【Aiden in English】
Today marks the halfway point in our tour around Northern Europe, which is quite surprising, as the trip already feels as if it's over. Maybe for the first stretch, it is… The idea of the trip this summer included two Princess cruises, one around the Baltic Sea and the other around the English Isles. Some may say this is too much, but those two only add up to 23 days. As soon as we cross the Øresund Strait between Sweden and Denmark, the first 11-day cruise ends tomorrow morning, back in Copenhagen. From there, we’ll stay with another ship for one more tour. Finishing up that go-around, we somehow go to the Copenhagen Airport (CPH), where a lousy Norwegian Air Shuttle awaits to take us away to Gatwick Airport (LGW). Mom efficiently managed the time, giving us barely two hours from the port to the CPH. London, the largest European city, needs some personal time for good touring, so we stay there another day. It doesn't sound as if we'll do anything special since the ship calls at nine-thirty in the morning of the next day. One of the oldest cruises is the Caribbean Princess, which will take us to the English Isles. The ship's design is similar, but the size change would take some time to get used to. The current Regal Princess is the newest in its class, made just two years ago in 2014, whereas the Caribbean was made in 2006. The difference does not seem too great, but people's comfort zones change with the flow of technology and architecture, with a modern, contemporary style kicking in full force. The second cruise from Southampton takes 12 days, traveling through the Celtic Sea, Irish Sea, Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, and the English Channel. Locations include England, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland, and France. The place that probably excites me the most is Paris, the city of love. Many stunning sights exist, like the famous Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral, Louvre, etc. Although the first part in the Baltic region was quite splendid, the second cruise looks very promising. Yet I do not say this cruise was blown out from Denmark, Norway, Germany, Estonia, Russia, Finland, to Sweden. The memories of Moscow with its tall spires, ice cream cone roofs, and the broken-down wall of Berlin, the symbol of rebuilding from previous scars, will all be remembered throughout my life. The future has yet to come, and it will be great. 【红霞译】
我们的第二条航线将从英格兰南安普敦启程,沿着凯尔特海、爱尔兰海、大西洋、北海和英吉利海峡周转十二天,途径英国兰、北爱尔兰、爱尔兰、苏格兰和法国,大概最叫我按捺不住激动心情的地方就是所谓的爱之城──巴黎,那里景点多得惊人,例如:著名的艾菲尔铁塔、凯旋门、巴黎圣母院、卢浮宫等等,如果说前半部分波罗的海地区美轮美奂,那么后半部分英法风景名胜准保引人入胜。 我不得不承认,这回横穿丹麦、挪威、德国、爱沙尼亚、俄罗斯、芬兰以及瑞典七国首府之行无不叫我眼界大开,莫斯科市区高耸入云冰激凌蛋卷式的教堂;推翻柏林墙象征着德国人决心从战后伤痕中走出来重建未来,路上所见所闻都让我难以忘怀;明天正朝我走来,我将满怀希望踏上美好的旅程。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Churches in Roma, Italy(意大利罗马·教堂) 2015: Castel Sant'Angelo in Roma, Italy(意大利罗马·天使城堡) 2015: Farewell to Rome, Italy(意大利罗马·告别) 2014: Fourth of July Fireworks(独立节烟花)
Øresund Bridge (沙滩岬大桥)
Wind Turbines (风机)
The Longest Combined Road & Rail Bridge in Europe (欧洲最长的行车铁路两用桥)
Basketball Pals (篮球迷 07-05-2016)
Hearty Philadelphia Pepper Pot Soup (费城经典辣椒汤)
Mariner-Style Black Mussels in White Wine Cream Sauce (水手式黑贻贝配白葡萄酒奶油酱)
Linguine alle Vongole (蛤蜊扁面)
Pan-Roasted Filet of Kingklip w/ Mild Curry Sauce (中度咖喱香煎南非鳕鳗)
A Trio of Seafood w/ Citrus & Avacado (柑橘鳄梨海鲜三重奏)
Stir-Fried Tofu w/ Mixed Vegetables (杂菜炒豆腐)
Seafood Bar (海鲜吧台)
Baked Salmon (烤鲑鱼)
Ice Cream of Rhubarb, Rum & Raisin Dark Cheery Sorbet (三色冰激凌·大黄朗姆酒和葡萄干黑樱桃冰糕) Crosslinks(相关博文): Middle of Nowhere, Baltic Sea(从德国到爱沙尼亚波罗的海航行) Middle of Nowhere, Baltic Sea(从挪威到德国波罗的海航行) Denmark(出游丹麦) Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |