2015-12-24 【Aiden in English】 A family tradition means it happens every year. I wish that definition would change and say not ‘every’ but ‘sometimes’. This year, another family tradition on Christmas Eve was set to China Grace Christian Church (CGCC). As usual, it was going to be another tradition for me. It wasn’t just me that thought it was going to be a similar performance to last year. The Church program had a bunch of shows, nativity skits, music offerings, prayers, hymns, and anything that is related to God. Most of my friends were prepared if they weren’t performing. Obviously, phones had horrible battery life. Screw Apple! With the night just starting, one of my buds was already relying on my iPad for fun and the ability to stay awake. I wasn’t quite used to the dim lights in the nave which fit the occasion but to keep my friends alive, I played some games on my iPad from time to time, and even that was limited since there apparently had to be no Wi-Fi available. So, it was the regular, old-fashion Angry Birds. Of course, I happened to attract a crowd of youngsters. Two kids that sat in front of me had their backs turned on the stage to watch us. Whenever the show had us stand to hymns, one of them would always stare back at us.
The show every year revolved around the same idea. We talked about how Jesus Christ was born on Christmas and sang the same songs as they did every year. The first few years were cool, but since I didn’t perform, I got tired extremely of them fairly quickly. As for the next four years, I starred in two shows, if you counted five-minute performances a show. Except for those years, I felt quite lame although I messed up a lot on both performances. This year, sitting with my friends, wasn’t so fun since the trio I was regularly with was missing a person, and we were forced to stay in the auditorium. For Thanksgiving in the last month, we even were allowed to play Manhunt outside. After that event, my friend’s mom made sure we were always in the light of the church. Next year, I’m totally ditching him.
Every year the best part of the Christmas celebration was the potluck food. However, the annual dinner is not annual anymore. So, my favorite part of the night is now poof! Disappeared. Yeah, yeah, you might say Aiden, you’re so fat! Well, actually, the virus I just got over eliminated 15 pounds/6.8 kg of fat, and my stomach shrunk to the size of a walnut. Like I couldn’t even eat a slice of pizza, I was always starving coming into every meal. At least there’s still dessert after the celebration.
Christmas is a time for fun, sports games, and giving. Well, this year is the same as ever. We say all these things, but how many of those actually come true? Heck, I have hardly gotten a Christmas present from Santa Claus for two years now! At least the NBA games are nice.
以往每次聖誕聯歡最搶眼的當屬各家自備的拿手菜餚,然而從現在開始,節日聚餐已成為過去式,我所熱衷的食品“噗”的一聲!消失得無影無蹤。是也好,不是也罷,有人或許會說:“兒歌,你這麼胖!”實際上,最近由於罹患病毒感染,我已狂甩15磅/13.6斤肥膘,胃口也縮到核桃大小,以至於強塞不進一片比薩餅,難怪每到吃飯的時候我肚子總是飢腸轆轆,幸虧慶典結束之後尚有甜點宵夜可供我打打牙祭。 聖誕節的到來拉開了娛樂、球賽以及奉獻之序幕,今年將一如既往,人們往往信誓旦旦,然而究竟有多少夢想成真?哎喲,迄今我已連續兩年未收到聖誕老人的節日禮物!好在美職籃伴我度過美好時光。
Christmas Eve in History(歷史上的平安夜): 2014 Christmas Eve @ CGCC(2014年神州基督教會平安夜)
2013: Trivia over the Indian Ocean(印度洋上百科知識問答) 2012: Puerto Montt the City of Roses, Chile(智利蒙特港—玫瑰之城) 2009: 新西蘭首都惠靈頓(Capital Wellington, NZ)
Christmas Eve @ China Grace Christian Church (神州基督教會平安夜)
Hymns (唱讚美詩)
Glorious Impossible (《不可思議的榮耀》)
Joy to the World (《普世歡騰救主下降》)
Nativity Skit (聖誕劇)
The Fullness of Grace (《恩典連連》12-24-2015)
O Come, You Ye Faithful (《齊來宗主信徒》)
7th-8th Graders (初二、初三學生 12-24-2015)
Christmas Eve Offering (平安宵夜) Crosslink(相關博文):
7th Grade(初中二年級) |