Friedrich Schiller (1759—1805) Angel-fair, Walhalla's charms displaying, Fairer than all mortal youths was he; Mild his look, as May-day sunbeams straying Gently o'er the blue and glassy sea.
And his kisses!--what ecstatic feeling! Like two flames that lovingly entwine, Like the harp's soft tones together stealing Into one sweet harmony divine,— Soul and soul embraced, commingled, blended,
Lips and cheeks with trembling passion burned, Heaven and earth, in pristine chaos ended, Round the blissful lovers madly turn'd.
He is gone--and, ah! with bitter anguish Vainly now I breathe my mournful sighs; He is gone--in hopeless grief I languish Earthly joys I ne'er again can prize! —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《上帝杰作》】 和平使者•席勒(1759生—1805卒) 美丽如天使,快乐得如入英灵殿, 他英姿勃发,超过所有的青年, 无限温柔的眼光像春天的丽日, 反射在镜子似的蓝色海面。
他的亲吻——进入天堂的感受! 像两团烈火紧紧依偎, 像两把竖琴彼此应和, 合奏出一曲弥漫天国的和谐。
精神和精神对冲、飞拢、交融, 嘴唇、面颊在燃烧、在颤抖, 灵魂闯进了灵魂——天和地漂动, 仿佛融化在相爱者的四周。
他走掉了——只留下一片空虚, 徒然忧伤地叹息为他哀悼! 他走掉了,人生的一切乐趣 都在无益的哀泣声中消逝! Today in History(历史上的今天):
2016: Berlin, the Capital of Prussia DEU(德国柏林·普鲁士首府) 2016: Berlin Wall, Germany(德国柏林墙) 2015: Dardanelles Strait, Turkey(土耳其陶堡海峡·地狱之海) 2012: Third Grade Drama Camp(三年级戏剧夏令营)
Façade of Reichstagsgebäude (德国国会大厦·正面)
Brandenburger Tor (金雀花山堡门 06-28-2016) Carillon in Berlin-Tiergarten (钟琴塔)
Victory Column (胜利纪念柱)
Berliner Funkturm (柏林广播塔)
Berliner Fernsehturm (柏林电视塔) Sculpture of Berlin & Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church (雕塑《柏林》与威廉皇帝纪念教堂) Sculpture of Beton-Cadillacs (混凝土凯迪拉克)
Sculpture of Arc de 124.5°(弧度124.5°) Sculpture of Untitled (Boxers) (雕塑《无题(拳击手)》)
Wrought Iron Imperial Eagle @ Weidendammer Bruecke (柳树桥·锻铁帝国之鹰)
Rudolf-Virchow-Denkmal (德国医生纪念碑)
Statue outside Berlin State Library (柏林国家图书馆·雕像)
Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe (欧洲被害犹太人纪念碑)
BlackBox Cold War (黑匣子冷战 06-28-2016)
Berlin Wall (柏林墙 06-28-2016)
Central Memorial of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Victims of War and Tyranny (德意志联邦共和国战争与暴政牺牲者纪念馆)
Statue of Mother w/ Her Dead Son @ Neue Wache
Beckhoff New Automation Technology (闸门新自动化技术)
AEG (德国电器公司)
House of Wellness (健康之家)
Haus der Kulturen der Welt (世界文化宫) Mall of Berlin (柏林购物中心)
Checkpoint Charlie (自由人检查哨 06-28-2016) "You are leaving the American Sector" @ Checkpoint Charlie (自由人检查哨·你正离开美国防区 06-28-2016)
Rossmann Drogeriemarkt (马商药房 06-28-2016)
Conference Lunch (会晤 05-27-2001)
Junkyard (垃圾场) Street Performer (街头艺人) Commuters (通勤者)
Yokohama Beans (狗爪豆)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |