2021-04-18 【Aiden in English】
〖What is fairness in the world? Is merit always the pinnacle of fairness in education? (800 Words)〗
Somewhere along the road of early-grade gym class, I discovered I wouldn’t be the fastest soccer player or the most substantial batter. Consistently being picked in the final few during kickball would imprint those ideas in your mind; however, I felt unjustly robbed of the means of success on the playground. “Why can’t I shoot like him?” I would ask while staring upwards at the six-foot sixth grader. Fast forward half a decade. Shielding my eyes from the scorching sunlight, I walked past a dusty soccer field, watching young, barefooted children kick around a battered leather ball. A boy trapped the ball with his heel rolled it over and flipped it with his toes to his teammate with ease and skill. And I wondered, staring at the tattered ball and grassless field in the streets of Dar Es Salaam, if anyone would ever reward that kid’s talents. I documented these memories in a blog, displaying the world to those who could not see it themselves. While maintaining rigorous daily uploads on my journeys, I developed my writing skills through plenty of practice. Furthermore, as my blog’s viewership climbed into the thousands, then tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands, I realized that I was reaching people worldwide, and I wanted to do more. Much more. I opened a writing class at my local Chinese school in the summer of my first year. Many students who grow up in Chinese-speaking families struggle to break through the language barrier. Recalling the dusty soccer pitch, I imagined that the next great author could be someone who just needed the chance. Thus, I decided that a writing course for elementary students focusing on grammar and fundamental techniques could go a long way. I was surprised by the results from the first day of class. Indeed, students had shortcomings in grammar and spelling, but these skills were teachable. As I taught them the basics of grammar, I watched students blossom in a casual atmosphere. They wrote longer, more complex pieces, breaking past the boundaries of standard essay molds. When I listened to the kids read their final works for everyone on the last day of class, I wondered if every student could write without limits. Perhaps they could have burst from their cocoons if they had just received the tools. In my eyes, fairness lies only when these opportunities— the opportunity for an additional writing class and the chance to be scouted by a college— are provided to everyone. Watching my students improve their writing, I realized that merit is not always the pinnacle of fairness in the current educational system. Success derives from the opportunities granted to each individual: some kids grow up with magical soccer skills unseen by the world, while others stumble into a writing class by the chance of going to the same Chinese school. Until these opportunities can be granted equally and in an unbiased fashion, merit cannot always be viewed as fair. 【红霞译】
从高一暑假开始,我为本地中文学校开设了英语写作课,班上不少学生都在说中文的家庭环境下长大,亟待突破语言障碍。回忆起土坯足球场景,我禁不住浮想联翩,没准下一位大作家正需要这种机会。于是,我为小学生写作课制定了长期规划,重点放在语法和基础技法方面,第一天上课令我备受鼓舞,虽说有的学生确实缺乏语法和拼写功底,但这些技能是可以教会的。我从基本语法讲起,同学们不知不觉地掌握了要领,文章越写越长,情节越撰越美,大大超越了标准文书水平。最后一堂课,当聆听他们演讲自己的作品时,我仿佛感到人人都能写好作文,只要把握学习方法,就会破茧成蝶。 在我眼中,如果每个人都有像课外写作补习班、大学录取等诸如此类的机会,那么才有公平可言。亲眼见证自己学生的写作水平日趋提高,我更加体会到日前教育体系中择优学并非最公平,因为成功源于每个人的机遇:一些孩子技压群芳却无人知晓;而另一些孩子不经意上了同一所中文学校的写作班。除非机会面前人人平等,否则择优学永远不存在公平一说。
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