2016-05-29 Memorial Weekend
【Aiden in English】
Pittsburgh is an excellent city in Pennsylvania that the great Philadelphia commonly overshadows. Come to think of it, the City of Champions is just as good if not better than the City of Brotherly Love. Pittsburgh has fabulous architecture, a spectacular skyline, old money, and natural resources. Not to mention, sports teams are meant to play in the major leagues. Every team in Pittsburgh holds a strong force in its sports leagues, such as the Steelers, who have won six Super Bowls; the Penguins, who have qualified for five Stanley Cup Finals; and the Pirates, who have a victorious percentage over 0.500 in the World Series. It's much better than what our Eagles, Flyers, and Phillies have. Although an excellent city for sports, Pittsburgh also has a very intriguing location in the US. Sitting next to the Appalachian Mountains, the City of Bridges is a gateway to the rest of North America. The Ohio River is formed as the most significant tributary at the confluence of the Allegheny River and Monongahela River. It drains through the city, connecting to the Mississippi River and the rest of the continent. This place was where Louis and Clark set off their expedition. The area also has many natural resources like lumber, iron ore, coke, and petroleum. Such evidence can be found in the Second Industrial Revolution, where Pittsburgh was transformed into a town of steel mills, hence the name “Steel City.” The pollution of the time was horrendous, hospitalizing many people as well as being lethal to a few. Nevertheless, money was pouring through the city, and our tour guide George referred to it as “old money” that made Pittsburgh the third wealthiest city on earth back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Believe it or not, Pittsburgh is much more prosperous than Philadelphia since the old money has been carried over and unspent for half a century. Many landmarks were built from this money, such as Carnegie Science Center, Heinz Field, PNC Park, etc. The managers can buy and sign good players, and with a good team, they require good stores. Our trip included a quick stop at a famous Pittsburgh sports shop, Yinzers in the Burgh, where literally anything you can buy has a Pittsburgh team logo printed. Shelves containing cards, mugs, sweaters, t-shirts, caps, water bottles, earbuds, computers, fans, pencils, notebooks, gloves, skateboards, and guitars lined the stone walls, and stepping around became a hazard. The store even had a restroom with many sports legends, such as Jerome Bettis. As we approached the check-out, George conversed with the cashier. Apparently, about an hour before we arrived, the store was so packed that many had to wait outside. Unfortunately for the servers, it started raining. The time of the thundershower was right at the scenic view of our tour. After being trolleyed up a hill by Duquesne Incline, we had a gorgeous look over the Golden Triangle. Of course, the typical mischievous storm cloud blocked the background valleys. I guess Mother Nature was trying to “steal” our fun. Pittsburgh is certainly better than it seems. With a large fan base behind a great city of sports and a great view over three rivers, it can surprise many people. The Birthplace of America is our home, but the Steel Nation has many attractions we will never have. 【红霞译】
