【Aiden in English】
Chinese New Year (CNY)—what a wonderful time! We relax, eat delicious food, drink fantastic stuff, and sleep in. It's the biggest holiday of the year. Everyone deserves a break, and it feels good to be out of school. Wait, we're in the US. For a country built on immigrants, it's ironic to see it pretty much grazed over the most significant holiday of the largest population in the world—only one of the few hypocritical attributes held by the US. Instead of giving an official holiday, the school system celebrates the Year of Dog with General Tso's Chicken and green-brown rice. What is a bite of China? This puts even more stress on the Spring Festival annual gala. If this doesn't go well, most local Chinese people will have New Year celebrations destroyed. Since only one public school in the suburb of Philadelphia takes the Lunar New Year off, I'm assuming that other than a family dinner, this is as much of a celebration as people would get. Granted, for performers, stage crew, staff, and organizers, the Guanghua Chinese School Gala isn't much of a ‘break’. Instead, it's a busy five hours of scrambling around, getting mentally ready, and trying not to mess up your role in a sizeable behind-the-scenes machine. After a series of practices and two slices of pizza later, we performed Yo-Yo as the opener, which went “meh.” It was not our best showing by a long shot, but it was bearable. After a few sighs of depression, a group of friends and I left for a far corner of the school to chillax and munch on pocky sticks. It was nice. Finally, a chunk of time where it’s just a simple chat with friends without any desperate project due the next day. Speaking of which, I have an essay due in two days. You better start typing. Anyway, this brings a pretty annoying topic to mind. What determines which holidays in the US are essential? If the measurement is by ethnicity and each one’s population, then Chinese New Year should be a huge holiday. Looking at the current holidays outside national historical moments (i.e., the 4th of July), people don’t follow a specific rubric. After some research, I discovered that all national holidays must go through Congress, but that doesn’t answer my question. Where does the incentive to make a particular day special arise from? It's not like Congress says Chinese New Year isn't a native holiday. If so, that’s highly ironic and hypocritical of them since America isn’t much more than a melting pot of different-tasting cheeses. I understand that making a new holiday isn't at the top of our government's list, but there are more and more arguments for making the Spring Festival a holiday. As a large ethnic group in the country, many people, not just the Chinese, celebrate the Lunar New Year. Yes, the festivity lasts 15 days, but having the first day off is good enough. If there's a holiday for a groundhog, can't you have a holiday for 3.7 million people in the country? Perhaps I'm being a bit prideful, and there are already enough holidays, but the truth is, I want another day out of school. 【红霞译】
不管怎么讲,心里总放不下困扰已久的话题,决定美国节日重要性的因素究竟是什么?如果单从种族及其人口数量方面考量,那么春节当之无愧。暂且撇开全国值得纪念的历史时刻(例如七月四号独立节),细数现有其它节假日确实让人找不出特别标准。经过一番研究,我发现所有国家法定节日必须通过国会审批,但这并未真正回答我的问题,是什么契机让某一天成为法定节日?总不会像国会认为中国新年非本土节日那样吧,假如真是如此,岂不既滑稽可笑又虚情假意,好歹美国称得上一个多元文化大熔炉。 我完全理解政府尚未打算新增节日,但要求春节放假的呼声愈来愈高,作为全国一支庞大的少数族裔,很多人欢度农历新年,并非仅仅局限于华夏子弟。没错,节日庆祝活动长达十五天,但只要头一天休息就成。依我看,既然能给土拨鼠过节,怎么就不能给全美370万民众放假呢?也许我带点民族自豪感,本来节假日已经够多的,可说白了,我还想多要一天不用上学的日子。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-9(2017年乡村娱乐篮球队第九场比赛) 2016: Academic Challenge(学术知识竞赛) 2015: B-D Dinner @ Lai Lai Garden(来来花园生日晚餐) 2012: 生日聚会─溜冰(B-D Skating)
GHCS Chinese New Year Gala (光华中文学校春晚 02-25-2018)
Community Srv post-GHCS Chinese New Year Gala (光华中文学校春晚·义工服务 02-25-2018)
Crosslinks(相关博文): The 2017 Year of Rooster Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹过鸡年) The 2016 Year of Monkey Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹过猴年) The 2015 Year of Goat Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹过羊年) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |