2021-04-27 National Prime Rib Day 【Aiden in English】 〖For applicants to Columbia College, please tell us what from your current and past experiences (either academic or personal) attracts you specifically to the areas of study that you previously noted in the application.〗
In stockmarketgame.org's 2020 spring event, my team spent hours brainstorming how to separate ourselves from the hundreds of opposing squads each week. Struggling to advance, we decided to short travel stocks such as American Airlines and Boeing during COVID-19’s initial news, which launched us into the leaderboard top five. This experience reinforced my interest in economics. Beyond the stock market, economics is fundamentally a societal problem-solving process: to help more with less. As I searched for real-world economics experience, I launched the virtual Southeastern Pennsylvania Investment Conference (SEPAIC) to address high school students' lack of financial literacy opportunities. My team and I invited speakers from the business, finance, management, and economic fields to provide insight into their careers and experiences. Using Zoom, we opened free sessions for my high school and surrounding districts. Speakers usually gave a twenty-minute presentation, followed by a question period during which the guests and students could interact. Watching the curiosity of my peers pour into the tiny chat box demonstrated that students only needed the opportunity to increase their financial literacy. With a stronger foundation in economics, I hope to expand SEPAIC and develop programs to help even more people. 【红霞译】
〖对于申请哥伦比亚学院的学生,请告诉我们你根据哪方面积累的经验(学术或个人方面)选择专业(不超过 200 个字)〗
在股市游戏网站开展的2020年春季活动中,我的团队每周都投注若干小时考虑如何从数百个竞争对手中胜出。我们过五关斩六将,决定在新冠肺炎病毒疫情爆发初期做空美国航空和波音等与旅行相关的股票,结果让我们跻身排行榜前五名之列,此番经历引发了我对经济学的兴趣。 除股票市场外,经济学本质上涵盖解决社会问题的过程:小成本大收益。为了增加实际经济学经验,我发起了线上“宾州东南地区投资会议”,旨在普及高中学生理财认知,我和团队一起邀请来自商务、金融、管理和会计等领域的演讲者分享职场经验。借助“聚焦”视频渠道,我们为本校以及附近学区开设了多个场次,每位演讲者通常先阐述20分钟,接下来直入提问环节,以此推进嘉宾与学生的互动。同学们在好奇心的驱使下纷纷涌入我屏幕上聊天窗口前,说明他们渴望获取理财知识。我希望凭借较为扎实的经济学基础来扩大完善“宾州东南地区投资会议”,更多地帮助他人。
Freakonomics (《魔鬼经济学》09/08/2019) Crosslink(相关博文):
12th Grade(高中四年级) |