【Aiden in English】 The food I'm looking forward to the most in China is, well, that simple. Great culture, extended family, and a new world are all worthy of attention, but nothing captures all categories of China, such as its food. Therefore, I feel completely fine saying that Chinese food is equivalent to American football. You can't escape it, so why not embrace it? Chinese culture also puts more effort into food than any other major country. An early practice from years past was food brought fun to parties, not Netflix. It is quite a Chinese thought process, so this only applies to Chinese get-togethers. Further evidence of the ingestion power is the sheer number of restaurants in any shopping mall in China. They might as well rename malls 'food centers' because multiple floors would be filled with various restaurants. Now, complimenting so generously always means there is a catch. In this case, it was the airplanes. By no means am I critiquing the plane service or flight experience? Air China was surprisingly good (mainly because of the food). However, until this point in my traveling career, I did not have a canceled flight. Ever. That's very lucky of me. And especially since the first canceled flight wasn't a primary transatlantic flight. Eventually, we would have a canceled flight somewhere, so why not here? A small, two-hour flight from Beijing to Nanjing got canceled due to a massive typhoon in the East China Sea, so we stayed overnight at a 'local' hotel located an hour away from anything interesting. After waiting for luggage at the canceled flight carousel, new tickets at the domestic flight's desk, a guy to pick us up for the hotel bus, and the bus to the hotel, we finally arrived at the hotel, which was alright. It included all meals... which sucked. Unfortunately, we made the mistake of eating, so when mom's old college friend came around to give us a Beijing food education, we already felt relatively complete. So far, China has yet to throw us a bone. We waited and waited and ate some terrible food. All things I wasn't looking forward to. But that could all change, which it did. We drove to Beijing Hualian Shopping Ctr. in the District of Shunyi, where it's more of a giant ingestion festival of restaurants. And there was so much food! I understand I just ate (my stomach let me know), but all the flavors wafting through the air in an enclosed mall made my mouth water. We found Xibei Oat Noodle Village had a small line and ordered (the adults did the talking), and boom! Suddenly, a bunch of buckwheat noodles and sorghum soups were on the table, primarily Northern tradition. And like I said, we made the mistake of eating before but still made good progress on most dishes. Returning to the hotel in high spirits, I felt satisfied with the food selections and their taste. The only thing missing was a long night's sleep, which occurred an hour later. Most of all, I felt relaxed, understanding that although things didn't go as planned, sometimes the gray areas of travel are also the best moments. 【红霞译】
在停飞航班传输带前等着领取行李,在国内航线客户服务台等着办理机票改期手续,在机场大厅等着当班小伙子带我们坐车回酒店,在车站等着大巴送我们去目的地,折腾了一路,换来一日三餐伙食全包……太不值得。糟糕的是我们失算,胡乱塞了些东西垫巴肚子,待妈妈大学朋友向我们灌输“舌尖上的北京” 时,我们差点悔青了肠子。
到现在为止,我们在国内尚未尝到什么甜头,接二连三的等待,吞咽的东西又刺激胃口,一切的一切都不是我所期待的,但人生本来就不是一帆风顺的,风雨过后才能看见彩虹,好事多磨呗。我们驱车前往顺义华联购物中心,吃的喝的琳琅满目,只有想不到没有吃不到!我清楚自己刚打过牙祭(肠胃说话算数),但是漫游在一个封闭环境,空气中到处散发着扑鼻的香味,把我馋得直流哈喇子。我们找到一家排队不长的“西贝莜面村”点了菜(大人只顾聊天),“啪唧”!说时迟那时快,一桌子北方风味的饸饹面鱼鱼汤呈现在眼前,上面提到我们千不该万不该随便打发食欲,但照旧大快朵颐几乎横扫残余。 兴高采烈地回到酒店,我对今晚特色饭菜风味小吃甚感欣慰,假若有什么遗憾无处安扶的话,那就是仍要折腾一个钟头才好睡上囫囵觉,当然最重要的莫过于身心放松,虽说计划赶不上变化,可有时旅程上的灰色地带同样拥有最兴奋的时刻。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2017: Amsterdam the Mokum, Netherlands(荷兰阿姆斯特丹—避风港) 2017: Amsterdam—Venice of the North, NLD(荷兰阿姆斯特丹—北方的威尼斯) 2017: Amsterdam—Jerusalem of the North(荷兰阿姆斯特丹—北方的耶路撒冷) 2017: The Night Watch @ Rijksmuseum, NLD(荷兰国家博物馆《夜巡》) 2014: St. Stan's Summer Festival(圣斯坦夏季狂欢节) 2010: 魔鬼变奏曲(Monster Variation)
National Museum of China (中国国家博物馆 01-22-1989)
Xibei Oat Noodle Village (西贝莜面村 08-16-2018)
Lobby @ PEK (北京首都国际机场候机大厅)
Terminal 3 Station of Airport Express (机场快轨•首都机场三号航站楼地铁站)
Airport Expressway (机场高速)
Jingping Expressway (京平高速)
Shunyi Expressway (顺义高速)
Parking Garage of Hualian Shopping Ctr, Shunyi (顺义华联购物中心停车场)
Hualian Shopping Ctr, Shunyi (顺义华联购物中心)
Authentic Beijing (正宗京味)
Gluten, Xibei Oat Noodle Village (西贝莜面村·西贝面筋) Crosslinks(相关博文): China(出游中国) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |