2023-04-08 National All is Ours Day 【Sunday Morning·III (1923)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Jove in the clouds had his inhuman birth. No mother suckled him, no sweet land gave Large-mannered motions to his mythy mind. He moved among us, as a muttering king, Magnificent, would move among his hinds, Until our blood, commingling, virginal, With heaven, brought such requital to desire The very hinds discerned it, in a star. Shall our blood fail? Or shall it come to be The blood of paradise? And shall the earth Seem all of paradise that we shall know? The sky will be much friendlier then than now, A part of labor and a part of pain, And next in glory to enduring love, Not this dividing and indifferent blue. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《星期天早晨·之三》(1923)】 异乡人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 穹宇的天父非同凡胎。 无需母亲哺育,没有甜蜜家园把 这位古灵精怪养得气宇轩昂。 他与我们来往,像个喃喃自語的国王, 高贵庄严,夹在追随者中间, 直到我们的生命与上天 纯洁地交合,报以期待 圣诞星上的追随者辨认出它。 我们的鲜血会白流吗?还是因此融为 乐园之血?大地将 变成我们所知的人间天堂吗? 未来的天空远比现在的亲善可爱, 部分付出与部分辛酸, 几乎像持之以恒的爱那么荣耀, 而非这片分离漠然的蓝。 【注】今天是“国家的一切都属于我们”日,凑巧夹在昨天的耶稣受难瞻礼和明天宗教最重要的庆典——复活节之间。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2022: Cherry Blossom Festival of Philadelphia(费城传统樱花节) 2022: Shofuso Japanese House, Philadelphia(费城日本茶坊·松风荘) 2012: 佛州环球冒险岛乐园(Universal's Islands of Adventure, FL)
2011: 埃及哈布城神殿祭庙(Medinet Habu—Mortuary Temple, Egypt) 2011: 埃及热气球空游底比斯(Hot-Air Balloon over Thebes, Egypt) 2011: 埃及尼罗河游轮(Cruising on the Nile, Egypt)
Kentucky Derby Museum, KY (草地州·草地赛马博物馆 04-28-1991)
Boardwalk of Atlantic City, NJ (新州大西洋城·木板人行道 04-05-1992)
Middleton Place (1738) of Natl Hist Landmark District in Colonial Style, SC (南自由者州《国家古迹》·建于1738年殖民式“居中安置地种植园”04-10-1993)
Shinto Shrine of Japanese Garden @ Brooklyn Botanic Garden, NYC (纽约美溪区植物园·日式花园神道教神道 04-30-1994)
Chinatown, NYC (纽约唐人街 04-08-1995) West Dr @ Central Park, NYC (纽约中央公园·西路 04-20-1996) Statue of Balto @ Central Park, NYC (纽约中央公园·雕塑《勇敢无畏》04-11-1997) Japanese Hill-and-Pond Garden @ Brooklyn Botanic Garden, NYC (纽约美溪区植物园·日式山水花园 04-08-1998)
Annapolis City Dock, MD (海之星州·优美城码头 04-04-1999) Sculpture of Bell @ Grounds for Sculpture, NJ (新州雕塑公园·雕塑《钟》04-09-2000) Raymon's 2-Yr-Old Birthday, NJ (新州·濛濛两岁生日聚会 04-06-2001) Goldman Sachs Tower @ the Bank of Hudson River, NJ (新州勇敢之子河畔·高盛大厦 04-06-2002) Aiden's 2-Mo-Old Baby Party @ Home, NJ (新州本家·儿歌两个月婴儿庆生聚会 04-26-2003)
Toddler-I @ Ground Zero 3.5 Yr Post-Sept 11 Attacks, NYC (纽约9·11袭击事件后三年半的世贸中心遗址——小幼儿生 04-18-2004) Toddler-II @ Crayola Factory, PA (宾州腊笔厂·大幼儿生 04-10-2005) Preschool-I @ Skeleton of Glyptodon Showing Carapace @ American Natural History Museum, NYC (纽约美国历史博物馆·小幼童生在甲壳类雕齿兽骨架前 04-15-2006) Preschool-II @ Cherry Blossom in Front of Washington Monument, DC (华府开国元首纪念碑前樱花盛开·大幼童生 04-07-2007)
Pre-Kindergartener @ San Diego Hotel & Marina, CA (火炉州后继者圣徒市酒店与游艇码头·学前班预科生 04-05-2008) Kindergarteners @ Easter Egg Hunt, PA (宾州复活节找彩蛋·学前班生 04-11-2009) 1st Grade Spring Break @ Windlestrae Park on Easter Morning, PA (宾州筐草公园复活节清晨·小学一年级春假 04-04-2010)
2nd-Grade Spring Break @ Medieval Fort Qaitbey in Alexandria, Egypt (埃及人类捍卫者城中世纪幸福巅峰城堡·小学二年级春假 04-02-2011) 3rd Grade Spring Break @ Cinderella Castle of Magic Kingdom, FL (花州神奇王国灰姑娘城堡·小学三年级春假 04-06-2012) 4th Grade Spring Break @ Rabida Island Beach of Galápagos Islands, Ecuador (厄瓜多尔达尔文岛水塔岛海滨·小学四年级春假 04-01-2013) Brother & Sister @ Home, PA (宾州本家·兄妹俩 04-02-2014)
6th Grader @ Shofuso Japanese House & Garden, Philadelphia (费城松风荘日式园林·初一生 04-18-2015) 7th Grade Spring Break @ Sleet Snow of Front Yard, PA (宾州本家前院冰雪·初二春假 04-09-2016) 8th Grade Spring Break @ Follow-up of Mole Removal, PA (宾州去痣美容手术随访·初三春假 04-03-2017) 9th Grader @ NPHS Columbia Jazz Championship Performance, PA (北宾州高中鸽子爵士锦标赛表演·高一生 04-13-2018)
10th Grade Spring Break @ Teapioca Lounge, PA (宾州小宝茶坊·高二春假 04-03-2019) 11th Grade Spring Break @ Three Musicians by Pablo Picasso (1921), Philadelphia Museum of Art (费城艺术博物馆小·鹊1921年创作的《三乐师》——高三春假 04-05-2020) 12th Grade Spring Break @ Rose Twig of Windlestrae Park, PA (宾州筐草公园玫瑰枝球场·高四春假 04-03-2021) Shofuso Japanese House & Garden, Philadelphia (费城松风荘日式园林 04-08-2022) Korean War Memorial @ America-Korea Alliance Peace Park, PA (宾州美韩联盟和平公园·朝鲜战争纪念碑 04-08-2023) Sundial @ America-Korea Alliance Peace Park, PA (宾州美韩联盟和平公园·雕塑《日晷》 04-08-2023) Crosslink(相关博文): 万花筒(Kaleidoscope) |