Thanksgiving Day,2011-11-24
【Aiden in English】 On the day before Thanksgiving, the children were playing in the woods. Then they heard an ear shocking "BANG!" They screamed. They were sure a person 10 miles away could hear it! Together, they walked in a tidy circle to the barn. The children were silent for a while when they heard their mom call. At dinner, no one said a word. The children could have even heard a pin drop on the carpet. They didn't even bother to do their chores, instead, they just went to bed early.
No one got any sleep. About one o'clock in the morning, The children heard another ear shocking "BANG!" Then they heard a sound like a car zooming into the town.
The next morning, it was Thanksgiving. So they prepared to kill the turkey but the turkey was long gone!
They set off to search for the turkey and saw him snoring loudly on the grass next to the entrance of town. They were about to tackle the turkey when it jumped out of their reach. As fast as a blink of an eye, Poof! The turkey vanished.
One thing that the turkey left behind was his footprints. They followed it into the woods. Then the oldest child said, "What if the turkey got away again?" We could set traps all around him," answered the youngest. All of them agreed.
They quickly found the turkey and the children went in all directions to set up traps. They put on scary costumes ready to chase the turkey into the trap. The turkey tumbled down a deep, dark pit. He was pulled out of the pit and was in a cage the next second.
That night, they had the best Thanksgiving dinner ever.
感恩节前一天,孩子们正在林子里玩耍。突然,“砰”的一声,震耳欲聋!他们立刻被吓得尖叫起来,方圆十里地几乎都能听到这声巨响!他们手拉着手向谷仓走去,谁都不想说话,直到听见妈妈招呼他们回家为止。 晚饭时,孩子们仍然沉默不语。屋里静悄悄的,即使一根针掉到地毯上大伙儿都会听得一清二楚。晚饭后,他们顾不上干其它家务活,早早地上床睡觉去了。
Happy Tymes (快乐时光 10-15-2011) 相关博文(Crosslink): 小学三年级(3rd Grade) |