2021-04-22 Earth Day 【Aiden in English】 〖Please write a brief paragraph about your most significant activity out of those listed above and its importance to you.〗
Writing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. From my elementary school times of vacations to the Bahamas up to my most recent year in high school, I’ve continued a blog documenting significant events. I’ve submitted over a hundred works to writing competitions, from in-school to national level, and even published multiple books. Thus, as many may expect, founding and teaching an English writing course at Guanghua Chinese School is the most significant activity of my education career; however, it is not due to my inclination to write but rather the effects of the class on others. This year marks the fourth year of my writing class; by this measure, I’ve easily met over a hundred students through the class or the summer programs. Founded at a local Chinese school, most students apply to improve their grammatical and composition skills. Of course, I meet these fundamental needs, but I stress the mentality of keeping writing free and fun. Much like music, the instant everything becomes ridged and monotonous is the moment one loses hope for self-improvement. Watching students enter the first day of school with wide, anticipatory eyes and leave the year with smiles and giggles is why I place my class above all other activities. For many, writing symbolizes a monumental chore without significant reward; I taught them that composition could be an escape. I kept the content creation, providing stimulating prompts like “Provide a specific location in history you would like to place a raging elephant in,” provoking intuitive answers. Indeed, my positions in clubs have created change in my school, yet touching the hearts of a hundred young writers brings about great pride and satisfaction. My love for writing stemmed from a rare circumstance, and sharing this passion is the most incredible feeling in the world and the best I can help my community. 【红霞译】
〖请简述之前极其重要且对你意味深长的活动〗 自打懂事以来,写作一直是我生活的组成部分,从小学去巴哈马度假到近期高中出行,我不停地发表喜闻乐见的博文,上百篇参赛作品已从校内走向全国,甚至还出版了几本书。正如许多人所期望的那样,在宾州光华中文学校创办并教授英语写作课程则是我教育生涯中最具重要性且对我意味深长的活动。然而,这并非只是因为我爱写,而是基于课堂对他人的影响,“一点红点燃一片红”。
回首学生们开学头堂课充满期待的眼神以及结业临别前喜笑颜开的面容,不难发现为什么我把课堂教学放在其它所有活动之上。对于多数学生而言,写作象征着徒劳无果的笔耕,我却告诉他们如果借着像“你想把发怒的大象放在历史特定位置上”诸如此类具有刺激性的话题去发挥并凭直觉给出答案的话,那么写作便是一种消遣。 负责学校不同俱乐部的工作固然颇有成就感,但一下子引起上百名年轻作者的共鸣令我无比兴奋与自豪。我喜爱写作原本缘于偶然的机遇,藉之和大家分享这份热情不仅让自己甚感欣慰,同时还能为社区服务。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2016: College Friends Forever(大学同学终生朋友)
2014: Fifth Grade Reading Olympics(五年级阅读奥林匹克赛) 2010: 停课此岸,快乐彼岸!(No School upon Strike) 2009: 玩中学(Learning Through Play) English Writing Class @ Guanghua Chinese School
(光华中文学校·英文写作班 02/03/2019) Key Club @ Memorial Garden
(纪念花园·钥匙俱乐部义工劳动 05/01/2019) Crosslink(相关博文): 12th Grade(高中四年级) |