2021-04-21 Administrative Professionals Day 【Aiden in English】 〖Please tell us about a book that has influenced you, from any point in your life.〗
Ever since I discovered the concept of the iPhone, I placed the mastermind behind the technology on a pedestal above everyone else. Steve Jobs, who captured the magic and imbued it on a small rectangular box, was a wizard to a 13-year-old me. However, when I cracked open Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, I discovered his genius's many hidden sides. I was shocked to learn about NeXT, a company utterly unbeknownst to me, and its underachieving hardware. I was baffled by the bulky and unreliable Apple III disaster. I was most surprised at his methods of success, leaning on LSD and Buddhism to find peace while continuously taking inspiration from overseas. Steve Jobs, a thorough biography emphasizing greatness, revealed personal issues and failures. Reading the 600-page biography in a mere week, I concluded that wizards are humans, too. I always viewed a select group of humans as a tier above others in skill, talent, or success— Steve Jobs being one of them; yet, journeying through the tech genius’s story, I realized that everyone suffered from personal problems. Steve Jobs, who persevered in his work through cancer, was just one example of many who pressed through complications and failures on their path to greatness. There will always be problems in life, with or without success. The only way to progress in life is to challenge problems head-on and take the fight against them. Steve Jobs continued to transform the world in magical ways. In my best attempts to do the same, I opened a writing course for young Chinese American kids. I created a virtual Investment Conference to raise financial literacy among high school students. While I struggled with public speaking and leading a room, I refused to let simple issues deter my focus. Steve Jobs invented the iPhone, arguably the most globally shifting device of the century, while fighting cancer. I was not about to let fear stop me from my goals. 【红霞译】 〖请告诉我们对你甚有影响的一本书〗
我对其闻所未闻的NeXT开发公司、硬件销售欠佳感到震撼;对其体积笨重、质量离谱的苹果第三代惨遭灾难重创感到困惑;对其从致幻剂和佛教净化自心、从海外汲取灵感的成功之道感到惊愕。《史蒂夫·乔布斯传》 是一部全面展示丰功伟绩、揭露个人问题和失败的人物传记。
花了一周时间读完这部长达600页的传记,我发觉魔法师也是人,像史蒂夫·乔布斯代表的特殊群体固然在技能、才智或成功方面有过人之处,然而经过深入了解这位科技才俊故事之后,我意识到人生难免遇到波折,史蒂夫·乔布斯在追求卓越的道路上历经坎坷饱尝磨难,即使身患癌症始终坚持工作,是许多人终生奋斗的写照。 无论成功与否,每个人都存有这样或那样的问题,但走向成功的唯一途径就是要直面现实并勇于挑战,正如史蒂夫·乔布斯采用非凡方式继续改变世界那样。榜样的力量是无穷的,我自觉付诸行动,不仅为美籍华裔子弟开设写作课程,而且还举办网上投资会议,旨在普及中学生金融知识。当在公开演讲和主持会议遇到困难时,我坚定不移地朝目标努力。史蒂夫·乔布斯在与病魔做斗争的时候发明了爱疯,可以说是本世纪最具全球化的移动装置,我也要在自己的人生路途上无畏无惧。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2018: Yo-Yo and Friendship(空竹与友谊)
Yo-Yo @ 2017 Lansdale Intl Fest(2017年兰斯代尔国际节抖空竹) 2013届光华毕业生(2013 GHCS Graduates) Barnes & Noble (巴诺书店 01/17/2020)
Crosslink(相关博文): 12th Grade(高中四年级) |