【Aiden in English】
Religion is a belief in the unexplainable. When people lose themselves, religion gives direction. It is a way of life, and many of us believe in God because the way to live is somewhat laid out, the ethical rules setting boundaries of the things you can do. On this sunny day after the blizzard, Mom took my grandma and me to Faith Hope Love Chinese Church in the Greater Philadelphia Area of PA. Now, this event became special because a Chinese famous pop singer named Xulan Zheng was coming. Now my knowledge of Chinese actors, singers, and famous people is next to nothing, so I had no idea what to expect. All I could predict was that this wasn’t going to be a rock concert or something else.
While arriving at the church, the first impression that gave me was certainly bedazzling. The main hall had marble floors polished until they shined, stainless light yellow walls with large glass windows providing natural light, sparking chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and white candles turned on. The only modern thing that stood out was a flat-screen Samsung Smart TV. These days, it’s tough to find a place where technology hasn’t invaded.
We got there right before the concert started, and so we had to grab a back-row seat. Like China Grace Christian Church, musicians played, stories were told about life experiences, and a choir hymned at times. It had a large effect on the audience. Talent emerged as the show went on. A 13-year-old kid who played the piano really shocked the listeners. He claimed to only have played for three years, practicing 4-6 hours a day. When he played, immediately I knew that those 4-6 hours weren’t wasted (unlike I do). I’m not saying he’s better than me, but all I’m stating is his …… practice time is more… efficient. That’s all. As this kid’s fingers flew, everyone became hypnotized. Although I couldn’t see him at all in the back, something told me that this kid was good in the eyes of the audience.
Finally, after hearing some more life stories, the moment Mom took me here to arrive. A woman walking on stage brightly introduced herself, but I knew she was the star of the show because the audience applauded so loud that I didn’t know how some hands didn’t snap or break. The singer, Xulan, recited some lines from the Bible and then began to sing. As she started, the gap in my mind between Eastern and Western modem music widened a ton. The singer’s voice quivered on many notes, sometimes so much that the words weren’t even recognizable. Her pitch was also different from the pop, stretching and reaching to the peaks of sound, varying up and down, and singing popular Chinese songs. On one occasion, she invited another man up to sing together. To be honest, I saw the disasters straight ahead, but they were false alarms. The brave volunteer had a deep, strong voice, yet was able to reach up and grab a few high notes.
Religion can give life to the lost and make happiness like this celebration. It affects all kinds of people, even Chinese stars like Xulan I’ve never heard of.
在听完更多基督见证事迹之后,妈妈带我来此观摩“郑绪岚音乐见证会”的精彩时刻才终于到来,只见一位女演员面带微笑走上舞台,单凭观众玩命地鼓掌欢迎,我足以判定她就是这台戏的主角。郑绪岚首先背诵了几段《圣经》经文,随后立刻开始演唱。她张口不久,我便觉察到东西方歌手演唱流行歌曲所表现出的极大区别。郑绪岚喜欢用美声颤音唱流行歌曲,结果把很多歌词给吐得模模糊糊,并且高音区放不开喉咙,上下起伏变化不定,她演听的《哈尔滨的夏天·太阳岛上》、《少林寺·牧羊曲》、《大海的呼唤·大海啊,故乡》、《红楼梦·枉凝眉》等几首中国流行歌曲都是如此。演唱会上,郑绪岚还曾邀请台下一位男士共唱《梁山伯与祝英台·化蝶》。坦率地说,起初我真担心那位自愿上台的歌手会唱砸了这首歌,想不到他不但勇气十足,而且功力浑厚,甚至连高音部分也把握得相当出色。 宗教能够为失去生活信心的人带来光明,同时还可为今天的布道会增添快乐;可以说,它不仅影响着各界人士,甚至还包括像郑绪岚这样我前所未闻的中国明星。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Margaret Kuo's Dragon's Lair(郭夫人龙园) 2015: Migration of Snow Geese in PA(宾州雪雁迁徙) 2010: 练琴的时候(When Playing Piano)
Poster of Xulan Zheng's Benediction Concert (郑绪岚音乐见证会)
Faith Hope Love Chinese Church (信望爱教会)
Audience @ Xulan Zheng's Benediction Concert (郑绪岚音乐见证会·观众)
Choir of Faith Hope Love Chinese Church (信望爱教会·唱诗班)
Hymn of A Gift (赞美诗《一件礼物》)
Singer Xulan Zheng (歌唱家郑绪岚 03-21-2015)
Last Snow (冬天最后一场大雪 03-20-2015)
Snow Blanket (雪毯 03-21-2015)
Sunshine after Snow (雪过天晴 03-21-2015) Crosslinks(相关博文): Salute to Vienna @ Kimmel Center(费城金梅尔“向维也纳致敬”) 6th Grade(初中一年级)