【You say…】 You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains... You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines... You say that you love the wind, But you close your windows when the wind blows... This is why I am afraid; You say that you love me too... —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【五言詩版】 戀雨偏打傘,愛陽卻遮涼。 風來掩窗扉,葉公驚龍王。 片言隻語短,相思繾倦長。 郎君說愛我,不敢細思量。
—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【普通翻譯版】 你說你喜歡雨, 但是下雨的時候你卻撐開了傘; 你說你喜歡陽光, 但當陽光播撒的時候, 你卻躲在陰涼之地; 你說你喜歡風, 但清風撲面的時候, 你卻關上了窗戶。 我害怕你對我也是如此之愛。 Today in History(歷史上的今天):
2019: Suzhou—Lion Grove Garden, China(蘇州獅子林) 2019: Suzhou Quirky Potpourris, China(蘇州—姑蘇奇葩)
2015: PSC B-Ball Camp─Layup(費城運動俱樂部籃球營─上籃) 2014: Pokémon-II(《神奇寶貝》之二) 2010: 學以致用(Learn towards Practice) 2009: 下棋(Board Games)
Central Garden (借景園)
North Temple Pagoda Seen from Central Garden (借景園外北寺塔)
North Temple Pagoda (北寺塔)
Bonsai Garden (盆景園)
Above-Water Corridor (波形廊)
Charm-and-Beauty Pavilion (繡綺亭) Cloud-embellished Peak (綴雲峰)
The Backdrop of 1987 TV Dram Series “Dream of the Red Chamber” (1987年電視劇《紅樓夢》取景地·黛玉葬花橋)
Drifting Fragrance Hall (遠香堂)
Elegant House (玲瓏館)
Elegant House (玲瓏館) Excellent Fruit Pavilion (嘉實亭) Floating Verdure Tower (浮翠閣)
Flowering Crabapple's Spring Bedding (海棠春塢)
Hall of 18 Camellias (十八曼陀羅花館)
Hall of 18 Camellias (十八曼陀羅花館)
Hall of 18 Camellias (十八曼陀羅花館)
Veranda of 18 Camellias Hall (十八曼陀羅花館-長廊)
Lattice Window of 18 Camellias Hall (十八曼陀羅花館-花窗)
The Clock of 18 Camellias Hall (十八曼陀羅花館-鐘錶)
Grain Fragrance Hall (秫香館)
Green Ripples Pavilion (綠漪亭)
Hall of 36 Pairs of Mandarin-Ducks (卅六鴛鴦館·得少佳趣)
Hall of 36 Pairs of Mandarin-Ducks (卅六鴛鴦館·得少佳趣)
Lattice Window @ Hall of 36 Pairs of Mandarin-Ducks (卅六鴛鴦館·花格窗)
Octagonal Tented Roof of Heavenly Spring Pavilion (天泉亭·八角攢尖頂)
Octagonal Tented Roof of Heavenly Spring Pavilion (天泉亭·八角攢尖頂)
The Ceiling of the Heavenly Spring Pavilion (天泉亭·天篷)
Listening-to-the-Sound-of-Rain Chamber (聽雨軒) Listening-to-the-Sound-of-Rain Chamber (聽雨軒)
Listening-to-the-Sound-of-Rain Chamber (聽雨軒)
Longevity Bridge, the Republic Relic of Iron Railings (民國舊物鐵欄杆·“益壽延年”萬壽橋)
Lotus (荷花)
Magnolia Hall (玉蘭堂)
Mountain-in-View Tower (見山樓)
Mountain-in-View Tower (見山樓)
Mountain-in-View Tower (見山樓)
Mandarin Ducks (鴛鴦)
Ornamental Perforated Window (漏窗)
Ornamental Perforated Window (漏窗) Pagoda Reflection Pavilion (塔影亭)
Pagoda Reflection Pavilion (塔影亭) Secluded Pavilion of Phoenix Tree and Bamboo (梧竹幽居)
Rainbow Embraced Pavilion & Above-Water Corridor (倚虹亭與波形廊)
Stay-and-Listen Parlour (留聽閣)
Stay-and-Listen Parlour (留聽閣) Sutra Pillar (經幢)
Veranda & Tracery Window (迴廊和花窗)
Taihu Rockery (太湖石假山)
Whom-to-Sit-with Pavilion (與誰同坐軒·與誰同坐?明月清風我)
Whom-to-Sit-with Pavilion (與誰同坐軒·與誰同坐?明月清風我)
Willows' Shade and Winding Path (柳蔭路曲)
Willows' Shade and Winding Path (柳蔭路曲)
Black Tiles & Blue Bricks (青磚黛瓦·花木扶蘇吳儂軟語)
10th Grade(高中二年級) |