【Aiden in English】
Not every day a kid can go to Carnegie Hall and perform in NYC, but a lucky few like me can. It is a fantastic experience, and its history is evident. Standing at West 57th St. on 7th Ave., Carnegie Hall is known worldwide. Presenting an average of 250 performances annually, this place has world-class artists who show their talent. That last sentence had two things that weren’t true to me. I’m not a world-class artist, and I don’t have skills. Considering people like me could play the piano, the audition wouldn’t be in the main hall. We got Weill Recital Hall, a tiny branching area with about 100 seats. This performance was the Golden Key Recital, and I’ve been here for three years. So, my emotions were as cool as ice. The performers were usually led to a waiting room and put in order. And the room looked anything but grand. I guess these people spent their entire budget on the stage and didn’t care about the backstage. I played Sonata in G Major Op. 49, No. 2: Allegro ma non-troppo by L. van Beethoven. The music was supposed to sound like a child’s sweet and light composition with no accents. Scales ran up and down, giving my arm a real workout. Scale after scale, I played, and guess what? I played even more scales. The child had forced me to play with the jolly sensation, but “jolly” was one emotion I wasn’t feeling. Unlike my feelings, the performance didn’t come out as smoothly as I did. It’s not just because of me but also because of the piano. The variation on it was huge! Try playing a quiet note, and nothing comes out. Try playing it harder, and the sound kicked up so much. It seemed as if someone put a microphone up to it. Nearly everyone winced at their first note. During my song, throughout many sections, I messed up a little. But I, coming through an acting camp, kept a straight face through the entire piece. No one could tell my thoughts, so I could’ve been winning the lottery for all they knew. Even those listening in the waiting room said I went flawlessly. To me, I felt as if I were winning it. I swung my arms to the beat, slightly bobbed my head, lifted my arms on rests, and came down smoothly like a sheet of ice. What was funny was how different skills helped each other. And that’s what I called a poker face. Coming here for the third time earned me a trophy. Considering how much time I spent, I deserved it. The song sometimes proved annoying, and my teacher relentlessly pursued perfection. Hard work always makes the thing taste sweeter. 【红霞译】
一般的少年儿童难得走进纽约卡内基(意指“豁口堡垒”)音乐厅表演艺术,恐怕只有为数不多的初生牛犊才会像我这么运气,可以切身感受震撼时刻,并能亲自捕捉历史瞬间。 卡内基音乐厅坐落在第七大道和五十七西街上,是闻名全球的音乐殿堂,平均每年上演250场次,世界各地首屈一指的艺术家竞相来这里施展才华。话说至此,我必须郑重声明,本人既非艺术名流又无演奏技巧,既然不知天高地厚跻身卡内基音乐厅,像我这般水准的钢琴手绝无资格到主台亮相,撑死了只能呆在容纳一百来号观众的小型威尔(意指“别墅”)演奏厅凑份热闹。尽管我已经连续三次被选拔到卡内基音乐厅参加“金色键盘艺术节”汇报演出,但内心深处仍然激动不已。通常演员们先被领进后台按顺序做好出场准备,后台不及前台辉煌宏大,让我觉得人们把钱全部用到了耀眼的地方。 这次我带来的是贝多芬G大调奏鸣曲作品49第二号:不太快的快板,该首曲子听起来应该像顽童的作品,心情愉快节奏轻松,没有什么重音,音阶上下滑奏,手臂来回移动。我弹完一遍音阶,接着弹另一遍音阶,知道下面要干什么吗?继续再弹更多的音阶,这个淘气包害得我呼哧带喘,反而没法子开心。
光自我感觉良好不成,本次演出进展得并非顺利,主要不是个人问题,而是钢琴问题,其力度太难把握!如果轻轻按键,那么什么琴声都听出不来;假如弹得稍微重了一点,音量又吵得要命,好像有人特意用麦克风把声音放大,因此几乎没人能弹好第一个音。演奏期间,我出现了小小的失误,但以前有过戏剧夏令营训练基础,即使出错也要坚持弹完全部曲子,好像什么都没发生,这样观众才不至于察觉出任何异常,还以为我表演得出色,就连等候在后台的同伴都夸我弹得不错。这下可好,说我胖我果真喘了起来,手臂随着节奏自然摆动,甚至挥到跟头部差不多高;遇见休止符的地方,胳膊刚好抬起,然后再优雅地放回原处。最有趣的是,动作与动作之间配合得竟然天衣无缝,与此同时,自己始终保持神情自若。 因为第三次赢得殊荣前来表演,所以我多得了一个奖杯,比起过去所花的心血,自己的努力总算有所回报。这首曲子有时真叫我感到枯燥,而老师偏偏又毫不客气地追求艺术完美,着实让我饱尝苦尽甜来的滋味。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Russian Tea Room, NYC(纽约俄罗斯茶馆) 2014 Spring Soccer Game III(春季足球之三) 
Golden Key Music Fest @ Weill Recital Hall, Carnegie Hall (卡内基威尔演奏厅·金色键盘音乐节 06-07-2015) 
Sonata in G Major Op. 49, No. 2 Allegro Ma Non-Troppo by Beethoven (贝多芬·G大调奏鸣曲作品49第二号 06-07-2015) 
Sonata in G Major Op. 49, No. 2 Allegro Ma Non-Troppo by Beethoven (贝多芬·G大调奏鸣曲作品49第二号 06-07-15) 
Bow to Audience (演奏结束 06-07-2015) 
Award Ceremony (颁奖典礼 06-07-2015) 
Golden Key Music Festival (金色键盘音乐节 06-07-2015)
Score Sheet of Golden Key Music Fest (金色键盘音乐节·评分项目) Crosslinks(相关博文):
2014 Golden Key in Carnegie Hall(2014年卡内基金色键盘音乐节) 2013年卡内基金色键盘音乐节(2013 Golden Key in Carnegie Hall) 6th Grade(初中一年级)