2022-08-20 Harmony Day
【Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction—It Must Chang·V (1942)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) On a blue island in a sky-wide water The wild orange trees continued to bloom and to bear, Long after the planter's death. A few limes remained,
Where his house had fallen, three scraggy trees weighted With garbled green. These were the planter's turquoise And his orange blotches, these were his zero green,
A green baked greener in the greenest sun. These were his beaches, his sea-myrtles in White sand, his patter of the long sea-slushes.
There was an island beyond him on which rested, An island to the South, on which rested like A mountain, a pine-apple pungent as Cuban summer.
And là-bas, là-bas, the cool bananas grew, Hung heavily on the great banana tree, Which pierces clouds and bends on half the world.
He thought often of the land from which he came, How that whole country was a melon, pink If seen rightly and yet a possible red.
An unaffected man in a negative light Could not have borne his labor nor have died Sighing that he should leave the banjo’s twang. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《最高虛構筆記——它必要改變·之五》(1942年)】 異鄉人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【紅霞譯】 碧藍的海島天曠海闊 野橘樹持續開花結果, 直到種植園主死後很久。酸橙所剩無幾,
房子早已倒塌,三棵東倒西歪的大樹渲染了 蔥鬱凋零。種植園主曾經的綠松色 和橙斑色,還有無綠色,
純綠的陽光烤得更顯憔悴。 曾經的海灘,曾經的香根菊長在 白沙上,拍打着長長的泥岸。
身後遠離居住的海島, 面朝南方,峻拔得堪比 一座大山,刺鼻的菠蘿香氣,宛似古巴的夏天。
而那邊,就是那邊,頂好的香蕉長了出來, 沉甸甸垂掛在大蕉葉下, 穿透雲層並半彎在地上。
他時常追憶家鄉, 鄉間多像香瓜,粉色的 若看得透否則可能是紅色的。
局外人站在負面的角度 吃不得苦,也死不掉 哀嘆他該丟棄班卓琴般鼻腔鄉音。 【注】我家緊挨着馬夫鎮,最招眼目的莫過於曾被徵用的海軍航空站柳樹林聯合後備基地(Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove)、現已改為美國武裝部隊預備役訓練基地(Horsham Air Guard Station)。近50年的美蘇冷戰讓馬夫鎮因駐軍而獲得豐厚的金融利益,直到2006年裁軍部署才徹底導致馬夫鎮經濟轉型。 不管怎樣,被載入《國家史跡名錄》(Natl. Register of Historic Places)的名勝古蹟卻是如下建築。
Today in History(歷史上的今天):
2022: Hatboro—Crooked Billet Battlefield, PA(賓州帽城·歪坯戰場) 2022: Graeme Park·Colonial-Era PA Gov's(灰農莊·殖民時代賓州州長官邸) 2018: Nanjing the Capital of Six Dynasties, CHN(南京—六朝古都) 2018: Nanjing Ming Filial Mausoleum, China(南京明孝陵) 2018: Nanjing Spirit Valley Temple, China(南京靈谷寺) 2017: Speyer—2027 Years of Glory, DE(德國矛城—二千零廿七年頌歌)
2017: Speyer the Emperor Burial Place, DEU(德國矛城—皇陵聖地) 2017: Speyer Cathedral, Germany(德國矛城大教堂) 2017: Mannheim—UNESCO City of Music, DEU(德國家園城—聯合國科教文之音樂城)
2017: Ludwigshafen—BASF SE, DEU(德國名將港—世界最大的化學公司巴斯夫總部) 2017: Heidelberg the University Town, DEU(德國山羊山城—大學城) 2017: Heidelberg—UNESCO City of Literature, DEU(德國山羊山城—聯合國科教文之文學城)
2017: Heidelberg Castle, Germany(德國山羊山城堡) 2017: Heidelberg the Dandy Horse, Germany(德國山羊山城—駿馬之城) 2015: Garden Expo Park, Beijing(北京園博園) 2014: Scrimmage in Soccer Practice(足球訓練中的混戰) Horsham–Montgomery Bridge (1839) in Multiple-Span Arch Bridge w/ an Excellent Example of 19th-Century Stone Highway Bridges (建於1839年的馬夫鎮—巨人山橋·19世紀石質多跨公路拱橋的典範)
Keith House (1722), the Only Surviving Residence of a Colonial-Era PA Governor (建於1722年的森林別墅·唯一倖存的殖民時代賓州州長官邸) Kenderdine Mill Complex (1734-1735) (1734—1735年間建造的山谷磨坊樓) Horsham Friend's Meeting (1803) (建於1803年的馬夫鎮教友會堂) Horsham Friend's Meeting along Easton Rd (馬夫鎮教友會·東城路一側) Front Porch of Horsham Meeting House (馬夫鎮教友會·前廊) Rear of Horsham Meeting House (馬夫鎮教友會·背面) Rear Porch of Horsham Meeting House (馬夫鎮教友會·後廊) Horsham Meeting House: An interior balcony encircles the entire meeting room, and a central partition can be closed to divide the interior into men's & women's sections (馬夫鎮教友會·內部樓座環繞着整個禱告廳,並可關閉中央隔板,將室內分為男裝區和女裝區) Horsham Friend's Meeting w/ a Carriage House (馬夫鎮教友會·馬車房) Plaque of Horsham Friend's Meeting (馬夫鎮教友會·《國家史跡名錄》徽牌) Horsham Friend's Meeting Cemetery (馬夫鎮教友會陵園) Entrance of Horsham Friend's Meeting Cemetery (馬夫鎮教友會·陵園入口) Plaque of Horsham Friend's Meeting Cemetery (馬夫鎮教友會陵園·《國家史跡名錄》徽牌)
Graveyard w/ US Veteran in Flag @ Horsham Friend's Meeting Cemetery (馬夫鎮教友會陵園·墓地上烈士墓碑旁插有國旗) Scripts on the Top of Tombstones @ Horsham Friend's Meeting Cemetery (馬夫鎮教友會陵園·碑文刻在墓碑上方) Crosslinks(相關博文): Pitcairn's Wings of Freedom Aviation Museum, PA(賓州自由之翼航空博物館) USA(出遊美國) |