【I Recall Your Smile】 Eugenio Montale (1896—1981) 〖Nobel Prize in Literature in 1975〗 I recall your smile, and for me, it is limpid water witnessed by chance among the stones of a riverbed. slight mirror in which you see an ivy and its inflorescence, and overall the embrace of a serene white sky.
This is my recollection; I cannot say, a distant one, if an ingenuous spirit is freely expressed in your face, truly you are a wanderer whom the world’s ills exhaust, and who carries your suffering with you like a talisman.
But this I may say; that your thoughtful portrait drowns anxious inspiration in a wave of calm; and your aspect insinuates itself in grey memory pure as the crown of a youthful palm tree… —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《又勾起我的思念,你的微笑》】 名门•蒙塔莱(1896生—1981卒) 〖1975年诺贝尔文学奖〗 又勾起我的思念,你的微笑 有如一汪碧水 偶然发现在沙滩卵石间, 有如一面明镜 映照常春藤一蓬如盖的绿荫, 拥抱洁白而静谧的云天。
那是我的回忆; 我不晓得怎样表述才好, 啊,它多么遥远 当你的微笑中 漾着一颗自由丶纯朴的魂灵, 它又多么真实, 当你是一位漂泊无定的游子, 把苦痛当做护符随身携带, 人世的邪恶折磨得你心力交瘁。
但我可以告诉你, 你的深思的身影 把沉沉忧伤亲切抚慰, 你的诚挚的微笑 融入我的灰色的记忆 有如棕榈树的青翠华盖…… Today in History(历史上的今天): 2018: Venice, La Dominante of Italy(意大利威尼斯·王者之城)
2017: Vienna, the Capital of Dreams AUT(奥地利维也纳·梦之都)
2016: Blarney Castle, the Stone of Eloquence(爱尔兰布拉尼城堡·雄辩之石)
2014 World Cup—ARG vs. NLD(阿根廷对荷兰世界杯足球赛)
Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute (圣母安康大教堂)
Campanile di Santo Stefano & Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute (皇冠教堂钟楼与圣母安康大教堂)
Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute & Punta della Dogana (圣母安康大教堂与海关大楼博物馆)
Chiesa di San Marcuola (圣马可拉教堂)
Façade of Chiesa di San Marcuola (圣马可拉教堂·外观)
Chiesa degli Scalzi (赤脚教堂)
Il Redentore (救主教堂)
San Simeone Piccolo (小圣西门教堂)
Domes of San Simeone Piccolo (小圣西门教堂·穹顶)
St Mark's Campanile & Doge Palace (圣马可钟楼和总督宫)
St Mark's Campanile & Doge Palace (圣马可钟楼和总督宫)
San Giorgio Maggiore (大农夫教堂)
San Francesco della Vigna (葡萄园方各济教堂)
Santa Maria del Rosario or I Gesuati (玫瑰圣母教堂)
Santa Maria del Rosario or I Gesuati (玫瑰圣母教堂)
Chiesa di San Stae (圣斯塔教堂)
Façade of Chiesa di San Stae (圣斯塔教堂·外观)
Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari (铁匠区荣耀圣母教堂)
Basilica dei Frari (铁匠区大教堂)
I Gesuati & San Sebastiano (玫瑰圣母教堂与崇敬教堂)
San Geremia & Santi Apostoli (神圣教堂与圣徒教堂)
San Geremia (神圣教堂)
Madonna dell'Orto (菜园圣母院)
San Giovanni e Paolo & Scuola Grande di San Marco (圣若望及保罗教堂与圣马可大学堂)
Santa Maria Formosa (至美圣母堂)
San Pietro di Castello (城堡区圣彼得教堂)
Basilica di San Nicola a Tolentino (托伦蒂诺·人民胜利大教堂)
Façade of Basilica di San Nicola a Tolentino (托伦蒂诺·人民胜利大教堂外观)
Sant'Alvise (圣智教堂)
San Giorgio Maggiore (农夫大教堂)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |