2014-11-27 Thanksgiving Day 【Aiden in English】
Thanksgiving is a time to have fun, relax, and give thanks for what we have. It's time to rest. However, that's the one thing my mom and I didn't do on this snowy, thankful day. She dragged me along for a walk to a park after a snowstorm. I didn't want to go partially because outside was a winter wonderland and there was live football on TV. But Mom's word was the law at home, so I had to go no matter whether I wanted to or not. I bundled up and followed her out of the door. Mom and I were going to Windlestrea Park, right across the entrance to our neighborhood. As we strolled on our path to the park, I got bored, made some snowballs, and chucked them at Mom. She got mad and yelled at me to stop. So I did, but not before my hands froze on the ice. And just for kicks, I found a giant piece of snow and lobbed it at Mom again. I missed by a mile and got my pants soaked. It didn't sound so cool because the cold flowed into me quickly. Then, my feet began to go numb from walking in the snow. It felt like tiny needles pricking my feet. I trudged on, struggling to keep up with the quick pace Mom always walked with. I was getting slower and slower, which looked like a moving ice cube. Every part of my body got cold, eventually chilling me to the bones. I only needed to go home as I slowly inched through the park. I was not interested in paying attention to the scenery, but Mom did. Her trusty camera was up and flashing, which I didn't care about. Somehow, my body was stuck at a near-freezing temperature. I knew the best to do was to persevere through this ordeal. So far, I haven't been enjoying it very much. As soon as we decided to return to our house, Mom pulled me through the long march. When we crossed over a small bridge, I discovered large slabs of ice. I picked them up and pushed them into the water. KA-PLUNK! I watched the ice float down the creek, getting smaller and smaller. Then I noticed the cold had run through me inside out. My shoes were filled with water, my feet numbed, my ears frozen, and my hands jammed in my pockets. I continued to trek through the snow once again. Next time I think about coming outside after snow, it reminds me to bring a pair of boots, a parka, ski pants, and waterproof gloves. At this moment, I'd better hurry up to get home. 【红霞译】
感恩节是一个轻松愉快饮水思源的日子,人们总算到了可以好好休息的时候。可今年面对这个白雪皑皑的感恩节,我和妈妈却一反常规,她硬要在暴风雪过后拽着我到公园散步,且不说外面天寒地冻一片冬季仙境,单凭电视里正实况转播美式橄榄球赛,我只想呆在屋里哪儿也不愿去。但家中妈妈的指示就是圣旨,不管我乐不乐意都无济于事﹔没辙儿,我只好唯命是从,紧随其后迈出了家门。 离开小区正门,我们横穿马路直奔对面的筐草公园。一路上,我实在觉得无聊,随手撺起雪球,便瞄准妈妈猛投过去。妈妈气得冲着我大声喊停,我哪肯善罢甘休,结果自己的双手被冻得冰凉。我一边走一边用脚踢雪,眼前出现大块积雪,我二话不说,拿起来再次朝妈妈扔去,目标偏了未中,冰水却湿透了我的裤子。这下子情况不妙,刺骨的寒风已使自己的双脚开始变得麻木起来,在雪地上每前进一步都痛同针扎。我拖着沉重的步伐,吃力地跟在一向箭步如飞的妈妈后面。这时,我越走越慢,看上去好像跟会动的冰块差不离,浑身上下冻得发僵,寒气早已渗透到骨子里面。欲想摆脱困境,我非得慢慢走出公园拼命挣扎着往家赶。此刻,我完全不像妈妈,没有半点心思欣赏周围的景致。妈妈倒好,相机在握,起劲地按快门抓拍镜头,瞧我非但什么也顾不上,而且快要被冻成冰棍,若不咬牙坚持下来,恐怕真经不住严峻考验。到目前为止,我什么甜头也没尝到。 终于我们决定打道回府,妈妈偏偏舍近求远绕道而行,害得我还得长途跋涉。途经一座小桥的时候,我发现一团大冰块,好不容易将它抱起,再费力把它推入溪水,扑通﹗它应声掉进了小溪。冰块在溪面上漂浮,顺着水流渐渐远去,慢慢地变得越来越小。我看着看着,突然感到透心凉,这才发觉鞋湿透了,脚麻木了,耳朵冻僵了,连揣在兜里的手也失去了知觉,我赶紧上路,重新踏上回家的归途。下次若再雪后出行,我一定得记住备好靴鞋、披好大衣、穿好滑雪裤、戴好防水手套。现在,当务之急就是赶紧回家。 
Meadow of Windlestrea Park (筐草公园·草甸 11-27-2014) 
Little Neshaminy Creek (小鸽子粪溪) 
Bridge over Little Neshaminy Creek (小鸽子粪溪桥 11-27-2014) 
Overpass (天桥 11-27-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 6th Grade(初中一年级) |