2009-08-14 孩子喜欢聊天,天南海北看到什么就说什么;孩子还喜欢涂鸦,稀奇古怪想到什么就画什么。如今,孩子又喜欢杜撰小人书,一半鲜为人知的象声英文,一半张牙舞爪的写意图画,实实在在填满刚刚装订好的一个32开、8到20页不等的“书”本。写自己成长的基本真情实感似流水年华,写大千世界的都是八仙过海像驾雾腾云。 儿歌的生活──Aiden's Life (7/23/2009):
One day, a baby was born in a hospital. It was the first day of the baby's life. He was named Aiden. (The picture shows a baby drawn in a picture with straight hair and a crazy shout.) When Aiden was 6 years old, he learned two games called Freeze-dance and Music-chairs. (The picture shows crazy games.) Aiden's teachers kept changing from Mr. Dan and Miss Hollie (1) to (Miss Erin and Miss Hollie) (2) to Mr. Jeff and Miss Hollie (3) to Mr. Jeff and Mr. Greg (4) (to Mr. Jeff and Miss Erin) (5). (The picture shows many faces.) The end.
This illustrator is Aiden, too.
小白兔奇遇记──Book 1:
White Bunny just defeated a common snail as he's robbing a bank. (Picture illustrated) Bunny's shirt and shorts have power. He is 16 years old. He doesn't go to school. (There are problems around public schools, and he must save the world based on a conversation afterward.) (Picture illustrated.) Bunny's skateboard is (has) Hot Wheels. It can go 2000 miles per hour. Sometimes, it can go faster than the speed of light, and then it will return in time. (The Picture shows Hot Wheels like fire.) The end.
小白兔奇遇记──Book 2:
Introduction: White Bunny just defeated Tusk Trunk as he escaped from (a) jail. "You're going to justice." (The picture shows the Bunny pointing to Tusk Trunk seriously.) The story begins here. Bunny bought a new house, number 126. (The picture shows that the moon over the house has volcanoes of different sizes.) He never noticed Tusk Trunk escaped from (a) jail until he read the newspaper. (The picture shows a newspaper full of descriptions in unreadable sizes.) It was in England. It takes six days to get there (from the USA). (The picture shows a globe with an arrowhead from the USA to England.) Seven days later, he (Bunny) found him (Tusk Trunk). (Picture illustrated) Suddenly, both men drew their swords, and then the battle began. Two cut and parried their swords, flicking in the sunlight. (The picture shows two swords crossed and flicked in the sun.) The fighting ended here. Bunny injured Tusk Trunk and took all his money. "I will let you go," said Bunny. But no more robbing." He gave some coins back. He (Bunny) gave him (Tusk Trunk) 43 coins. (The Picture shows some coins.) He (Bunny) started to read the newspaper. But nothing was said about escaping from (a) jail. (Picture illustrated) The end. This story has more than a book about this one because this is book 2. There is another book, too. (Picture illustrated) 
Sensitive to Tomcat (猫过敏 02-25-2007) 
Ironpiggy Bank @ Coco-Cola Stadium (可口可乐球场·铁猪储钱罐 07-24-2008) 
Ms. Erin @ Kindergarten of UGCLC (幸福幼儿园学前班·和平老师 12-17-2008) 
Ms. Hollie @ Kindergarten of UGCLC (幸福幼儿园学前班·冬青老师 12-17-2008) 
Pool Party (泳池聚会 06-26-2009)
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