“山势萦回水脉分,水光山色翠连云。”匹兹堡紧邻阿巴拉契亚山脉,不仅享有“桥梁之城”的美誉,而且是通往北美其它地区的门户。美溪河和落岸河经此交汇并形成全国最大的支流俄亥俄河(意指“大河”),大河穿过城区,最后并入密西西比河,进而连通与河岸各地的交往,刘易斯与克拉克远征便从这里开始。匹兹堡自然资源丰富,盛产木材铁矿砂焦炭石油,在第二次工业革命中大力发展冶金工业,成为遐迩闻名的“钢铁之城”,当时空气污染严重,人们深受其害,住院就医的数量急剧增加,甚至造成几起死亡事件。尽管如此,大量金钱还是源源不断涌入匹兹堡,我们的导游乔治称之为“世袭财产”,正因为雄厚资本,自十九世纪末至廿世纪初,匹兹堡跃居世界第三位富裕城市。不管你相信不相信,匹兹堡真比费城阔气,凭借这些“世袭财产”,它可以吃香的喝辣的,悠哉游哉享受大半个世纪美好时光,不少标志性高楼大厦就是依赖这笔财富建筑而成,诸如卡內基科学中心、亨氏足球场、匹兹堡国民银行棒球场等等。球队经理能够出资招徕值钱的球员,而牛气的球队肯定要开设自己的品牌商店,我们的行程同样包括造访当地一家著名小卖部──“匹兹堡老表体育用品专卖店”,里面陈列的每样东西都印有匹兹堡球队徽章,沿墙货架上摆满了卡片、杯子、秋衣球裤、汗衫、帽子、水瓶、耳塞、计算机、风扇、铅笔、笔记本、手套、滑板以及吉他,出入这家商铺随时都有交互碰撞的危险。店内有一间厕所,四壁天花板到处都是像吉罗姆·百兹之类的传奇式人物留下的亲笔签字。我们手持礼品正准备付款,其间恰好听到乔治与收银员聊天,原来在我们抵达之前一个钟头,店里店外挤满了游客,可天公不作美,忽然下起了雷阵雨,不能不令服务生大失所望,当时我们正在观光途中。乘坐杜肯电缆车爬上山坡,眼前金三角景致秀美,而远处山谷则乌云密布,我觉得大自然试图“窃取”我们的快乐。 匹兹堡看上去要比想象中好得多,如此非凡的体育之城必定离不开众多球迷支持,如此别致的都市风情自然少不了三条河点缀,所及这些无一不令世人叹为观止。我们以“美国发源地”自居,其实“冶金家族”许多独到之处都是我们可望而不可及的。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Sixth Grade Pool Party(初中一年级泳池派对) 2014 NPSD Art Show(2014年北宾州学区艺术展)
Duquesne Incline Funicular over Pittsburgh Skyline (匹兹堡天际线上杜肯斜坡缆车)
Duquesne Incline (杜肯斜坡 05-29-2016)
Fort Duquesne Bridge over River Allegheny & Fort Pitt Bridge over River Monongahela (美溪河·杜肯堡桥——落岸河·匹堡桥)
Ft. Duquesne Bridge towards Ohio State (杜肯堡桥·朝向大河州方向)
Ft. Duquesne Bridge (杜肯堡桥)
Ft. Pitt Bridge (匹堡桥)
Point State Park (汇角州立公园)
West End Bridge over River Ohio (大河上西尾桥)
Panorama of Birmingham Bridge (伯明翰大桥全景)
Birmingham Bridge (发酵人大桥)
Bridges Stood in between Natural Barriers (天堑变通途)
River Monongahela (落岸河)
USS Requin (美国海军重击潜水艇)
Pittsburgh Skyline (匹兹堡天际线)
US Steel Tower (美国钢铁塔)
PPG Place (匹兹堡平板玻璃公司广场 05-29-2016)
First Lutheran Church (第一路德教堂)
Fourth Ave (第四大街)
General Robinson Street (罗宾逊将军街)
Allegheny County Courthouse (美溪郡法院大楼) Allegheny County Courthouse (美溪郡法院大楼)
Old Allegheny County Jail (老美溪郡监狱)
Bridge of Sighs @ Allegheny County Courthouse (美溪郡法院大楼·叹息桥) Amtrak Pittsburgh Union Station (美铁匹兹堡联合车站)
Vaulted Roof @ Amtrak Pittsburgh Union Station (美铁匹兹堡联合车站·拱顶)
Heinz Field & Carnegie Science Center (亨氏球场与卡内基科学中心)
Mr. Rogers' Memorial (罗杰斯先生纪念碑)
Statue of Mr. Rogers (雕像《罗杰斯先生》)
Yinzers in the Burgh (匹兹堡老表体育用品店 05-29-2016)
Souvenir @ Yinzers in the Burgh (匹兹堡老表体育用品店·礼品部)
Restroom VIP Signatures @ Yinzers in the Burgh (匹兹堡老表体育用品店·厕所名人签字 05-29-2016)
Conference @ Pittsburgh (匹兹堡会议 10-19-2000)
Reunion (重逢 10-19-2000)
Reunion (重逢 05-29-2000)
Carnegie Mellon Univ (卡内基·梅隆大学)
Façade Carnegie Museum of Natural History (卡内基自然史博物馆·正面观)
Carnegie Museum of Natural History (卡内基自然史博物馆)
Univ of Pitt Campus (匹兹堡大学校园) Cathedral of Learning @ Univ of Pittsburgh (匹兹堡大学·学习大教堂 05-29-2016) Commons Room Ceiling Vaults @ Cathedral of Learning, UPitt (匹大学习大教堂·公共休息室拱顶 05-30-2016) Commons Room @ Cathedral of Learning, UPitt (匹大学习大教堂·公共休息室 05-30-2016) Commons Room @ Cathedral of Learning, UPitt (匹大学习大教堂·教学区 05-30-2016)
Heinz Memorial Chapel @ Univ of Pitt (匹大·亨氏纪念教堂)
Red Door of Heinz Memorial Chapel @ Univ of Pitt (匹兹堡大学·亨氏纪念教堂·红门)
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial @ Univ of Pitt (匹兹堡大学·士兵和水手纪念馆)
Hall of Soldiers and Sailors Memorial @ Univ of Pitt (匹兹堡大学士兵和水手纪念馆·大厅 05-29-2016)
UPitt Mascot (匹大吉祥物)
Sakura (樱花中餐厅 05-29-2016)
Beef Puff Pancake (牛肉火烧)
Laotongguan Pork Sandwich (老潼关猪肉馅饼)
Shredded Pancake Lamb Soup (羊肉泡馍汤)
Hand Shaven Noodles w/ Beef (牛肉刀削面)
Seafood Hot Pot (海鲜豆腐煲)
Northeast Lapi (东北拉皮) Crosslinks(相关文章):
7th Grade(初中二年级) |