【The Emperor of China】 Heinrich Heine (1797—1856) My father was a dreadful bore,
A good-for-nothing dandy; But I’m a mighty Emperor, And love a bumper of brandy.
These glorious draughts all others surpass In this, their magical power: As soon as I have drain'd my glass, All China bursts into flowers.
The Middle Kingdom bursts into life, A blossoming meadow seeming; A man I wellnigh become, and my wife Soon gives me signs of teeming.
On every side abundance reigns, The sick no longer need potions; Confucius, Court-philosopher, gains Distinct and positive notions.
The ryebread the soldiers used to eat Of almond cakes are made now; The very vagabonds in the street In silk and satin parade now.
The knightly Order of Mandarins, Those weak old invalids, daily Are gaining strength and filling their skins, And shaking their pigtails gaily.
The great pagoda, faith’s symbol prized, Is ready for those who’re believing; The last of the Jews are here baptized, The Dragon’s order receiving.
The noble Manchoos exclaim, when freed From the presence of revolution: “The bastinado is all that we need, “We want no constitution!”
The pupils of Æsculapius perhaps May tell me that drink’s dissipation; But I continue to drink my Schnaps, To benefit the nation.
And so in drinking I persevere; It tastes like very manna! My people are happy, and drink their beer And join in shouting Hosanna! —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《中国皇帝》】 统帅•海涅(1797生—1856卒) 我父亲是一个俗汉, 一个庸俗无聊的小人; 但是我喝我的烧酒, 我是伟大的皇帝至尊。
这是一种魔术的饮料! 我在我的心里发现: 只要我喝了烧酒, 中国就立刻富强。
这个世界中央的国家 就变成一片花的原野, 我自己几乎成为男子汉, 我的老婆也怀了孕。
到处都是丰满、富饶, 病人都恢复了健康; 我的宫廷圣人孔夫子 得到最清楚的思想。
兵士的粗面包——多快乐! 变成了扁桃仁蛋糕; 我国内所有的穷人 都穿着绒衣、绸衣逍遥。
全体的贝勒、贝子, 和那些伤兵伤将, 都摇摆他们的辫子, 又得到青春的力量。
大宝塔建筑完成, 这信仰的象征和保障, 最后的犹太人在那里受洗, 还得到金龙勋章。
革命的精神都消失, 最高贵的满人在喊: “我们不要宪法, 我们要棍子、皮鞭!”
罗马医神的弟子们 谏诤我不要喝酒, 但是我喝我的烧酒, 是为我国家的幸福。
再来一杯,再来一杯! 味道像甘露琼浆! 幸福的百姓也有葡萄酒, 他们欢呼:万寿无疆! Today in History(历史上的今天): 2017: Brühl, Augustusburg & Falkenlust DEU(德国灌木沼泽地—大古堡与行宫)
2015: Travel alone to Beijing(独行北京) 2014: YMCA Camp─Dodgeball-1(基督教青年会夏令营─躲避球之一) 2012: 廿五年再相会(Reunion after 25 Years)
Brauerei Päffgen (迷人啤酒馆 08-18-2017)
Nightlife @ Brauerei Päffgen (迷人啤酒馆·夜生活)
Beer Tasting (啤酒品尝 08-18-2017)
Höhnerstall @ Brauhaus zur Malzmühle (麦芽坊啤酒店·谐谑厅 08-18-2017) Mühlen-Kölsch (麦芽坊水城啤酒)
Koch'sches Malzbier (麦芽坊水城啤酒)
Martini (马提尼鸡尾酒)
Gaffel Kölsch (双尖齿大木叉水城啤酒)
Gaffel Kölsch (双尖齿大木叉水城啤酒) Peters Kölsch (磐石啤酒馆)
Schinken (火腿)
Mixed Leaves (混合沙拉)
Beef Sauerbraten (醋焖牛肉)
Vanilla Ice Cream-Hot Love (香草冰淇淋热恋)
Apple Sweets w/ Bourbon Vanilla Ice Cream & Cream (苹果糖与波旁香草冰淇淋和奶油)
Nougatbrezel (牛轧纽结卷)
Crosslinks(相关博文): Germany(出游德国)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |