【Aiden in English】
Playoffs are a time of greatness. The regular season doesn’t matter! At this stage, winners are made, champions are crowned, and legends are formed. After much confusion about the seeding, my team inferred that we were the first seed. How did we know? We may or may not be matched up with the 10-0 team. However, this line-up should not be taken lightly in the quarter-finals, as our opponents were filled with three-point shooters. As the game starter, it appeared as if it would be a blowout. We played fantastic defense around the perimeter, not allowing any open looks. Our offense thrived on fast breaks and lay-ups, even without any threes. The opposing team did not seem to be able to stop our inside game. In addition to points in the paint, there were fouls and free throws. These not only slowed the game's pace but also let us take command of the tempo. Things looked highly bright at halftime as the lead was slowly pushed over twenty points. In the playoffs, anything is possible. If the Giants can win two Superbowls from being the sixth seed, the Warriors give up a 3-1 lead, and the Patriots come back from a 25-point deficit, then our opponents can still quickly turn around. This is basketball, so all it takes is a few threes to put you back in the game. Being up by only twenty over a three-point shooting team does not lead to being comfortable with it. And unfortunately, we did. The fourth quarter gave the opposing team hope in a blink of an eye. Their offense came alive at once, fueled by our laziness and offensive rebounds. Because of these second chances, they quickly closed the gap to nine points. Worry spread through the bench, and our players like a plague, and the beginnings of doubt started to seep in. Luckily, our point guard thought differently and swiftly finished the game with two easy lay-ups. We ended just like we started, with our foot on the gas pedal. The next game would be the semifinals, which ups the bar much more. We would be playing the dark green team, which somewhat worries me. If there were one team that picked apart our defense, it would be them—a team of three-point shooters, passers, and most prominent men. However, we have a victory over them in the regular season, but as I said, the regular season doesn’t mean anything in the playoffs. 【红霞译】
随着季后赛首轮开战,我队大出风头,采用中距离密集防守,决不留下任何缺口。虽然队上缺少三分球射手,但我们快攻上篮主动出击,对方见状束手无策。除了禁区得分,还有对方犯规和罚球,这么一来不仅影响到比赛速度,而且还让我队掌控场上节奏。 打到半场时,局势看起来相当明朗,我们慢慢领先对方高达廿多分。
幸好我队控卫自有独到见解,两次轻松上篮迅速了结这场比赛,让我们再现开赛时所向披靡的威风气势。 下一场球赛将是半决赛,双方比分咬得更紧。我队要与深绿色球队交锋,难免令我忐忑不安,在这个节骨眼上唯一能瓦解我们防守的恐怕首推那帮家伙,他们的三分球手、传球手、关键人物中锋个个身怀绝技。然而,我们毕竟在常规赛中打败过他们,但是正如开头所说,常规赛没法与季后赛比。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2017: Montgomery County Science Research Competition—Under Pressure(蒙哥马利郡科学研究竞赛—压力) 2012: 三年级弦乐教育(3rd Grade String Edu)
Assistant Coach Kriebel (助理教练克里贝尔 03-08-2017)
One-on-One Defense (人盯人防守 03-08-2017)
Rebound (抢篮板球 03-08-2017)
Playoff (季后赛) Crosslinks(相关博文):
2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-10(2017年乡村娱乐篮球队第十场比赛) 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-9(2017年乡村娱乐篮球队第九场比赛) 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-8(2017年乡村娱乐篮球队第八场比赛) 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-5(2017年乡村娱乐篮球队第五场比赛) 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-3(2017年乡村娱乐篮球第三场比赛) 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-2(2017年乡村娱乐篮球队第二场比赛) 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-1(2017年乡村娱乐篮球队第一场比赛) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |