【Aiden in English】
Sometimes, I look back and view scary events and can't help mumbling, “Hey, that wasn’t half bad!” Now that the moment has passed and the event is in your past, it seems quick and easy. As I look back at one of the most monumental moments of my life, I say that it was a walk in the park. A 12-year-old boy flying on a plane by himself seems strange enough. To start, people would wonder if that were even legal, and they would also say if the kid was an orphan. My answers to those questions are a) yes, it’s legal, and b) no, I’m not an orphan or hobo. I’m just a 12-year-old kid flying to Beijing from PA to visit my extended family before the summer is over. A regular child would think I might be out of my mind, but I’m not the simple, everyday sixth grader. In other words, I’ve traveled around the world, and a direct flight to China is as easy as getting a 103% average for my trimester in science. However, I haven’t gone on a plane alone before. But there are many things I haven’t done before, and the only way to do them is to try. The plane seemed so much hotter when you were alone. Or it was just because the air-conditioning wasn’t working. The waiting seemed to stretch out longer, even though I knew it was just an hour's delay for refueling. And I also had to go to the restroom consistently. I just chugged an entire bottle of water before the security checkpoint. Nevertheless, the attendants almost looked welcoming since I’d been on it many times. I was delighted with the TV screen, and so I was set. I just needed to watch my passport, and all would be well. The plane took off, and doing the math, I would need to sleep 4 hours to balance the time out. But something tells me that I slept way more than necessary. Although I was clonked out for a long time, plane flights were tricky since this plane followed the sun, and it felt like a 36-hour day. There were 12 hours of time difference between Beijing and the East Coast of the USA in the summer. So, the jet lag was inevitable. The easy part was now done, and I was ready for the challenges Beijing’s airport had brought me to the destination. The only reason I decided to travel alone to China was that I’d been on many plane flights, going through customs and baggage claims, and the process had become a tad boring. This time, “boring” was the one emotion, and the trip wasn’t. Dad told me to follow the crowd at PEK, which confused me initially since nearly half the plane’s passengers were transferring flights. Customs was easy, too, although I was freaking out. Luckily, I didn’t have to say a word. I took a shuttle train to Terminal 3C, where all the exits were. By then, I had the situation under control to a point where I could breathe normally. In Beijing, I was living with my uncle and his wife. They recognized me almost immediately as I stepped outside. The entire process wasn’t all that bad. This moment stood as evidence for a person, and I guess I can do this again if I have to. 【红霞译】
我决定独自前往中国的唯一原因无疑源于以往多次乘坐飞机、频繁出入海关、熟悉提取行李的氛围,完成上述全部过场确实耗费精力,而此行“耗费精力”更带有情感色彩,其实旅程本身并不乏味。事先爸爸叮嘱我,下了飞机后一定要紧随大流,这让我伤透脑筋,因为将近一半以上的乘客需要在首都机场转机。尽管我内心忐忑不安,但出关手续简便效率神速,何况又无需多费口舌。我坐上机场中转火车到3C号站台下车,所有到京的乘客均在此地离开机场,直到这时,我才长嘘了一口气。在京期间,我将与叔婶生活在一起,他们接机时一下子认出了我。 整个过程真的没那么可怕,独行经历增强了自我意识,今后若有必要,我还会再来一次。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2014: YMCA Camp─Dodgeball-1(基督教青年会夏令营─躲避球之一)
San Diego Intl Airport (圣迭戈国际机场 12-07-2007) Newark Liberty Intl Airport (纽瓦克自由国际机场 01-26-2008)
Almost 5 Years Old @ EWR (纽瓦克国际机场将近五岁 01-26-2008)
Trirail from MIA to FLL (迈阿密—劳德代尔堡三县通勤铁路 01-23-2009)
Duty-Free Shop @ Sydney Airport (澳大利亚悉尼机场免税商店 01-12-2010)
Aeropuerto Intl de El Cairo (开罗国际机场 04-11-2011)
Mataveri International Airport (智利复活节岛国际机场 12-19-2012)
Seymour Airport (厄瓜多尔·达尔文群岛西摩机场 04-07-2013)
Victoria Falls Airport (津巴布韦·维多利亚瀑布机场 01-07-2014)
Heron (苍鹭) Crosslinks(相关博文): China(出游中国) 6th Grade(初中一年级) |