2014-05-04 【Aiden in English】
The sport of badminton is unique and quite challenging. It tests flexibility and reflexes. Let me tell you this. I'm as flexible as a hippo and as fast as a snail. Yet I could survive until today's third round of the Guang Hua Chinese School competition in PA. The tournament is set up as a double-elimination format. After the first round, the tournament splits into two: the losers and the winners. Then, the tournaments proceed like any other tournament with single elimination. The winner of the loser's tournament plays with the winner of the winner's tournament, and that winner plays with the champion from last year. I knew #1 wasn't me from the beginning since I started it off with a loss to Lucas. He took advantage of my lack of speed and made me look like a fool by hitting the shuttle over the court. But I wasn't ready to give up. In my 2nd round, though, the opponent seemed like a Martian. He served so lightly that I missed two serves since I wasn't prepared. In the end, however, that backfired, and I got used to it and smashed the shuttle right back. Yet my fate was to fall in the 3rd round. I began with a loss in the 1st game. I came back in the 2nd one. Since it was the best of three, the 3rd and last game was all mine until my strength wavered. Gradually, but indeed, I got slower, weaker. Worst of all, I lost control of my hand and eye. And after a fierce battle of 16-18, a girl, Amy, defeated me. So, I guess that's another reason badminton is unique and challenging. Badminton is characterized by flexibility and reflexes, and endurance becomes the turning point of the competition. If I overcame myself, I would play at a whole new level of this sport. 【红霞译】
比赛开始不久,我就知道自己肯定与第一无缘,因为我首先输给了卢卡斯。他抓住我缺乏速度的弱点,长传短调,害得我像傻瓜一样满场乱窜,但我还是咬牙坚持了下来。 第二轮比赛中,对手好像火星人似的,发球轻飘飘地,开始我并不适应,一连失掉两分。然而到后来,我逐渐熟悉了他的打法,及时扭转乾坤并取得胜利。
到了决定命运的第三轮比赛,我先输了第一局,但很快又扳回第二局,因为比赛采用三局两胜制,第三局即最后一局开盘后我始终领先,可越打越累,慢慢地并且明显地,我速度跟不上,力气一同消耗殆尽。最倒霉的是,这时动作失控,视线模糊,经过拉锯式残酷厮杀之后,我终于以16:18输给了女生艾米,彻底败走麦城。 正因如此,我觉得羽毛球与其它运动不同,特别具有挑战性,除其本身兼顾灵活性和反应快等特点之外,耐力将成为决定比赛胜负的关键因素。如果我能战胜自己,相信本人羽毛球水平定会更上一层楼。

On the Way to Badminton Competition (羽毛球赛途中 05-04-2014) 
Players & Coaches (球手与教练 05-04-2014) 
Badminton Tournament (羽毛球循环赛 05-04-2014)

Cut (切球 05-04-2014) 
Underhand Stroke (低手击球 05-04-2014) 
Lost w/ Handshaking (“向你学习” 05-04-2014) 
Badminton Fan (羽毛球迷 05-04-2014) 
Coach Guide (教练指导 05-04-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |