼斯大学)
Palazzo Grandi Stazioni (大站宫)
Old School of Mercy (老慈善学校)
Ca' d'Oro (金屋)
Ca' Vendramin Calergi (水上云朵宫)
Comune di Venezia (威尼斯市政厅)
Ferry Station (轮渡站)
Gallerie dell'Accademia (学院美术馆)
Hotel Rialto (集市酒店)
Palazzo Belloni Battagia (巴洛克饰面宫)
Palazzo Bembo (本博红衣主教宫)
Palazzo Contarini Fasan @ 2nd from R (右边第二座为《奥赛罗》荻丝梦娜悲惨宫)
Palazzo Dario (哥特—文艺复兴式达里奥宫)
Palazzo Giustinian Pesaro on L (左边为哥特式朱斯蒂安·佩萨罗宫)
Palazzo Grimani di San Luca (尤物宫)
Palazzo Gussoni Grimani Della Vida (古索尼家族宫)
Palazzo Da Mula Morosini w/ Monet Painting Façade (饰有莫奈亲手绘画的宫殿)
Palazzo Salviati w/ Mosaic Façade (马赛克饰面宫殿)
Scuola Grande di San Marco & Ponte del Cavallo (圣马可大学与马桥)
Venetian Flag of Gold Lion on Red Background Flying from Balcony on Grand Canal (大运河阳台飘扬的威尼斯红狮旗)
Palazzo Dandolo by Ponte del Vin (葡萄酒桥旁丹多洛总督宫)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |