2017-03-08 【Aiden in English】
The project, Under Pressure, is about the factors that change the way creative thinking works. The project works with subjects individually, one at a time. As for the time, it takes approximately 3-5 minutes. However, specific individuals may take more or less time. The subjects were asked for a simple riddle to test their creativity. Based on a video made by Veritasium, a YouTube channel, the subjects are given a simple sequence of 2, 4, and 8, in which they are then asked to state the pattern. They must ask “yes” or “no” questions to help give hints about the sequence. It sounds straightforward, but it is not when the test begins. To make it an experiment different from the video, I added limiting factors that restrict or help the subject. The other sets of groups are Time, Guesses, and No Limits. The Time and Guess groups will have a limited number of their titles. These groups’ data will be written down and compared later to each other. I believe the No Limit group will have the best time and efficiency because there isn’t much to affect their thinking process. The Time based group, however, will struggle mightily since the ticking clock is constantly shifting in their heads. This experiment can answer any questions about stress during critical decision-making, which is why I thought of this idea. Under stress and struggling with problems, the mind can do many odd things and even improve. I think this experiment should explain what causes the worst performance in creativity. 【红霞译】
研究课题“压力”旨在探讨影响创新思维的因素,要一个一个地征求个人看法,前后大约需要3~5分钟,不过时间可长可短因人而异,借助简单的谜语来测试创新思维。根据视频影像频道“真理元素”上播放的内容,要求测试者简单标示2、4和8序号,然后陈述模式,针对相关问题回答“是”与“不是”,这样有助于按顺序说出答案。整个过程听上去非常简单,但做起来并不容易,为了计划一个与视频完全不同的真正试验,我把对测试有利有弊的限制性因素一并加了进来,并分成时间、猜测和对照三组,时间与猜测组设有一定标题,记录好这几组数据便于日后进行比对分析。 我坚信在优化时间和效率方面对照组表现最佳,毕竟它不受任何清规戒律的束缚。然而时间组做得最差,因为思维一直随时钟变化而变化。该试验能够回答很多压力方面的问题,这些压力与人们在做出重要决策时所承受的心理负荷有关,这正是为什么我考虑这个选题的原因。面临心理压力与苦恼折磨,人的思维很轴,甚至特爱钻牛角尖,我认为这项试验应对削弱创新思维的原因给予一定的解释。
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