【Any Hope of Ever Seeing You Again】 Eugenio Montale (1896—1981) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature in 1975〗 Any hope of ever seeing you again was slipping away;
and I wondered if that which cut off for me all sense of you, that screen of images, contained signs of death or if from the past there was within it, though distorted and tenuous, some glimmer of you:
(through Modena, under the arcades, a liveried servant dragged two jackals on leashes). —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《重新见到你的希望》】 名门•蒙塔莱(1896生—1981卒) 〖1975年诺贝尔文学奖〗 重新见到你希望 荡然无存了;
我暗自寻问, 这影像的屏幕 生生拆散了你与我 可代表死亡, 或者永恒的回忆, 兴许竟是闪烁着你变换丶扭曲的 倩影的微光。
(莫德纳城的回廊, 穿制服的仆役 牵来两条用皮带系着的狼犬) Today in History(历史上的今天):
2018: Venice, La Dominante of Italy(意大利威尼斯·王者之城)
2017: Vienna, the Capital of Dreams AUT(奥地利维也纳·梦之都)
2016: Blarney Castle, the Stone of Eloquence(爱尔兰田野城堡·雄辩之石)
2014 World Cup—ARG vs. NLD(阿根廷对荷兰世界杯足球赛)
Doge's Palace over Lagoon (泻湖上总督宫)
St Mark's Campanile & Doge Palace (战神钟楼和总督宫)
Campanile di San Marco (战神钟楼) Campanile di San Marco (战神钟楼)
Belfry of Campanile di San Marco (战神钟楼·钟塔)
Doge Palace (总督宫)
Courtyard, Doge Palace (总督宫·庭院) Ornamentation of the Courtyard w/ Marble Clock, Doge Palace (总督宫· 庭院装饰与大理石钟)
Scala dei Giganti Flanked by Mars & Neptune, Doge Palace (总督宫·火星与海王星辅佐两侧的巨人石阶)
Roof Painting, Doge Palace (总督宫·宫殿油画) Golden Staircase, Doge Palace (总督宫·金色楼梯)
Guariento di Arpo's Paradise, Doge Palace (总督宫——卫兵·神奇《天堂》) Lion's Mouth, A Postbox for Anonymous Denunciations Doge Palace (总督宫·狮嘴—收集匿名信的邮箱)
Prison, Doge Palace (总督宫·监狱)
St Theodore & Lion of Venice (恩赐柱与威尼斯狮柱)
Saint Mark Column (战神柱) St Theodore Column (恩赐柱)
Basilica di San Marco (战神大教堂)
Five Cupolas of St Mark's Basilica (战神大教堂·五个穹顶)
Cupolas & Statues of St Mark's Basilica (战神大教堂·穹顶与雕像)
Mosaics of St Mark's Basilica (战神大教堂·马赛克)
Mosaic Floor of St Mark's Basilica (战神大教堂·镶嵌地板)
Bridge of Sighs (叹息桥)
Torre dell'Orologio (钟楼) ── Turret (角楼)
Bronze Moors on Clock Tower (钟楼·青铜黑皮肤敲钟人)
Sculpture of a Doge & the Lion of Venice Porta della Carta, Basilica di San Marco (战神大教堂·纸门上总督和威尼斯狮子雕塑)
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (图书馆)
Piazza San Marco (战神广场)
Lions on Flag Poles (旗杆上的狮子)
Crosslinks(相关博文): Italy(出游意大利)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |